Friday, August 26, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

When all around us we hear horticulturists, floral experts and excellent photographers talking about their hobby/hobbies in their language, Speedy chips in with some helpful notes.


  1. I could go one better than you Speedy, because all the flowers in my present small garden are now Florum witherimus, due to the really hot weather and my nonchalant attitude. They'll be back next spring, I'm sure. Enjoying your golf, I hope. Srianee

  2. MahendraAugust 26, 2016 at 2:43 PM
    I most sincerely hope that I haven't lowered the tone of this exalted botanical exchange! That would be extremus terribilis.


  3. I have rearranged the above comments.

    1. Lucky,Many thanks for getting the sequence of my comments right for me-Your magic is much appreciated!
      cheers -Rohini

  4. Mahen & all you good folk ..... that was a great exchange in 'functional Latin' or is Greek??
    Sounds Greek to me!!.
    Certainly not Malay.

  5. Hey, I am sorry I missed this! Not that my knowledge goes far as making a relevant comment. I just want to say, Mahendra your talents know no end! Even your garden views bear witness to it. Zita
