Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Merry Christmas!

On this Christmas day, 2023, please enjoy my presentation and spare a thought for all our batchmates and families. Let us also recall our dear departed friends with fondness and love.

Mahendra Gonsalkorale


  1. Mahendra
    I listened to your redition of Silent Night in our UK whatsapp and also here. It is lovely, I enjoyed it very much. You are great and multitalented. Well done !
    Wishing you all the best !

  2. Mahendra
    Thank you for that lovely version of the famous Carol. I enjoyed it very much. Merry Christmas. ND

  3. Thanks Chira and Nihal. It was Nihal who suggested I put it on the blog. It is a slightly modified one from the one you saw earlier on YouTube. Hope you like it as well

  4. Amothet Christmas has gone! I hope ll my colleagues abd family had a lovely tie. I tried to see the Pram Forever group on a WhatsAppa call but I was too erley and mahagedto see only Chira, sura, Bandu and Kusuma. Tried again severa times but could not get through. I was told it went well and there were over 60 attndees! Well done Pram.

  5. A prize for every misspelt word in my last comment!

  6. Amidst the now customary eerie silence of non-comments, let me wish all our bacthmates a very happy new Year!...... and so we fight on.....
