Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Creative Spot - Song composed by Mahendra Gonsalkorala

Our talented Med School colleague Mahendra Gonsalkorala (Speedy) has composed a special song (which as you can hear is a Baila which is the form of music that seems to be the most popular at batch gatherings) to celebrate our batch blog topping the 500,000 mark in Pageviews. In his own words, he thought that "500,000 hits cannot be allowed to just pass by!"
Click on the following link to hear the song:
He has also provided the lyrics.
Fond Memories Colombo Medgrads 1962
Nineteen sixty two was the year we all adore
Young and green and full of hope we walked in through the door
Eager eyes and simple minds some rich and some were poor
All were bright and strong in will we knew that much for sure 
So much fun - so much joy
Studying joking making friends and living happily  
So much worry - but still happy
Walking cycling bussing to the medical faculty
Musical interlude.......
Anatomy physiology biochemistry
Kocha Hoover Waas Carlo recall gratefully
Losing sleep and biting nails and losing hair as well
Little did we know how tough our trail was going to be
So much......
Block was over we were wiser onto third MB
Microbio, Pharmo, Forensic Public Health 
Kotte, Lionel  Fonseka Chapman Path Cooray
Tins and cans and pots and pans our Patchaya kiyanney  
So much.....
Holding steths and feeling tums looking for a spleen
Now we feel like proper docs when in the wards we're seen
Plantars rectals creps and rhonchi got to know so well
Rajasuriya gave us creeps but gentle Nava was swell
So much....
Tutorials, ward classes, sigs and field work too
Lectures attachments exams with a smile we do
Block nights and Trips out we did have lots of fun
Then at last the day came when all was said and done
So much fun so much joy
Studying joking making friends and living happily  
So much worry, but still happy
Walking cycling bussing to the medical faculty 
So much fun so much joy
Studying joking making friends and living happily  
So much worry, but still happy……
We’ll never forget our times in the Medical faculty. 



1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this till now?Mahendra, you have caught as though in one snapshot our five years' sojourn with all its highs and lows. It's nice to look back on that time.
