Friday, February 21, 2025

The Sad Tale of UkiRani and Ruso. Mahendra "Speedy" Gonsalkorale

The Sad Tale of UkiRani and Ruso

Mahendra Gonsalkorale. 17th February 2025

 Act 1

Setting: Living room in UkiRani’s house in Europe. UkiRani is seated on a sofa knitting.

Enter Ruso, looking very agitated: he bows to UkiRani and addresses her.

Ruso: Hello, my lovely UkiRani. I have come to see you on a matter of the greatest importance. This is not just a simple neighbourly call.

UkiRani: Why, Hello, Ruso! And what is this all about? Pray be seated.

Ruso sits down as requested. Looks uncomfortable and avoids the gaze of UkiRani.

Ruso: This is a rather delicate matter and I crave your indulgence and patient understanding.

UkiRani: You got me all of a flutter now, Ruso; pray, what is it?

Ruso: Rumour has it that you are getting very close to my enemy Nato and are considering allowing him to protect you. Nato, as you well know, is not the sort of person I would like a kind and beautiful soul like you to keep company with.

UkiRani: Oh! Come on Ruso! Nato is not really my friend but who can refuse a kind offer like his to protect me!

Ruso: But Nato is devious, and I hate to say this as I don’t want to upset a kind soul and indeed a close neighbour like you with whom I have had such a long association, but…

UkiRani: Yes Ruso, but…what?

Ruso: It is fair that you should be warned. Let me say again, as I have said many times, that I love you and would never do anything to harm you, but even such strong love as mine has limits. I hope you understand.

UkiRani gets up and looks directly at Ruso with a stern but sympathetic expression.

UkiRani: My dearest Ruso, as much as I care for you, I would not like you to tell me who I should like or dislike. I am an independent soul perfectly capable of managing my own affairs. I hope you understand that.

Ruso looks tormented as he walks to the open window, stares out, and returns to address UkiRani as she gazes at him anxiously.

Ruso: My dearest UkiRani, this is not easy to put across to you, but put it across, I must. If you insist on having ties with Nato, you will be responsible for the consequences. I beg of you to listen to me and ignore what that other “friend” of yours-Ha! Friend indeed!- is telling you and keep away from Nato. This other person, Youeseh, is dangerous and wants to spread his influence all over the World. I beg of you not to take advice from that scoundrel and listen to me, me who has such long ties with you and me, who shall never harm you…unless you leave me no alternative, and that will be so sad.

UkiRani returns to her sofa, quite distressed and after a short period of silence, addresses Ruso.

UkiRani: That was quite a speech young Ruso! However, I have to Put you in your place. My friendship with Nato is not intended to harm you Ruso, or any of my neighbours. We have far too much in common and much to lose.

Ruso, red-faced and angry, looks directly at UkiRani

Ruso: That is good to hear, but I am deeply saddened if you insist on letting in Nato and value the advice of Youeseh, that megalomaniac scoundrel, much more than mine. In which case, I have no alternative but to take action to protect my country, and that will be a sad day for all of us.

Ruso turns around and storms out of the room.UkiRani is speechless and stares at him close to tears as he leaves in a huff.

UkiRani:  I know him only too well. He will never invade my territory as he knows quite well that it will cause such unspeakable agony.

Postscript: Ruso could not accept UkiRani’s friendship with Nato, and “all hell erupted”.

The End

Act 2 to follow


  1. Mahen
    I am glad I asked you to publish this. Although brief, the play simply brings up the important issues and makes us think and rethink. As I read about the goings on in the world I am thankful I am the age I am. I may not be around to endure the fall-out from it all, for long.
    The current situation makes me love the sanity of the Serenity Prayer:
    God grant me the serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change;
    Courage to change the things I can;
    And wisdom to know the difference.

    1. Yes, Nihal we need to repeat this prayer often so that we can sleep well at night. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I liked the clever names you chose for your 'characters!' I may have been able to enjoy the satire a bit more if this weren't based on reality. I hate to think what Act 2 may bring! Youeseh is out of control and needs to be kept in check!

    1. Sure we cannot do without money but it is so true that Money is the root of all evil. This wisdom come from Bible, 1 Timothy 6:10.
      Goes to show this was so even in those distant days.

  3. Thank you Nihal and Srianee for your enouraging comments. I value your feedback very much. I was wondering how best I could present the view held by many that although Russia has absolutely no right to invade another country, Europe and the USA should have recognise the reality that powerful nations feel a bit threatened when their immediate neighbours become allies with their "enemies". Ukraine in my view, should have been advised not to seek NATO membership although they had every right to do so, in return for a Russian assurance that they will respect bordres. Remember Krushev-Kennedy-Cuba confrontation?
    I do hope I succeded in my effort with a satrical play, my very first one!
