Wednesday, August 28, 2024




Although both these fluttering insects come under the Classification LEPIDOPTERA, they possess many differences that classify them as a Butterfly or a Moth.

(The above differences are given in detail in the previous post). Here is the link if you want to access it easily: -

Butterflies can be found in nearly all types of habitats, including deserts, wetlands, grassland, forest and alpine. Some butterflies in the Family Lycaenidae spend part of their lives underground! Moths are found everywhere, from the seaside to almost bare mountain tops, in fact, wherever there are plants for caterpillars to eat. (This is also part of what I wrote in detail in my earlier post.) 



  1. Mahendra
    Thank you ever so much for taking a lot of care and trouble to publish my paintings.
    We all should be thankful to Lucky for initiating the Blog and to Mahendra for maintaining the Blog alive. The Blog keeps all batchmates in contact with each other and informs us when batchmates are leaving us.
    Long live our Blog !

    1. Hi Chira,
      Once again you amaze and delight us with your paintings. Your attention to detail and the delicate, inticate, reproductions
      of Butterflies and Moths are truly delightful.
      Keep on painting Chira it's a marvelous gift... and what's most impressive is that it's a hobby you started not so long ago. Just shows it's never too late if you really want to achieve something!

    2. Suri
      Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it greatly.
      It is sheer perseverance that made do these paintings to my satisfaction. You might be surprised that the very 1st painting here I had to discard and do another one and the last one here I nearly did the same.Suri if there is a will there is a way.

  2. Chira
    These are yet another marvellous collection of paintings. How on earth do you get the inspiration to draw those intricate details so precisely. Every spot and splash of colour in every wing is done with such great care. The bodies and limbs are so well crafted to look so real. These moths and butterflies are beautiful and colourful. They are so life like, as if they are perched temporarily waiting to fly away.
    I hope you do not give up painting for your embroidery. Do them both. Sri Lankan birds are beautiful and colourful. You may wish to draw them too. Of course the local landscapes are pretty and world famous. You are indeed spoilt for choice if you have the will to paint.
    Well done Chira.

  3. I agree with comments made so far. They are not only beautiful works of art but we can also see how much work has gone into them to capture the intricate detail. Betrays a patient and "attention-to-detail" personality. Keep painting Chira!

  4. Nihal
    Thank you very much for your lovely comment which I appreciate greatly.
    I value your statement ' that they are so lifelike as if they are perched temporarily waiting to fly away.'
    If you go back you will see that I have painted 30 birds. Where landscapes are concerned I don't think I could paint them beautifully.

  5. Mahendra
    Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it greatly.
    So you have gauged my personality as patient and 'attention - to - detail ' !
    Thank you very much for publishing 208 paintings of mine. What more can I paint.

  6. Chira
    Thank you very much for presenting these wonderful paintings.I am amazed at the precise reproduction of these intricate patterns. Agree with Nihal , looks very life like.See you soon.

  7. Bora
    Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it greatly.
    I enjoy painting and gets a lot of pleasure when my paintings resemble the original.
    Looking forward to seeing you all on the 7th.Sept. I am very thankful to you for organising the get together.

  8. Chira, thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings of butterflies and moths once again. They are gorgeous! George Carlin said " The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity!"
    It is the same creature, but until he or she turns into this colorful, flashy version, no one pays attention! Rather like humans, isn't it?
    Enjoy your trip to the UK and your get together with friends. Congratulations to your daughter as well!

    1. Srianee
      Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings and all the encouragements. I value them greatly.
      I am eagerly waiting to meet my daughter and also our batchmates at the get together on the 7th of September.
      When are you coming to Sri Lanka ?

  9. Dear Chira, You have shared with us yet another exquisite set of your paintings of moths & butterflies. With your fine artistic skills you have showcased the beauty of these flying insects for us to enjoy. It is a delight to see your paintings. please excuse me for the late visit to view them.
    Wish you a safe and enjoyable trip to attend your daughter's fellowship convocation.
    Manel W

    1. Manel
      Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it greatly. I am happy that you enjoy looking at my paintings. I really enjoy painting them. This is my last lot.
