Sunday, December 29, 2019

E-mail from Sisira Ranasinghe

to me,, Sisira, Sisira
Hi Lucky, Hi Pramila,

Just an UPDATE FYI !

On Dec 27th. I managed to UNLOCK the MSN email account, and just discovered Lucky’s greeting!!!

I have a NEW YouTube channel----INDIANA BUDDHIST INSTITUTE---
                Please subscribe to the channel -Watch “Born to Save” that I posted. A Sri Lankan girl is singing there.

More videos are being produced …………………

PLEASE Do me a favor, pass on this link [] to the ENTIRE list of Batchmates.

Also visit, if anyone is interested in learning/teaching Sinhala….

I am working on the Tamil Teaching  website also.

Sincerely, Sisira Ranasinghe ……Retired Pathologist
But NOT retired from ALL other Involvements!!!!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Dr. Sisira Ranasinghe

Sat, 28 Dec, 02:33 (0 minutes ago)


  1. Thank you for sending this Sisira. You are doing a lot for Buddhism in the State of Indiana. More strength to your elbow.

  2. Thank you,Sisira,
    I listened to the beating of drums and it was,indeed relaxing.I am waiting for your Tamil lessons.I have already bookmarked Learn Tamil in 5 Days.This is from America and I listen from time to time to polish my limited Tamil vocabulary.I passed the Tamil oral test first shot at the efficiency bar exam for me to get into the grade 2 medical officer status.

