Monday, March 21, 2022

Mini-reunion at Lucky's - 18th March 2022 Sri Lanka

Mini-reunion at Lucky’s home in Sri Lanka on Friday 18th March 2022

From Srianee Dias

It was a beautiful, sunny and warm (no surprise there!) afternoon in Colombo when I joined Indra and Rani Anandasabapathy in a Kangaroo Cab and made our way through dense midday traffic to Lucky and Mangala Abeyagunawardene’s beautiful home.  We joined Senarat and Hemantha Jayatilake, Sanath Lamabadasuriya and Sura Fernando, and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch as is the usual case at Lucky and Mangala’s home.  It was a lovely intimate setting with the flowering wisteria just outside the door.  The conversation was lively and interesting as usual.  It was lovely to meet even a handful of my batch mates after two long years.

Indra Anandasabapthy who sent the photographs adds: - Thanks Sura Fernando for more photos

A great meal as is usual and company followed by a tour of their beautiful garden.

Left to right facing camera , Dr Senerath Jayatilleke, wife Hemantha, Dr Srianee Dias Fernando, host Mangala Abeyagunewardene , back to camera right to left Prof Sanath Lamabadusuriya, Devarani Anandasabapathy, Dr Surangani Fernando

  "Permission to speak Sir!"


  1. Srianee
    Thank you for the write-up about the wonderful get together. So lovely to see so many join despite the many issues to keep us apart. Thanks Indra - A picture is worth a thousand words. Everyone looks well and happy and long may it last. I will raise a glass to your good health.

  2. Great to see friends. Wish there were more and wish evenmore that I was there! Lucky and Pram are wonderful hosts to our group and it was good to see the Blog Initiator Lucky. We are indeed Lucky to have Lucky! Thanks Srianee for the text and Indra for the photos.

  3. Srianee
    Thank you very much for letting us know the lovely time you had with the few of our batch mates and spouses at Lucky's place.
    Thank you very much for the photos which make it so valuable.
    Thank you very much for your invitation which I couldn't accept due to many reasons as I told you. I wish I was there to enjoy.
    We are all grateful to you Lucky for initiating our Blog which keeps our batch mates together and to Mahendra for keeping it alive.

  4. Thanks again Lucky snd Mangala for organizing this very lovely lunch. During my stay in Colombo I was able to catch up with several batch mates on the phone. Being in the same time zone helped. But if I hadn't gone to Lucky and Mangala's home that afternoon, I would not have met anyone face to face and I would have felt cheated!
    As usual, my getaway had a little bit of added excitement! We were minutes from our descent to Hamburg (where I will be staying for a week) when the Captain announced "There is a disabled aircraft blocking the only operating runway in Hamburg, so we have to detour to Copenhagen and await further instructions from Emirates!" The thoughts that went through my mind briefly were, "Will this be overnight? Will we have to take a train and a ferry?" I quickly reminded myself that this situation was beyond my control and continued watching my movie!. My only concern was to get a message across to my daughter who was probably already on her way to the airport! Fortunately, after about an hour we were soon airborne and on our way to Hamburg 40 minutes away.

    1. Phew! and Phew again Srianee. Adventure and excitement seems to follow you. Glad your story ended happilly.

  5. I added more photos, taken by Sura and sent to me by Srianee. The food looks delicious and I am sure it was!

  6. The food is gorgeous. Is there a way to send me a bit of everything by WhatsApp?
    Srianee: you have a knack of attracting disruption on your trips. I must make it a point to avoid the flights you take to keep away from trouble!!! Well done for making it to Hamburg, tired but safe and sound.

  7. Nihal, Sending food via WhatsApp would be fantastic! It is quite possible that sometime in the future we may be able to "beam" objects and even ourselves as they did in the TV series "Star Trek." I think your decision to stay away from my flight plans is a wise decision! I have a few more flights to take before I get to Connecticut. Who knows where I will end up?

    1. Srianee
      Delivered by WhatsApp - Food for thought!!
      Enjoy Spring in Hamburg and the Summer in Connecticut.

  8. I wish I could have been there not just the great company, but the delicious Sri lankan home cooked food. Bunter I hope you had your fill have a safe trip back.

    1. Good to see you back on the Blog after a lapse Rajan. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  9. Rajan
    You were with us in spirit on our big day in London. Take care my friend and keep in touch
