Monday, January 19, 2015


Sent in by Srianee (Bunter) Dias


                                              Wealth without Work
                                           Pleasure without Conscience
                                           Knowledge without Character
                                           Commerce without Morality
                                           Science without Humanity
                                           Worship without Sacrifice
                                           Politics without Principles


  1. Bunter
    Welcome to the Blog!
    You may not remember me after all these years and through the fog of time. Thank you for posting the list - a reminder for us all.

    1. ND, of course, I do remember you! I hope that I will be more active on this blog as time goes on. I have to admit that it is a fun way for staying in touch and sharing thoughts and ideas. Srianee (Bunter)

  2. Wonderful quote Srianee! There are so many great quotes from amazing people throughout history that I recall, but this one I cannot forget as it reminds me of my early medical student days and is also a constant reminder that we must focus our attention on what we got rather than what we haven't - a formula which has contributed so much to my own Peace of Mind. I first saw it in the Orthpaedic Clinic at GHC when doing a "sig" with that great teacher, Dr Rienzie Pieris.

    " I had no shoes and complained till I met a man with no feet"

  3. Bunter
    It's great to be in contact again. Time has passed relentlessly since those days of our youth. Taking a phrase from the poet Horace CARPE DIEM "Sieze the day". Please contribute to our Blog. It is a great way to be in touch on cyberspace. A few clicks of the rodent and you are in business!!

  4. Hi Bunter-good to hear from you-
    The one evil that might be worse than " wealth without work"might be
    "No wealth without work"! Please note-No slight to this great author of your quote is intended-Cheers- Rohini Ana
