Monday, June 24, 2024

A lasting recollection from my time in the Faculty- Mahendra Gonsalkorale

A lasting recollection from my time in the Faculty

First Posted on 6th of November 2018 (If you click on the blue "A lasting recollection from my time in the Faculty") above, it will take you to the original post with all the comments)
Down Memory Lane
By Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

There is probably no limit to the recollection of interesting episodes during our Faculty times. I regard the Blog as a proper medium to record some of these and hope many others will follow. In this post, I close my eyes and transport myself back to the mid-sixties to the Physiology Lecture theatre, a place I recall with a mixture of awe, veneration and wonderment. When I first walked into that theatre with its wooden panelling, tiered rows of seats arranged in a semi-circle with a long front desk behind which was a big blackboard, for me it was like walking into a place of worship. The currently hackneyed word “awesome” describes it well.

The occasion I am reliving was an evening Lecture by a new Neurosurgeon by the name of Darrel Weinman. The hall was packed and before the arrival of the Lecturer, there was the usual loud indecipherable cacophony of voices mingled with the noise of feet on the platform on which the chairs were arranged.I observed that last minute preparations were being made on the front desk by the Chairman, who I think was Prof Koch but my memory is not infallible.

Suddenly, the noise subsided quickly to be replaced by the pregnant silence of eager anticipation. Dr Darrel Weinman, looking young, smart and dapper, walked in with a big smile lighting up his handsome face. He was much shorter than I expected and was wearing an academic gown. He looked very distinguished and learned.

The Chairman introduced him with a brief but informative speech and invited Dr Weinman to address the audience. The exact topic is not of importance for this short essay. What he actually said is also not of great relevance. It is the manner of delivery, the visual aids used and his incredible ability to hold the audience spellbound with his eloquence and mastery of the topic that has stood in my memory. I had never before been to a Lecture so beautifully illustrated with a slick slide presentation. Not for him the “next slide please”. He signalled when he wanted the next slide with a press of the little “batta” he held in the palm of his hand,  invisible to us, which emitted a loud and sharp clicking noise when pressed. These were days long before computers and PowerPoint. The slides had to be made and mounted individually in the Photographic department. The Lecture had to be planned and made ready days before the presentation as no last minute editing was possible. All this required skill and mastery of the topic and Dr Weinman certainly possessed these qualities.

He spoke for about 40 minutes or so during which there was perfect silence only to be broken by prolonged and loud applause when he finished, which he modestly acknowledged with that warm and charming smile we all recall with endearment.

The physiology lecture theatre is also fondly remembered for other virtuoso presenters such as Dr Carlo Fonseka, Dr Wickrema Wijenaike, Prof “Bull” Seneviratne, just to mention a few. Who can forget our first days in the Faculty when we sat strictly according to alphabetical order ready with pen, and with note book perched on the little wooden pad on the right arm of the chair? Who can forget the loud noise we made by stamping on the wooden platforms on which the chairs were placed when there was occasion to cheer or applaud? The acoustics and the seating arrangement were perfect. After many decades of sitting in various auditoriums and lecture theatres in many countries, I regard the Old Physiology Lecture theatre as one of the best.

As we all know, Dr Darrel Weinman passed away recently.I was prompted to write this article when my thoughts turned to him when I heard of his demise. I regard myself as very fortunate to have benefitted from his knowledge, teaching ability and kindness; truly a great doctor and human being. 

A few selected comments on that post.

ND Amarasekera
Thank you for those wonderful memories which you have presented so well. This brings back memories of a time when teachers demanded great respect except the ones you’ve mentioned. They were kind and treated us with respect. Wijenaike and Weinman were very special people whom I remember with much respect.
It great to read memories of those years in the faculty.

Waas and Lester J brought some sanity to the Block which had a hostile environment created by SSP. Some of Our clinical teachers needed a lesson in humility. Prof KR was the worst in that regard. I say that as a part of our cherished history and not to castigate them as many took on the task of training us seriously. May they all be at Peace. It is unfair to look at the 20th century with 21st century glasses

AHT Sumathipala
Hi! Speedy,
I almost agree with what you have already written about the good old days. No one mentioned Prof.Sinnathamby's lectures, which were delivered from the top floor of the administrative block.
His lectures kept me awake from my usual sleepy afternoon; after a hefty lunch at Bloem.You all cannot forget how he teased the female students.

Hi!, Speedy,ND& Zita, Very nice to see your comments.I feel sorry that other regular bloggers have failed to come forward with their comments.I have been under the weather and a bit slow in my contributions.
As already mentioned, some of our teachers were excellent. A few were moody and showed no empathy towards weaker fellow students.
Prof Raj wanted every student to be like him and he used to loose his temper very often.That may have contributed to his premature death. To tell you the truth,I got on very well with him..In fact he felt sorry that I went to Ratnapura to do my Intern period.when I could have got a place in Colombo. I met him at the Administrative block,one day, and he asked me where I was based.Then only he told me that I was high in the order of merit, albeit, missed a Second class at the Finals.During the students days,I have very little money to invest on text books

Zita Perera Subsesinghe
From Zita: I can only say, 'hear, hear!' to that account by Mahendra on one of our revered and admired teachers and it brings a strange nostalgia and we are back sitting in the Phys theatre with Dr Weinman on the dais. You have reverently described a great man. We all know that his part as teacher for ever such a short period had a life long influence on all aspects of our student life. Dr Weinman is no more but he lives on in the hearts and minds of his students, colleagues and patients. We bow in reverence and sadness.

Mahendra Gonsalkorale
The past is to be recalled as it was and not as what it might have been or could have been or should have been; just an observation and recollection with an emphasis on pleasant memories with no ill feelings but with the ability to recall even unpleasant things as a passive observer. This would give rise to inner peace and equanimity. philosophical? I suppose so!


  1. Mahendra
    Thank you very much for bringing back the well written article published in 2018.
    I was not visiting the Blog those days and I read it for the first time.
    I must congratulate you on your memory power. I can't remember most of the incidents that were mentioned.
    I used to enjoy Prof. Carlo Fonseka's lectures very much. Prof. Lester Jayawardena was impressive. I remember him describing the pelvis. He made us imagine that we were inside the pelvis and describe, on your right...., in front,....behind.....etc. He made us visualise the anatomy.
    We should be thankful to all our teachers for making us doctors.

  2. Thanks, Chira. You have been the only person to comment so far. Thanks very much

  3. Hi Speedy,
    Thanks for sharing your memories of the good old physiology lecture theatre.
    I don't recall the lecture you describe by Darrel Wieman at all. But I do remember him as a highly skilled surgeon, and I also remember the beautiful Brinda .Muthukumarana who was his SHO . I had the privilege of being a Junior Anaesthetist for his lists many years later.

    The most memorable incidents I remember about the Physiology lecture theatre was how one of you cheeky boys released a white cock bird at the end of Prof Kochs lecuter on the he 7 D 's of drinking in the day of the law medical cricket match!
    I also remember Prof saying move the slide to the left , and when it was moved to the right he immediately said " I mean the other left !!

    I remember also being so impressed by Prof Valentine Basnayaka, who would suddenly appear on the stage, and proceed to lecture without a scrap if notes!

  4. Above comment is by Suri

  5. Thanks for commenting Suri. I am still impressed by lecturers who make good presentations which drive home the essentials with simplicity and understanding. Those who just come and recite like robots do not grab me. DW was one of the first really skillful presenters I had seen.

    As you say Brinda M figured very much in his career so much so that he left his wife and married her! She was my much admired chemistry teacher "Muththa" at Royal.

    You reference to what we did for Prof Kich is now down in the annals of history! Also the famous "Koch and Bull" stories in Physiology!

  6. Sorry, she was the daughter of my teacher

  7. Thank you very much Mahendra for your very interesting essay. I think the Physiology lecture theatre had long curved benches and not chairs.

    1. sanath, you amy be right but to my recollection, what you describe applies to the old anatomy lecture theatre. The Phsyisology lecture theatre, to th ebest of my recollection, had chairs with one of the arms expanded to provide space to place a book and make notes (the right arrm). Is there anybody else who can recall?

    2. the chairs were arranged in a smei circle with um upward gradient so that the last row students had to "look down" on the lecturer.

  8. Is brintha, Darrell's wife still alive?

  9. Hi Speedy enjoyed your article, I too think of the PHys lecture theatre one of the best in the world. As a side note Darryl Weinman , Tony Don Michael were my brothers classmates, and the 2 of them also were the opening bats for St Peters, and accomplished musicians. Darryl was a Pianist and Don Michael was a I think a Bass/ Barritone and if I memory is right remember going to the Lionel Wendt theater to listen to them.
    Both of them achieved greatness in their fields , Darryl as a neuro surgeon, and Tony asa cardiologist.

  10. Who are you?
    I remember Tony Don Michael giving a lecture to us and exhibiting his very sophisticated stethoscope. He claimed that he could hear all four heart sounds with it!
    When Dr. N J Wallooppillai retired in 1989, there was an academic session to felicitate him. Nihal Thenabadu and D P Atukorale boycotted the event because Upul Wijewardene was appointed as Wallooppillai's successor; as a result I was invited to share the stage with Tony Don Michael and conduct a symposium.

  11. This is Speedy commenting
    Not sure who commented. He was Darrel Weinman by the way, not Daryl. His wife was Brinda, not Brintha..This is his funeral notice. WEINMAN
    Dr Darrel Felix
    Born 20.11.1929,
    Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Died 14.10.2018, Sydney, Australia
    Passed away peacefully.

    Loving husband of Brinda, father of Jacqueline and Andrew, grandfather of Hannah. Brother of Dawn, Oenone (dec), Willie, Eric, Anne, Rosaine and Lester.
