Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Deck of Cards- Sent in by Sanath Lamabadusuriya

The Deck of Cards

Sent in by Sanath Lamabadusuriya

Did you know that the Traditional Deck of the Playing Cards are a strikingly coherent form of a Calendar?

There are 52 weeks in the year, and so are 52 Playing Cards in a Deck.

There are 13 weeks in each Season, and thus there are 13 cards in each suit.

There are 4 Seasons in a Year and 4 Suits in the Deck.

There are 12 Months in a Year, so there are 12 Court Cards (Those with faces, namely Jack, Queen and King in each suit)

The Red Cards represent the Day, while the Black Cards represent the Night.

If you let Jacks = 11, Queens = 12, and the Kings = 13, then add up all the sums of 1 + 2 + 3 + …to 13 = 91. Multiply this by 4, for the 4 Suits, therefore, 91 x 4 = 364. Add 1 that is the Joker, and you will arrive at the number 365 being the Days in a Year?

Is that a mere coincidence or a greater intelligence?

Of interest is the sum of the letters in all the names of the cards; e.g.: add up the letters in "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King" = 52!

The Spades indicate ploughing/ working.

The Hearts indicates Love thy crops.

The Clubs indicate flourishing and growth.

The Diamonds indicate reaping Wealth.

There is a deeper Philosophy than just merely a Game of Playing Cards. The Mathematical perfection is mind-blowing.

From Speedy: There are several Videos on YouTube on – “The Deck of Cards” with a religious connotation. If you click on the links below, the video will appear in a new tab on your browser.

Some of the best-known are:

Tex Ritter

Jake Saafan:

T Tex Tyler (1948)


  1. trying to recall the Bridge addicts apart from Lama. I founf Bridge too stressful and preferred 304!

  2. Mahendra, I am not a bridge player and I don't like it as well. Now I play gin rummy during most evenings and many years ago I used to play poker.

    1. i got that wrong Sanath I associate Bridge with clever people!

  3. Thank you Lama for your very interesting entry.

    I am reminded of a Country and Western Song that was a hit in the 60ies called the "Deck of Cards by Tex Ritter

    Soldiers had been on a long march and returned to base on a Sunday when they attended a Church Service. All the soldiers pulled out their Bibles or Prayer books except one soldier who pulled out a deck of cards and spread the cards out.
    He was arrested for playing cards in Church and hauled before a disciplinary committee.
    When asked for an explanation of his irreverent action he said
    Sir when I look at the Ace I am reminded that there is but one God
    The 2 reminds me of the two parts of the Holy Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament
    3 reminds me of the Trinity the Father , Son and the Holy Spirit
    4 reminds me of the 4 Gospels Matthew,Mark , Luke and John
    5 of the 5 wise virgins
    6 reminds me that in 6 days God created the Heaven and Earth
    7 reminds me that on the 7th day God rested and called it Holy
    8 reminds me of the 8 righteous people who were saved in the flood Noah his wife, his three sons and their wives
    9 reminds me of the 9 lepers who were healed by Jesus but did not return to thank Him
    10 reminds me of the 10 Commandments
    King reminds me of God the King of Heaven
    Queen reminds me of the blessed Virgin Mary the Queen of heaven
    Jack the knave is the Devil
    So the deck of cards serves as a Bible and a Prayer book to me.
    The soldier wea exonerated.

  4. Above comment was from Suri

  5. Hi Sanath
    Thanks for the interesting article.I fondly remember the "Poker sessions at the Main Quarters during our internship and the lively banter.Sodium.Marius,Russell and Channa were regular participants.
    Suri, I enjoyed listening to the Deck of cards sung by Tex Ritter played sometimes on a sunday afternoon( Sunday Choice) on Radio Ceylon in the good old days.

  6. Bora, your long standing friend, BWR Thomas, is a regular at our Gin Rummy sessions, except on Sundays

  7. Hi Sanath
    Thank you for that article, a reminder of the old Tex Ritter song, as Bora has said ,which was a hit in Ceylon. Although it was popular in the USA in 1948 my recollection is of a much later date when it was on Hit Parade.
    The lyrics are a thoughtful classic compared to the lyrics of today but its melody was pretty basic or non existent.

  8. I hope that the Deck of Cards videos on YouTube were seen, I tried to make it easier by publishing the links within the article. All that was needed was click on the link!
