Saturday, May 1, 2021


 Rajan and Queelan Ratnesar celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary

A Golden Wedding Anniversary is a significant and tremendous milestone in the life of a married couple. Many in our Batch have achieved it and on the 17th of April 2021, Rajan and Queelan celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

The 50th Wedding Anniversary is so-called because an ancient tradition called for a husband to give his beloved wife a golden necklace, garland or wreath on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The “gold” symbol represents the health and strength of the marriage. The other Wedding anniversary names common to most nations include: Wooden (5th), Tin (10th), Crystal (15th), China (20th), Silver (25th), Pearl (30th), Ruby (40th), Golden (50th), and Diamond (60th)

I requested Rajan (“Patas”) to send me a short introduction to my post in the Blog and he very kindly obliged. Here is the man himself, let us put our hands together and give the “old” couple a round of applause and wish them many more years of wedded bliss!

Lads and Lassies, I present to you the Golden lad- Rajendra Ratnesar!

Hello friends, my wife Queelan and I had the privilege of joining the club of those who had reached the golden anniversary of married life a few days ago. Mahindra who my children have known as 'Uncle Speedy", requested that I share the celebration with our batch mates in the blog. I know many of you have already reached this goal, and to them all my congratulations, for I know and lived through "all the scenes in life in troubles and in joys". As you see from the photographs my grandchildren are still young and they are my joy and pleasure. Unfortunately, they do not live close, so we have to travel to see them as often as we can.

Our children asked us "what is the secret to our marriage?” Our answer was “our faith”.


Their eldest daughter Neethi is a Physician and practices Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in san Diego. Their son Romesh is a Journalist and was Editor or the Time magazine, later worked as Chief of Staff to the Under-secretary of State at the State Department, and now works on the editorial board at the Bloomberg Businessweek, and the youngest Meera completed her doctorate in Education and is the Head of a school in Los Angeles.

They have five grandchildren with ages ranging from 1 and a half to 5 years.


  1. Congratulations Queelan and Rajan- How wonderful !
    I wish you many many more years of glorious wedded bliss.

  2. Rajan.I was not a close associate of yours during medical school days but has not forgotten funny incidents during days of Anthos
    ward classes.Congradulations on your Golden wedding.You are a true Christian.

  3. Rajan and Queelan
    Many congratulations on this remarkable achievement of the Golden Anniversary. May you both be blessed with many more years of good health and happiness to enjoy the love of your family and friends.
    Best Wishes

  4. Dear Rajan and Queelan,

    Please accept our sincere congratulations on reaching the landmark Golden Wedding Anniversary. Even when I visited you in Castro Valley, I missed meeting your children. I still have the autographed copy of "Tear Down this Wall" authored by your son Romesh that you gifted to me on that occasion. Although I have never met him, I was always an admirer of his writing even when he was Deputy Managing Editor of Time magazine.

    Lucky and Mangala

  5. Dear Rajan and Queelan,
    Please accept my heartiest congratulations for achieving this remarkable milestone.

  6. Rajan and Queelan, I have great pleasure in joining the rest of our batch in congratulating you both on achieving this great milestone of your Golden Wedding Anniversary! What beautiful photos you have provided us with! May you both go on for many more years in good health and enjoying your lovely family growing up around you! From Zita

  7. Congratulations Queelan and Rajan,that really is a wonderful milestone to reach.We have not been to California in a long time , but fondly recall the good times to together in your Castro valley home , over dinner.We sincerely wish you both many more years together.
    Indra & Devarani

  8. Congratulations Queelan and Rajan,that really is a wonderful milestone to reach.We have not been to California in a long time , but fondly recall the good times to together in your Castro valley home , over dinner.We sincerely wish you both many more years together.
    Indra & Devarani

  9. Thank you all, Rohini,Sumathi,Lucky,ND, Lama,Zita and Indra for your kind wishes. Kumar wrote to me he too celebrated his golden anniversary earlier this year.How fast time has gone, it seems just the other day we entered the Medical faculty, and inspite of the hardship it was enjoyable days. I always enjoyed the reunion recalling the past trying our hands at cricket and still trying to dance the night our way.As many of have experienced marriage has its challenges and to survive has to have a super power guiding us so I think. Thanks again for your thoughts and wishes. Rajan

  10. Dear Rajan and Queelan, Congratulations on reaching 50 years of wedded bliss! How is that possible when you both appear to be 45 years old, or maybe 55 years? Anyway, I want to convey my warmest wishes for many more years together in good health. Stay in touch and let's hope to meet in person before too long. Srianee (Bunter)

  11. Hi!, Srianee, what is the secret of theirs, younger looks.Have received nectar from Heaven?

  12. As readers are aware, I continue to manage the blog till Lucky is able to resume. All posts will still appear as “Posted by Lucky Abey” although I post them. . The golden anniversary message and wishes for example was posted by me, Speedy.

  13. Rajan and Queelan
    Heartiest Congratulations on your Golden Wedding. May you and Queelan have many more years of happy married life together and also with your children and grand children. Chira

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Dear Rajan and Queelan my heartiest congratulations to both of you on reaching this significant milestone. May God Shower His Blessings on you as you journey on together in life. I can do no better than to quote the Psalmist " Blessed are all they that fear the Lord and walk in His ways ..... "
    Psalm 128. Lots of love Suri
