Saturday, May 11, 2024

MY PAINTINGS OF FRUITS (4)- Chirasri Jayaweera Bandara



I have given the scientific name of each. As I have indicated before, some of the claimed Health Benefits as described may not be strictly scientifically verified and are debatable. Some claims are highly generalised and open to question. Readers can make up their own minds, and I await your feedback. 


Antioxidant fruit benefits

Epidemiological prospective studies show that higher intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits are associated with a lower risk of chronic oxidative stress-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, carcinoma and death from all causes. 

Benefits of Antioxidants

1.      Reduce oxidative stress

2.      Support disease prevention

3.      Support Eye Health

4.      Aid in brain function

5.      Contribute Mental health improvements

6.      Reduce inflammation

7.      Support healthy ageing processes

PLUMS  23  Scientific name Prunus domestic        APPLES  24   Scientific name   Malus domestica


PEACHES 25  Scientific name Prunus persica         APRICOTS  26 Scientific name Prunus armaniaca


  PEARS 27  Scientific name Pyrus communis               CHERRIES 28  Scientific name Prunus aviam

GRAPES 29 Scientific name Vitis vinifera        KIWI FRUIT 30  Scientific name Actinidia deliciosa 

23   PLUMS

Scientific name  Prunus domestica

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         Improve Constipation

·         Improve Osteoporosis. Prunes ( dried plums) may help reduce bone     

·         Loss and may even preserve it

·         May help lower Blood sugar

·         May benefit heart health

·         Lowering BP and Cholesterol levels 


Scientific name   Malus domestica

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         Healthy digestion

·         Weight management

·         Stabilises Blood sugar

·         Lowers Cholesterol

·         Reduces BP

·         Boosts heart health

·         Decreases risk of Cancer 


Scientific name Prunus persica

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         May aid digestion

·         May improve heart health

·         May protect skin

·         May prevent certain type of Cancer

·         Protection against damage from smoking

·         Obesity Management  


Scientific name  Prunus armaniaca

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         May support gut health

·         May support Cardiovascular system

·         May help manage high BP

·         May protect the Liver

·         May support youthful skin

·         Protect against Diabetes 

27   PEARS

Scientific name Pyrus communis

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         May offer Anticancer effects

·         May promote gut and heart health

·         Improve BP

·         Aid weight loss

·         Reduce Cholesterol

·         Linked to a lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes

·         Eating Pears regularly may also reduce risk of Strokes 


Scientific name Prunus aviam

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         May enhance recovery after exercise

·         Cancer prevention

·         Heart health

·         Have a low Glycemic Index (GI) Score. May help manage Blood sugar

·         May lower BP

·         May lower Cholesterol

·         May help sleep

 29   GRAPES

Scientific name  Vitis vinifera

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         May aid heart health

·         May have anticancer effects

·         May protect against Diabetes & lower Blood sugar levels

·         May support Bone health

·         May improve memory, attention and mood 


Scientific name Actinidia deliciosa

Properties in addition to the above benefits of Antioxidants 

·         Support digestive health. Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome

·         Low Glycemic Index. Good for Diabetes

·         May benefit heart health

·         Lower BP

·         Reduce Cholesterol

·         Support weight management

·         Cancer prevention

·         Respiratory wellbeing 


  1. Mahendra
    Thank you very much for taking a lot of trouble and care, posting this 4th instalment of fruits. I am very grateful to you for the effort taken.
    You are great in doing your best to keep our Blog alive. I wish more people take part.I am sure it will make you happy. All the best.

  2. Chira
    Yet another fine collection of paintings and descriptions, Thank you. These colourful drawings helps me to concentrate on natures wonderful gifts to us all. You have indeed captured their beauty perfectly.

    1. Nihal
      Thank you very much for your comment. You always post comments appreciating my paintings. I value them greatly.
      Yes, they are wonderful gifts of nature. In addition fruits are beneficial to all of us healthwise. We enjoy eating them as they delicious.

  3. Chira, Many thanks and congratulations for another masterpiece ,which I enjoyed reading very much. I think all fruits benefit constipation. The Guava has the highest content of protein and the Banana and Avocado, the highest carbohydrate content. The Jak fruit is the heaviest of them all. "Kos" Dias from Panadura, popularised Kos by importing millions of it's seeds from Malaysia and distributing it free of charge across the country. I think it took place in the 1930s; he did it to prevent famine during the Great Depression.

  4. Lama
    Thank you very much for your comment. I value it greatly.
    I am glad you enjoyed reading it.
    I agree with you that fruits benefit constipation. I feel Papaw, sour plantains, Avacardo and Prunes help constipation very much.
    Fruits are delicious and the Jackfruit seed curry is very tasty.

  5. The oldest Breadfruit tree is found within the Fort in Galle, close to the ramparts, near the court houses. It is still bearing fruit; the Dutch planted it so as to provide an inexpensive source of carbohydrate for the workers who constructed the ramparts.

  6. Thanks for that info Sanath. When you explore these fruits more you discover all sorts of things. I thought Kiwi Fruit gets its name because it is from New Zealand. But the history is a bit more complicated.
    Kiwifruit is native to central and eastern China. Early varieties cultivated in China, were described in a 1904 nursery catalogue as having "...edible fruits the size of walnuts, and the flavour of ripe gooseberries", leading to the name Chinese gooseberry. Cultivation of kiwifruit spread from China in the early 20th century to New Zealand

    In 1962, New Zealand growers began calling it "kiwifruit" (Māori: huakiwi) due to its fuzzy appearance similar to a kiwi for export marketing. The name was first registered by Turners & Growers on 15 June 1959 and later commercially adopted in 1974. In New Zealand and Australia, the word "kiwi" alone either refers solely to the bird or is used as a nickname for New Zealanders; it is almost never used to refer to the fruit. Kiwifruit has since become a common name for all commercially grown green kiwifruit from the genus Actinidia.

    1. Mahendra
      Thank you very much for educating us on the the Kiwi fruit. I have heard during cricket commentries the word ' Kiwi ' being used referring to New Zealanders.

  7. New Zealand cricketers are also called Black Caps. NZ rugby team's nickname is All Blacks The Australian national Rugby Union team is called Wallabies. South African Rugby Union team is called Springboks. The South African cricket team is called Proteas. Australian cricket team is called Baggy Greens. The England cricket team is called Three Lions.
    Please suggest an appropriate nickname for the Sri Lankan cricket team.

    1. Sanath
      I have heard Sri Lankan cricketers called ' Lions '

    2. I too have heard the SL Cricketers called the Lions. Perhaps they should be called "The Asian Lions"!

    3. Why not leopards? Ah, but we have a lion on our national flag, don't we? And Lions is a shorter word!

  8. The drawings are beautiful Chira as always. I was unaware that apricots, peaches and cherries were of the same Genus. The fruits look luscious and enticing!
    Mahendra your contribution on the naming of the Kiwi fruit was interesting.Thank you both for enriching our knowledge.

    1. Manel
      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I value it greatly.
      All these fruits are delicious, so I wanted them to look luscious and enticing.

  9. Mahendra and Chira, there are no wild Lions in Asia; found only in Africa. Therefore, Asian Lions would be a misnomer!

    1. That is of course true Sanath. I was thinking more from a historical perspective. After all we have the Lion in our flag!

  10. Hi Chira, Once again you have astounded us by your colorful and realistic paintings as well as educating us on their beneficial effects.Thank you . We are so blessed in Sri Lanka to have such an abundant variety of fruit.
    Thank you Speedy for your fascinating account of how the Kiwi fruit was named.

  11. Suri
    Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I value it greatly.
    Although all the above fruits are not available in the fresh form in Sri lanka, they are all available in some form or other. Aren't we lucky. My favourite is Prunes. It is very good for constipation.

  12. Chira, thank you once again for your contribution of the lovely paintings of fruits. Mahen and Sanath, thank you for all that interesting information about breadfruit trees and kiwi fruits. Who knew?
    Let's take a vote on whether the cricket team should be nicknamed Sri Lankan lions or leopards! Once we decide we should start a campaign for that!

  13. Srianee
    Thank you very much for your comment. I value it greatly.
    I have heard Sri Lankan cricketers called Lions. I think they could be called Sri Lankan Lions.
