Wednesday, June 12, 2024

London Mini-Reunion June 11th 2024- Nihal D Amarasekera

A brief sojourn into our glorious past

Dr Nihal D Amarasekera

Yes, indeed, you guessed right!! Pramilla is in London. She couldn’t have chosen a better venue than the Royal Society of Medicine in the heart of this great city.

On June 11th, we gathered in the elegant lobby of the RSM. Our wonderful host quickly ushered us into a dining area. The dining room was specially decorated and prepared for us as we chatted away amidst the grace and sophistication of this beautiful room. The RSM gave us an opportunity to savour the atmosphere of an institution that traces its roots to Victorian times.

The BBC couldn’t describe the weather better than Susil Attale when he said, “Summer has been postponed”. Susil was with his wife Rupa. Pramila was in her elegant best, busy as the mistress of ceremonies. It was lovely to see Shanti Nalliah sharing her jokes and making us laugh. Jimmy finally told us why he was called Jimmy, a name not on his birth certificate. Sunil and Sirima told us the harrowing tale of their last visit to Colombo and how they had just escaped the sadness that followed. Mahen entertained us with a song sung beautifully and with much feeling. We remember fondly Sushila and Jeyaratnam who agreed to join us but couldn’t make it.

Every time I attend a Reunion, I am reminded of the best things in life: gratitude to our teachers, the glorious friendship we made, and the joyfulness of experiencing both. At the end of a Reunion, we come away deeply grateful to our wonderful host and our superb organizer. The Reunion brought back for me the wonderful memories of my student days and the knowledge of how much they meant to me.

Reunions have a magic value of their own. During our meetings we bask in the memory of days gone by. One looks forward to future times as warm and as nostalgic as our past Reunions. It comforts us that the friends we made during those ‘halcyon’ days remain true.

Whatever the venue or the season, there is a common thread that linked all the Reunions, the tireless passion of Pramila, taking on the difficult task of playing host and paying immense attention to the tiniest detail that could contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of those who cared to make the long journey. There are no words to thank Pramila sufficiently. How on earth does one thank her for enriching our lives by harking back to a part of our past that we might well have put aside. Take a bow Pramilla! You are simply magnificent and have our heartfelt thanks.

Mahen's song. This was played back on a Mobile

"Where No One Stands Alone"- posting my YouTube version of it.


  1. Nihal, thank you for writing about your mini reunion in London. It was not just "a sojourn into our glorious past" as you put it, but it was also a very important re-kindling of friendships. Pram, thank you for doing this in London as well as in Sri Lanka. Your efforts and organizational abilities are greatly appreciated. The friends who attended probably had a very good time!
    Mahen, thank you for your rendition of 'Where No One Stands Alone.' It was quite moving and you sang it beautifully. (I listened on my blue tooth speaker!) I confess, I had not heard it before and it prodded me to look up Elvis' version on Apple Music. This led me to an entire album of gospel music that he recorded. (I am listening to his version of 'Amazing Grace' while writing this - very different and quite lovely). The Album is called 'Peace in the Valley' and was released in 2000, probably by his recording company as an anthology of his gospel recordings. I hope you will be able to locate it somewhere and listen. (Perhaps, Spotify?).
    Before I sign off, you said that you were "moved" when you heard 'Where No One Stands Alone.' I am curious, because you claim to be a non believer in a higher being. I'd love to know what moved you. There is no question that Elvis' singing conveyed a great deal of emotion. I wish I had appreciated him more while he was still alive.

  2. Correction: Your words were "Profound Effect!"

  3. Srianee
    Thanks for commenting. Our London reunions have always been brief. But our friendship and the camaraderie during those few hours remain strong as ever. Even after I return home memories of the event swirl in my mind for days. We always remember absent friends too. It was indeed a great gathering. As I have said before Pramilla is the catalyst for these events. Let us hope we can meet again .........soon.

  4. So happy to read the account of the mini reunion in UK and that you had a great time remenescing of the "good old days". Well done Pram it's really great , the time and effort you make to organise these events.
    I too have often wondered how Jimmy came by his nick name. Please do enlighten us.
    I listened to Speedy' s rendering of "Where no one stands alone " on U tube. I agree with Bunter it's very moving. I had not heard it before either , and it really touched me.
    I am so glad that we are keeping in even virtual contact, as physical meeting gets more and more difficult.
    Thank you Speedy for your tremendous effort in keeping us updated.

  5. Nihal
    Thank you very much for showing us how all of you enjoyed the mini re union held in London recently. I am sure everyone had a gala time.
    As you say we all should be thankful to Pram for organizing these get togethers in London and in Sri Lanka. We are missing Pram over here, Sura keeps on asking me when is the next get together.

    Thank you very much for the rendition of the song ' Where no one stands alone'. It was lovely and moving that I enjoyed it very much.
    You are great in keeping the Blog alive.

    1. Chira
      Thank you for your support for the Blog which is much appreciated by all

  6. Srianee, you asked me good question! It is true that I am agnostic but music (and lyrics) can and does have a great impact on my "psyche". As far as I can remember, I have been moved by hymns, cathedrals, some paintings, speeches etc. I didn't need to be a beleiver to be moved by emtotive music and lyrics. For this particular song, I tried to put my feet into a strong beleiver and try to imagine how that person might feel; the emotions, the sadness, the strength of faith/beliefg etc. etc.

    1. Good answer, thank you! I completely agree that all of those things can move us, and touch our souls. That is why we need to embrace and learn to appreciate art, architecture, music etc.

  7. Nihal
    Thank you for describing the London Mini reunion in great detail, enjoyed reading it but very sorry to have missed the event.we had booked to go to Devon that week. Mahen enjoyed your song.Pram hope you have time to organise another one, enjoy wimbledon.

  8. We missed you Bora and Harshi and also Susheila. It is not easy to get a time suitabke for everybody and Pram did well, as she usually does.

  9. Hello Bora, it’s great to hear from you and thank you for the kind comment. We had a lovely time as always and missed you and Harshi. There will always be another occasion to meet. Meanwhile take care and stay safe. Regards ND

  10. Nihal
    I Intend going to Lords for the two test matches in July and August, lets meet and have a drink.

  11. Hi Bora
    I don’t have any tickets for the games. If I manage to get any most certainly will be in touch. I am pretty confident of getting for the SL game. Regards ND.

  12. Dear ND, Excuse me for this long delay in visiting the blog to read your article on the London reunion. Pram has arranged an elegant setting with old world charm which undoubtedly offset the weather outside. We are fortunate to have her to arrange these reunions be it in Colombo or London. I enjoyed Mahen's rendering of the Elvis song. It was wonderfully melodious. ALthough an Elvis fan i had not heard this song before. Thank you Mahendra.
