Sunday, April 1, 2018

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Please click on the picture to enlarge.
This here is PASSIFLORA. You guessed it? This is the RED variety of the common Passion flower.

 Found in Sri Lanka too, but quite rare. As children we used to remove the individual flowers and spin the stems making the flower to mimic a helicopter wing during flight.

Thunbergia grandiflora ( purple variety )
This purple variety- a prolific climber is common in Colombo, there is a WHITE one I have not seen in Sri Lanka. 


  1. This is a welcome sight when visiting the Blog, to see these beautiful plants and the view through the trees, Indra. I can't ever hope to have much knowledge but I am able to appreciate the beauty. My favourite is the purple orchid. I hope readers click on the photos to get the bigger picture. Thanks a lot, Indra! from Zita

  2. Indra
    Lovely photos of flowers
    The large purple flowers look like Thunbergia gradiflora
    The large yellow flowers be Allamanda

  3. You are right ND. I had failed to cut and paste the name of the flower which Indra had given. I have already edited the post.

  4. Beautiful photos indeed. They are all nice and it is hard to pick a winner. Like Zita, I appreciate beauty (of all types!) but not good with names!

  5. Just a note to say that I have added a rather lengthy and provocative comment on Srianee's post. I shall do one for Rohini's one too.

  6. Indra - These are beautiful.
    The white variety of Thunbergia were quite frequently seen in SL too.
    Thankyou for sharing these lovely photos .

  7. Mahen, nice to see you back from your interesting journey.
    Iam sure you’ve returned full of inspiration to compose and sing more beautiful songs!

  8. Indra, thank you for the beautiful photos which makes me impatient for the still elusive warm weather. We are still waiting, here in Connecticut! It is too d----d cold! (Am I allowed to swear on this Blog, Lucky?) Next year, I have decided to hang out in Sri Lanka at least until the end of April. Mahen, welcome back!

  9. Of course! Especially the type you all are used to. I have mentioned what is taboo before - politics, fund raising etc.

  10. Thanks for the beautiful photos Indra. You are a visionary photographer We often walk around blind to the beauty around us... i remember a hymn we used to sing as childern "All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small.....
