Sunday, November 14, 2021

Whither our Blog- Speedy

 WHITHER OUR BLOG…..gush, trickle.. ?stop. NO!

Our Blog, in my view, is a success story. With a 10 year uninterrupted history, it is bound to have active periods and lean ones. Currently, we are experiencing a quiet period. I have no doubt that after a period of sound sleep and recuperation, it will wake up with fresh vigour (vigor for the Yankees!).

What can we expect from it?

For the select group of enthusiasts who contribute, I say please continue to do so Do not be put off by the paucity of comments. There are many, in fact, a lot of people including those who are not in our Batch, who access and enjoy the contents. I know that for a fact. I was pleasantly surprised today at a zoom when I spoke to a Royalist who was senior to me who said that he enjoys our blog a lot and makes it a point to read it a few times a month. And, there are many more like him, I am sure.

We must also remember that there are groups within us who have maintained contact since qualifying and find the Blog more useful than others who have accumulated a whole lot of new mud on their shoes in this life journey and do not particularly like to dwell on those past glorious days. This is only human.

Yet another factor to consider is the difficulties that some of you may have faced in trying to post comments. This runs the risk of being misconstrued as apathy.

To my friends who read this but do not post comments or have not indicated that they do access the blog, keep going Sir/Madam! Your ideas are important. The feedback loop all of you are familiar with in physiology operates here too. If you have anything to contribute, all you have to do is to email me or Lucky and I can guarantee that you will be lucky and that you will receive a speedy response!

My Final message is simple.  The Blog was, and still is, a great idea. Let us keep it alive. If you are a contributor, do so in the spirit of just giving and not expecting anything in return. Whether you are a regular or an occasional reader, please continue to do so.

“Long live the Blog”!

Speedy (Act Blog Admin)
























80 (Nov 12.2021)



  1. Mahendra
    I agree with you that the Blog is still a great idea. We should thank Lucky for initiating it and thank you for keeping it alive.
    As you have said after a period of sound sleep and recuperation it will wake up with fresh vigour. Let us hope that this will occour soon.
    Long live the Blog!

    1. It must be winter hibernation,in the North of the Equator and summer in the south. Waky Waky, Aussies & Kiwis.

  2. Thanks for your support Chira...much appreciated.

  3. Wish the blog to last until it succumbs to its natural death.

  4. Well said Mahen! Thanks to Lucky, and now you, it is “Staying Alive.” ( Start singing that song now!) I just posted a comment on Rajan’s Family Update (using my iPad) but I am not sure if it went through.

    1. Srianee, Your comment has been posted on your behalf. Enjoy your break.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Sumathi. You have been a great supporter. I am sure you will continue to do so.

  6. The Blog is a wonderful idea that Lucky initiated. Thank you Mahendra for your efforts to keep it going. The statistics don't look too bad considering that we are battered with bad weather and pandemics. Although many of us are not 'vocal' on the Blog you can be rest assured that the news keeps us entertained and we are appreciative of all who contribute.
    Manel '
    Keep up the good work

  7. Speedy I do admire your commitment and all the work you out in to keep the blog alive. It was a great initiative by Lucky and now you to whom the baton has passed on.
    It keeps us all in touch as well as makes an interesting read.

    I must confess that I am not an active blogger as there are days when I don't even have time to check my messages ... with rushing around with 6 grands as well as continuing in my practice ( though very limited these days )
    Every now and then I make a resolution to be more involved which I am unable to sustain..... But I will try to get more active when time permits ! So please do continue the good work !
