Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recollections of Reunion 1992

By Razaque Ahamat

Having read Speedy's posting on the "1992 Reunion in UK", brought back fond memories of that event. It was the very first such events that I attended.  In  fact for me and my family there were many such 'Firsts'. That was the first and last Reunion that we attended as a family. Subsequently the children got dispersed to various Universities in Scotland and as such, latter Reunions were attended  accompanied only by my wife. The one in 1992, I believe was the first for our batch as well?? If not I stand corrected.
It was at Marriot Hotel in Slough, Windsor, I think (Speedy thinks it was at Holiday Inn!--- if not my, apologies to him & stand corrected) and we did have a great time. It was most memorable to my eldest daughter as our Dinner Dance was on her 18th birthday on 18thy July and the Hotel very kindly had a Birthday Cake for her--- thanks to the organisers, and we all sang the usual song on such occasions to her surprised delight!  That made her "Day" and talks about it even to this day.
There was another big surprise to all my batch mates and those at the event. I attended the Dinner Dance---  MINUS  MY TROUSERS........ YES, NO TROUSERS!!!! No I WAS NOT DRUNK ------- I wore a KILT---- covering modesty!! ----- for the occasion to the surprise and  delight of those present. As I was the only batch mate living and working in Bonnie Scotland, I thought it was appropriate  to attend this  event in a 'suitable attire'!!  Of course there were the usual 'cat calls' and shouts from some our unruly batch mates.-- possessed under the influence of "spirits" (not ghostly variety but the gulping stuff)...."HEY, SCOTTIE WHATS UNDER YOUR KILT??"  My comments are unprintable in this" hallowed" Blog!!  I leave it to your imagination!!!! Unfortunately I have misplaced the photos of that event to support my posting. If and when I find then shall post them to jog your memory. Nevertheless, I do remember there were several photos taken by you guys(a unisex term!),. If you do have any, that posed with you, please post them or pass on to our tireless dear batch mate Lucky to do so--- I shall be most grateful.

                                                                  "ONNA BOLLAY NETA KALISAN" 
                (Razaque at the Reunion with his eldest daughter who was celebrating her 18th birthday that day.)
Blog Administrators note: Reunion 1992 was not the first Batch Reunion. Perhaps, it was the first one held in UK. The first ever Batch Reunion was held in Sri Lanka in the early eighties.


  1. Razaque, according to the Souvenir, it was at the Windsor Holiday Inn.

  2. Rhubarb ! The FIRST EVER '62 batch reunion was held at the Holiday Inn , in Sri Lanka in 1988
