Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sad news that Primrose (Nee Jayasinghe) has passed away

Sad news that Primrose Wijayawardhana(Nee Jayasinghe) has passed away.

Chirasri Jayaweera Bandara informed me that she heard from Primose’s daughter, Mihirinie, that Primrose had passed away during a brief hospital admission at the Lincoln Hospital in UK.

I will post more details as I receive them. The photo is from the Batch Sig collection in the 40th Anniversary Reunion Souvenir, 2007

I remember her as a very beautiful, charming person and a talented and accomplished singer. Sadly, our paths did not cross since then.

She is the 58th in our batch to pass away.

Please join me in passing on our sincere condolences to the family.

The photo sent by her daughter Mihirinie was taken in December 2023 at the SLBC music archives. Primrose holds the original "Mula Muhuda" recording, her Nava Nishpadanaya.

Many of you commented on Primrose's singing ability. ND referred to the SLBC programme "Lama Pitiya", which was succeeded by "Lama Uyana". Other famous singers who appeared were Malika Kahavita and Sidney Artigala. 

Primrose started her YouTube Channel in April 2024. This is the link:-

YouTube cover photo on the (L).

Update August 13th 2024

The Island article is shown below. Thanks to Chira.

A photo of young Primrose at a concert, held at the Commonwealth Institute in the mid-90s, sent by Harsha Boralessa


  1. So sad to hear of Primrose' s demise. She was a lovely , lively girl with a beautiful singing voice. She was a popular Radio Artiste.
    I remember her being called the
    " Mighty Atom " by Prof Koch after a presentation she made in the Physiology Lecture theatre.
    My heartfelt sympathies to Upul and her family. May she attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana

  2. I am deeply saddened to hear that Primrose Wijewardene nee de S Jayasinghe has passed away. I have heard of that name long before I met Primrose at the faculty from the ever-popular evening children's programme on the radio called "Lama Pitiya" - if my memory serves me right. Primrose had a beautiful singing voice and was a gifted performer. Her father was a popular politician in those early days, post-independence.
    Primrose was a friendly soul in the faculty and sailed through the difficult examinations with consummate ease. After the great dispersal in 1967 I never met her until when I attended a batch get together held in London. Primrose was an organiser and showed great kindness to me and my wife during the event.
    I have been in touch with Upul Wijewardene through our writings to the local newspapers in Sri Lanka. When I wrote about the batch or the faculty occasionally I got a message from Primrose through Upul that she enjoyed reading my narrative.
    Upul and Primrose lived in Grimsby in Lincolnshire and simply too far away to attend our London reunions. Hence we never had the opportunity to see her. But I will always remember her smiling face and the kindness she radiated.
    I send my deepest condolences to Upul and the family at this time of grief.
    May she find the ultimate bliss of Nirvana.

    1. I honestly cannot recall "Lama Pitiya" (I wonder if Lama can!) but a bit of research showed that you were absolutely right. Radio Ceylon's children's programme 'Lama Pitiya' had many significant people associated with it such as Nadee Dissanayake, Nanda Malini and “Karu” (Karunaratne Abeysekera). Karu was discovered in the pgroramme when it was hosted by U A S Perera also known as “Siri Aiya”. The famous Nanda Malini was just nine years old when she sang her first song, 'Budu Saadu,' over' Lama Pitiya'. Primrose apparently appeared in the programme regularly and was undoubedly a hit.

    2. Mahendra
      It was a shock when Primrose's daughter Mihirini called and said that Primrose was admitted to hospital, she has had a fall, had a cardiac arrest and expired.I couldn't believe when she gave this sad news. She was suffering from Cholecystitis for a couple of weeks.
      She was a yery good friend of mine. She was a lovable, lively person with a great voice. She had many cassettes under her name. She had given me a cassette with many lovely songs which I enjoyed listening.
      We studied together during College days. Manel Hetti too studied with me. Nisha, Lalani too joined at times.
      I was bridesmaid with Nisha, Indrani and Kusma Pathiraja at Primrose's wedding.
      Mihirini was my flower girl at my wedding.
      Primrose was at my place for dinner last December with some others.
      Primrose and Mihiri were here in May this year. She was her usual self with full of fun and laughter. I just can't imagine she is no more.
      Primrose, Mihirini and myself had planned to go to the Isle of Wight on the 23rd of September.
      I am very sad to loose such a lovely, close friend. She never failed to visit me whenever she came to Sri Lanka. I will miss her very much.
      May she attain the blissful Nirvana.

  3. I am very sad to hear about Primrose passing away. She was a very soft spoken clever girl in our batch. Please convey my condolences to her family. Thanks . Shanthy

  4. I am so sorry to hear that yet another of your batchmates ie Primrose has passed away.
    Please convey my sympathies to members of her family.
    May her soul rest in peace.

  5. So sorry to hear about Primrose. Didn’t know she was I’ll. Please convey our deepest sympathies to Upul & the family. Sunil Abeysuriya

  6. Mahendra, thank you for the information.Please convey my sincere condolences to Upul and his family. Sanath Lamabadusuriya

  7. Mahen, thanks for letting us know. That is sad news, indeed. Condolences to her family. Srianee Dias

  8. Yes I too just heard the sad news. A private family funeral apparently. She died at the Lincoln hospital. Pram Senanayake

  9. It was so sad to hear the passing away of another of our valued colleagues. She was all that as averred by our friends; cheerful, friendly, helpful. Primrose was ever willing to take up the mantle and do it ably as evidenced by Prof Koch’s remark. As I recall many of our female colleagues were very eloquent and easy to listen to.
    Being long time residents of Nikape/ Bellanwila our father and family knew her father and uncle well. They had done an indispensable service to our area .Her uncle S.De S Jayasinghe was our MP beating the redoubtable Colvin Silva. It was he who championed the establishment of Colombo South hospital and the Dehiwala Central School.
    Although Primrose and I did not meet after qualifying, I was associated with her husband Upul in the Cardiology unit in Colombo. He was a good mentor. We have kept in touch, though infrequently. Kanthi and I have emailed our condolences to him.
    May Primrose have a short Samsaric journey and attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.

  10. The above was by Kumar.

  11. Chira sent me information published in the local WhatsApp group, Forever 62. Condolences from
    Sura- "May she attain nibbana. So sad yo hear this today."
    Kusuma - "May she attain nirvana"
    and a link to anarticle in the Island news paper

  12. Primrose and Upul were involved with Buddhist activities. This clip is one such commendable one.----
    What is Grantham Meditation Group?

    Grantham Meditation Group was set up to satisfy a long-felt need, helping those who wished to practice Mindfulness Meditation. Pandula Abey, Kumari & Sunil Silva and Primrose & Upul Wijayawardhana, long-term residents of Grantham, realising this need, invited Venerable Teldeniyaye Amitha, Head of Shanthi Vihara and Meditation Centre, to visit Grantham monthly to conduct meditation classes, which he readily accepted. As there were a number of non-Buddhists, too, who wished to participate, it was decided to conduct the meditation sessions as a secular practice.

    1. Kumar
      As you know Grantham was the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton and Mrs Margret Thatcher.

  13. Mahen, thank you as always, for keeping us informed and connected. I would like to add to the very brief message that I posted on the WhatsApp group. That is hardly adequate. I was very sad to hear about Primrose's sudden death, which must be very difficult for. her family.
    Chira, since you are in touch with the family I hope you will be able to share our condolences with Upul and the rest of the family.. My sympathies to you as well because you have lost a close friend, and you even had plans to do something fun with her. I was quite friendly with Primrose during our student days, but lost touch after we went our separate ways. She was a lovely, cheerful person. Petite, but powerful in her own way! I knew of her singing talent, but I don't own any of her cassettes. I will honor her by listening to her singing on YouTube.
    May she be blessed and attain Nirvana.

    1. Srianee. Your description of Primrose as "petite" is spot on! She was petite, delicate, charming and very feminine in the nicest possible way.

  14. Srianee
    Thank you.
    During my Postgraduate studies in UK I have been to Primrose's house in Kent earlier and later Granthum several times.
    In 1992 I did a Consultant locum in Bangor, North Wales. Primrose, Upul and the two children came and spent a weekend with us. At that time Ranjit and my two children were also there. We all went to Anglesey and visited Plas Newydd, we saw 17metres long murals. Rex Whistler's breathtaking exquisite paintings are world famous that I am hoping to go there again when I go to to UK in September.
    I was in UK in 1998 doing a locum and went to Jersey one of UK Channel Islands with Primrose and Mihirinie. We went there by plane and hired a car. Mihirinie drove us around and we had Hi fun.
    I cannot imagine that Primrose has left us and I will miss her very much.
    May she attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana

  15. From Bandula Jayasekera- Another beloved colleague has left us for good. Good Bye, Primrose. !
    May she attain her Eternal Wish !

  16. FROM BORA: Harshi and I were both very sad to hear the sudden passing away of our batchmate Primose. Many years ago I used to meet her quite frequently in London at the Devi Balika PPA Committee Meetings. In the mid nineties we participated in a Variety Entertainment Concert at the Commonwealth Institute.
    This was a fundraiser for Devi Balika. Both of us participated in this concert in two different acts: Primrose sang a beautiful Sinhala song whilst we danced the Kafferinha.
    Please pass our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Upul and family.

  17. Mahes My condolences to Upul and family .

  18. Do any of you recognise the other artistes in the last photo where Primrose is performing?

  19. This message is from Upul who sent it to Chira for publication.

    Thank you very much for sending the link to your 'Batch-blog'.
    At this hour of our great distress, it was comforting to read the affectionate comments of Primrose's batch mates.
    Our children join me in thanking them all, and special thanks go to you for the initiative taken and Mahendra for editing.

  20. Sorry to hear of the passing of Primrose . My Sincere condolences to Upul and the rest of her family .
    Mahen and Chirasri, Thank you for making us aware of all her talents and good work - a life lived well- May she attain Nibbana .
