Sunday, September 8, 2024

Gathering in London to greet Chirasri Jayaweera Bandara on Saturday 7th Sept. 2024

Gathering in London to greet Chirasri Jayaweera Bandara on Saturday 7th Sept. 2024

Dr Nihal D Amerasekera 

It was a rather murky day on the 7th of September and Autumn was well on its way. The purpose of this gathering in Gants Hill of the ‘great and the good’ was to welcome Chira Jayaweera Bandara and to congratulate her daughter for gaining her Fellowship in Ophthalmology and wish them both well. The venue was the Mandarin Palace, a plush Chinese restaurant.

Anjali and Chirasri
When looking  for the venue it was most heartwarming to see Harsha Boralessa in the Gants Hill station accompanying Sunil and Sirima Abeysuriya escorting them to the restaurant. We joined Shanthy Nalliah and Mahendra G and went inside the restaurant. The restaurant was lavishly decorated with traditional Chinese wooden carvings and furnishings showcasing the perfect oriental ambience.

After the bear hugs and kisses we took our seats around two large round tables as we waited for our chief guests. As is customary, Chira and her daughter arrived once we had settled in and this was followed by warm greetings to them both. As the food arrived the chatting began and stories emerged of our time together in the faculty. We recalled the years that followed in the profession and also caring for our families. We remembered fondly those absent friends and the ones who have departed this world.

The quality of the food was spectacularly good and so very tasty. There was plenty of it too. In fact, there was so much food that there was enough to take back home for those who wished to do so. The restaurant owner was well known to Harsha and Harshi over several decades. They came to speak with us. The service we received from the waitresses was friendly, very professional and excellent.

It was lovely to see Bernadette and Joe Samaranayake. Bernice and I worked together in the Central Blood Bank in Colombo for 4 years. We caught up some of those lost years. It was so lovely to see Hemanthi and Ranjit Kariyawasam. I hadn’t seen Ranjit since we said our goodbyes in the Faculty lobby in 1967. We spoke of the time in the faculty, our work commitments and our hobbies in retirement. David and Malkanthi Anthonisz were friends of Chira and also of the Boralessa’s. They indeed mixed well with the rest of the crowd. Sunil and Sirima are regulars at our London reunions and it was such a pleasure to see them. We appreciate Mahendra coming all the way from Manchester for our reunions and gatherings. He did keep us amused with his playful and teasing remarks. Shanthy too has attended our meetings at the RSM this year. She always has interesting anecdotes for a good laugh. Chira’ daughter was with us briefly and had to leave due to a prior engagement. Chira mingled with us all and we had the opportunity to speak with her at leisure. Now she is well known for her beautiful paintings on the blog as much as for her services to ophthalmology in Sri Lanka!!

This was a party we all enjoyed. It was a welcome for Chira and it also had the feel of a fine batch reunion. We are all at an age when life is less certain. As always it was sad to say goodbye not knowing when we will meet again. We must all remember the song that was made famous in 1956 – Que sera sera. “Whatever will be will be”. Those words that rang true then, rings true even today. 

We are greatly indebted to Harshi and Harsha Boralessa for the expert manner in the way the meeting and the lunch was organised. The attention to detail, the kindness and the care they both showed us will be long remembered. Here’s a big thank you from us all.

Speedy adds: Grateful thanks to Bora, who did all the work while I did my best to help with notifications, etc. Those present: Harsha and Harshi Boralessa, Chirasri, Mahendra (Speedy), Shanti Nalliah. David and Malkanthi Anthonisz, Bernadette and Joe Samaranayake , Nihal (ND), Ranjit and Hemanthi Kariyawasam, Sunil and Sirima Abeysuriya. (14)- Guest appearance- Anjali-FRCOphth
Ranjit Kariyawasam, Hemanthi K, Bora, Chira, David and Malkanthi Anthonisz

Malkanthi, Sunil, Harshi, Sirima, Speedy, Shanti, ND, Bernadette, Joe

Shanti, Bernadette, Joe, Kari, Hemanthi, Bora, Chira, David, Malkanthi, Sunil, Harshi, Sirima, Mahen

Chira, David, Malkanthi, Sunil, Harshi, Sirima

Speedy and Ranjit Kariyawasam

Speedy and Shanti


  1. Mahendra
    Let me first thank you for publishing this article and also for initiating this get together.
    Thank you very much for being the author of this well written article. We all know that you are talented great writer.
    Harsha and Harshi
    I am ever so grateful to you both for organising this wonderful get together. Everything including the food was fantastic.

    Didn't I feel embarrassed when I was called Chief Guest and I was not allowed to pay for the lunch.
    Thank you very much, all of you for the lovely lunch which I enjoyed very much.
    Oh ! It was great meeting all of you. Many of you I met after a very long time.
    Sunil I met after we passed out. It was nice meeting Sirima.
    Malkanthi from our Peradeniya batch who did Internship at the General Hospital, Colombo was in the same quarters with Harshi, Pram and myself. David and Malkanthi I met after a very long time. David is a very good friend of my brother. They were classmates at STC Mt., batchmates at the Engineering Faculty Peradeniya and room mates.
    Bernie and Joe I met after so long. I have been to their house in Wakefield many years ago.
    Kari too I met after many years. He had been to my house many years ago re his nephew's corneal graft surgery. Kari and Hemanthi were nice enough to take me to their house after the get together. I am being looked after right royally !
    I am greatful to Shanthi for coming for the get together and also for taking me to the Isle of Wight soon.
    I am happy that I was able to introduce all of you to Anjali as she couldn't join us for lunch.
    I am thankful to all of you for coming for the get together and also for the fantastic meal which I enjoyed very much.
    Here's wishing all of you all the very best!

  2. Thank you Nihal for the excellent article. I could not recognise few of them. David Anthonisz was at RPS with us before he migrated to STC. In the early 1970s, I used to visit an aunt of mine, Sita Wickramasuriya who was living at No. 91, Vicars Moor Lane, Winchmore Hill, North London. David's father was living with her.
    I play gin rummy during most evenings. Malkanthi's younger brother Rohan Wirasingha, who is domiciled in Australia, is currently in Colombo and he joins us quite often. I will be meeting in about another hour. David and Malkanthi are probably living in that house in Winchmore Hill.

    1. Sanath,
      Thank you. It was a wonderful occasion. Wish you were there.

  3. Could someone please identify those in the photographs for me

    1. Sanath, I have added captions to the photos.

    2. Lama
      I will help you to identify the poeple there.
      Photo 1 From left to right
      Ranjith Kariyawasam, his wife Hemantha, Bora, Chira David and Malkanthi.
      Photo 2. From left to right
      Malkanthi, Sunil, Harshi, Sirima (Sunil's wife ), Mahendra, Shanthi, Nihal, Bernadette, Joe (Bernie's husband )
      Photo 4.
      Chira and daughter Anjali.

      I think you will be able to identify the poeple in the other photos now.

    3. Mahendra
      I didn't know you have added the captions to the photos. This has happened while I was writing down on a piece of paper the order as Lama had asked for help to identify.
      After I published the list that I noticed Mahendra's captions.

  4. Nihal
    Thank you very much for the accurate description of the welcome lunch for Chira, excellent minutes of the meeting.You highlighted the relevant features and key areas very skilfully in your characteristic style.
    It was nice to meet the batch mates and listen to them recalling the good old days in medical college.
    I was very relieved to read that the food was very tasty and you liked the venue, will give the feed back to the staff and the managers.

    1. Bora, you did really well! The food was fabulous and so was the venue. I thought we mingled well together. It was great to see Kari after such a long time. It was a bit funny as during the initial introductions I got Joe and Kari mixed up and remarked to Joe (who I thought was Kari) how he has completely changed..... and then Kari walked in and the mystery was solved! Kari still had features which I could recognise.

    2. Bora
      The food was gorgeous. I have Chinese food every day and would honestly say the food at the Mandarin Palace was worthy of the occasion. You were indeed a fine master of ceremonies making certain everything went to plan. Well done and Thanks again.

  5. Sanath
    Identification of the guests in the photos.
    Starting from the top, photo No 1
    Left to right : Rangith Kari, Hemanthi Kari, Myself, Chira, David Anthonisz and Malkanthi .A.
    Photo No 2
    Malkanthi, Sunil Abey, Harshi, Sirima Abey, Mahen, Shanthi Nalliah, Nihal,
    Bernie And Joe Samaranayake.
    Photo No 4
    Chira and daughter Anjali.

  6. Mahen
    Glad that you enjoyed the food and the venue and thanks for coming all the way from Manchester.Thanks too for the role you played in organising the event, we worked well as a team.

  7. Sanath
    You are right, David and Malkanthi live on Vicars Moor Lane . David was a class mate of mine at STC.I remember Kumari Wickremasooriya telling us that her aunt was married to David's father ,and was living at VM lane,Winchmore Hill ,this was in the nineteen seveties. Kumari must be a close relative of yours.
    At the moment I am enjoying the feel good factor following the great victory at the Oval ,No doubt you must be very proud too.
    Yesterday( day three of the Test match) Nissanka and Kusal Mendis were batting confidently, entertainingly and in great style.I was watching the match on TV. Nasser H asked his fellow commentator Stuart Broad, what should England do to stem the flow of runs? .Ricky Ponting also in the commentators box shouted "Change the Ball".

  8. Bora, you are quite right. My mother was a Wickramasuriya/ Jayawickreme. and Kumari is a relative of ours. Her brother Keerthi may have been with you at STC .In the early 1970s, I used to visit Aunty Sita W. at Winchmore Hill on Sundays and attend to her garden, have a few drinks and enjoy a super "Buth Curry". I had an old Ford Anglia car and one night, when I was returning to my apartment, I was stopped by the police (routine check) and asked for my name. When I replied "Sanath Lamabadusuriya", the policeman said "if you can pronounce that name of yours, you should be alright, carry on Sir"!

  9. Bora, I really enjoyed watching the third Test match. Pathum Nissanka's innings was excellent and akin to an ODI innings. Were you at the Oval?

  10. Sanath
    Keerthi was at STC,a year junior to me.We recently visited Malkanthi and David, the garden which was familiar to you has now metamorphosed into one of the best in the area.They open the garden to the public on one day every summer and have about seven hundred visitors.You will remember the house but not recognise the garden.I will try to send some photos of the garden to you
    I made arrangements to stay in St Johns Wood for 4 days and go for the Lords test match. Our boys performed so poorly that I got fed after two days and returned home to Brentwood.
    I did not go to the oval but like you really enjoyed watching the match on TV.It is early days for Pathum Nissanka but to me he was more watchable than most of the English batsman, maybe I am biased. Joe Root is a far superior bat than all of them.

  11. Chira
    Your UK batch mates,David ,Malkanthi, Harshi,Sirima,Joe and Hemanthi are very pleased to hear that you enjoyed the lunch and had a great time recalling the good old days. All of us were delighted to meet your lovely daughter and convey our heartiest congratulations on her achievements.You must be a very proud mum, you deserve it. Enjoy the rest of your stay in the UK.

    1. Bora
      Thank you, I enjoyed meeting all of you and the sumptuous lunch you organised. I am glad you all met Anjali. I am so proud of her and very happy I was able to be present at her last success.

  12. Bora, thank you very much for the update regarding Aunty Sita's house. I am glad that I contributed to the garden in a very small way, more than 50 years ago. Aunty Sita had two sisters; Malini was married to Justice T S Fernando and Surangani was married to Dr. K M C de Silva who was a radiologist. K M Cs elder brother Dr. R C de Silva, was married to my elder sister Dilsiri, who was a long standing teacher at Visakha Vidyalaya. Harshi may be able to remember her. I think Harshi's mother was also at VV at that time. Uncle Sam and Aunty Malini did not have any children and Uncle Sam was very fond of me. He is the person who introduced me to play cards; when I was about five years old, he taught me to play a card game called Marriage. He gifted me a pack of cards in which the four suites had the photos of the soccer players of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
    Yesterday I played Gin Rummy with my friends and Malkanthi's brother Rohan Wirasinghe was also there. I will probably meet him today as well. B W R Thomas is another regular player.

  13. Hi Speedy,
    Thanks for the captions on the photographs. I was able to identify all of them earlier , but was a bit confused about Malkanthi and David as I could not recall them a batch mates. Reading thro the comments I gather they were Pera grads

    I have fond memories of the rest especially Rangith Kariyawasam ,being a " K "myself...we were always in the same Signature groups and Ward Classes.Havent met him since student days ! Have been able to be in touch Bora, Harshi, Sunil , Srima, ND, and Shanthi and of course You
    So glad you could reconnect and go down memory lane. Keep up the good work !
    Love Suri
