Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Journey of Life- Speedy Gonsalkorale

 The Journey of life

by Mahendra Speedy Gonsalkorale

Wading through
Wading through
So hard to fight
So hard to fight
Water rushing past me
Water nearly toppling me
Trying to push me back
I am tiring
But not weakening
I am trying
trying hard
Getting dark 
and dismal
Won’t stop now

A floating tree trunk
Whizzes past me
Nearly hit me
Going uphill now
Will I get there?
The current is strong
But I keep wading
The journey of life
Can be tough
Wading through 
regardless of obstacles
Keep going 
Keep going
till you find
That oasis
your true love


  1. Mahen
    Thank you for your thoughts on this dull and dismal winters day. As a septuagenarian the poem describes my thoughts perfectly as I wade through life. The obstacles increase in size and number with the passage of years. It is tiresome at times but we must carry on. We also see our friends passing through dodging the tree trunks, some happily on their way while others sadly falling away. Sometimes it is a comfort and at other times a burden to know that we have done this since we took our first breath in this uncertain world. I simply say to myself “SUCH IS LIFE”. But then where are we heading and what is at the source of the stream – heaven, hell or simply infinity, oblivion or nothingness.
    Will there be WhatsApp over there to send a message??

    1. Thanks Nihal. You expressed in prose my thoughts in poetry! I had a good friend called Thomas who summed up life thus "Life can truly be a bugger at times".

  2. Mahendra
    You have expressed your thoughts in a lovely poem. Well done.
    Journey of life may be difficult but we have to face it. what ever comes our way, we have to accept it.
    Let us look at the better, brighter side of it. Let us be happy and make the best use of it. No point sulking about it.
    Keep smiling, enjoy life and laugh.
    Laughter is the best Medicine. Being doctors shouldn't we say so ?
    Smile, laugh and be happy.

    1. Thanks, Chira. Glad you liked it. I agree with your positive outlook, it is the only way. Keep smilinhg, enjoy and laugh you said- very true indeed! All the best for 2022

  3. Thank you Speedy for your poem

    It really hits the nail on the head.... We just need to press on though disheartened and discouraged at times , doubting if we can ever reach the goal we have set ourselves....
    The secret ofcourse as you state is to press on just taking one step at a time. And never never giving up and loosing faith in yourself.

    Very appropriate at the end of an year when we are taking stock of ourselves... our successes and failures and standing at the threshold of a new year with it's challenges and opportunities.

    1. Hi Suri, good to see you on the blog. You have always had a positive attitude and your comment came as no surprise. Look after yourself and pass on my regards to the "other" Mahendra! All the best for 2022.

  4. Hello Mahen,
    Your lovely, pithy poem reflects my philosophy of life as well. One must keep forging ahead, and as Suri has observed "one step at a time." The imagery of walking on through rapidly rushing water somehow seems to fit; time is rushing by, but we have to keep going.

    1. Glad you like my poem and the imagery. The journey is tough, obstacles are inevitable BUT... it can be done!

  5. Mahen
    I wish your excellent and poignant poem was left at the forefront of the blog for longer although I realise it is still easily accessible. Unlike prose, poems need more time to sink into people’s psyche and has to be read several times over many days. I’m certain you know what I mean. Poems although just a few lines and much fewer words than prose convey a great deal more. We are all aware of the lively imagery and the immense power of poetry.
    Nature has that innate power and ability to show us what life is all about as you have shown us in this poem.

    I recall the words of Dylan Thomas:
    A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe, helps to extend everyone's knowledge of himself and the world around him.

    I return to something I’ve mentioned before. You should not feel that as the Blog manager you must neither be seen or heard and remain in the background as a ghostly figure, behind the iron curtain.
