Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Sad Tale of UkiRani and Ruso (contd)...Act II

The Sad Tale of UkiRani and Ruso (contd)... Mahendra Gonsalkorale

Act II

Setting: Ruso and Youeseh sat in Ruso’s lavish apartment enjoying a Vodka.

Ruso: It is good of you to come and meet me Youeseh or shall I use your pet name Chump?

Youeseh: Good to see you too Ruso, nice, really nice and you can call me Chump if it is easier. You are a good man Ruso, a really nice man and I like you.

Ruso: You know of course that UkiRani did not listen to me and refused not to invite Nato. I warned her of the consequences and sadly, my intervention in her country led to a lot of unnecessary grief and destruction. But you know me, what had to be done had to be done and those who died… well sometimes we have to look at the greater good and what greater good can there be than provide staunch support for a fearless brave man like me, easily the greatest Russian in history. I would have said that earlier but modesty stopped me. I don’t mind saying this to the greatest American President!

Ruso stands up to make this modest statement and sits down, looking quite pleased.

Chump: You are kind, very kind. I know I know. It shouldn’t have happened. It would not have happened if I was in charge but sadly, that chump Byedan was there and he was useless, pretty useless. It shouldn’t have happened and I am sorry you had to call their bluff. You are a great man, just like me, destined to make the World a better place, for you and me.

Ruso: I had no option Chump. UkiRani and her team are far too close to my border and I had to show her who is boss.

Chump: I know, I know. It should never have happened. It should never have happened. All those millions who died. Real shame, real shame, it should not have happened.

Ruso: What is your advice to me now my valued and strong friend Chump? How can I get out of this mess?

Chump leans forward in his chair, with his long blue tie falling between his parted legs. He points and wags a finger while twisting his neck and face, his lips pouting.

Chump: Listen to me Ruso. If this goes on there will be no winners, only losers and I am not going to waste my dollars helping this to go on. UkiRani knows this and is worried about it. You might say, what about Urope and his friends? Let me tell you, Urope and friends are disorganised and in deep shit (pardon the expression) with their finances. Some may shout about continued support for UkiRani, like that useless weakling Stammer from the UK who should really keep out of this; he has enough problems in his own country. But they know you are strong and cannot be defeated. You have always been strong, so strong Ruso, a man after my own heart, a man who believes that law and order must be observed,  so long as it helps you, and who does what he wants and states boldly, very boldly, to these bureaucrats who interfere with progress, your progress, they will be fired and make no mistake!

Ruso glows with pride and tries to comb his hair forgetting for a moment, he has no hair.

Ruso: Thank you my friend. If UkiRani knows that she cannot rely on your support, I am sure she will agree to my terms, which I shall state in such a way that she does not feel like a loser, although in fact she is one, as you well know.

Chump: You got it right Ruso. UKiRani will have no option but to agree to a Peace agreement where she will need to concede some territory but have the satisfaction that the war will end. But I have one very potential big problem Ruso. Will she accept not to accept the protection of Nato? If she digs her heels and insist that Nato should be given the right to protect her, what should I do? What is your advice Ruso?

To be continued….


  1. Mahen
    Thanks for the wonderful satire and the subtle humour highlighting the shenanigans and the manoeuvrings by the leaders. It is a full scale war. There is death and destruction and immense sadness both in Ukraine and Russia. Many millions are suffering and I just hope our leaders do not forget the tragic consequences of war when they meet and discuss.
    Although we need a "cure" now "prevention" is still the way forward for the future. Education is important. We all had Civics taught badly without much meaning. It has to be a compulsory subject taught well to GCE level. Philosophy/Religion is another important subject at school during our formative years. I am so pleased to have gone to a Christian school and taught how to lead a good life. Although I have fallen short of the teaching many times my conscience and moral sense has tried its best to keep me on the right track. If we are taught how to lead a good life at school we will have the freedom to follow a philosophy/religion or not as adults.

    1. Thanks, Nihal. Looking at the News these days can be so disheartening, especially because we can do nothing to change the outcome. On some days, I prefer to "avoid walking in the sun to prevent getting sunburnt!"
      Your gratitude to your school is understandable. I too regrad myself very lucky to have attended Royal College. As I have said many times, the groundwork for my broad minded outlook on ethnic and religious differences had its foundation at Royal. Our classes were mixed and we broke up into language media based periods during the day when the subject was taught in the main three languages in three different class rooms for that period.. But my Form identity was as a proud member of Form xx where my friends ranged from Bandula to Bartholomeusz to Balachandran.
      Those formative years were so important and you are spot on when you suggested that the proper emphasis on teaching important subjects should begin at that time. After all this is the way that Nature works. If you want rice, you have to plant the paddy first.

  2. Mahen, thanks for continuing the saga of UkiRani, Ruso and Chump. It would be funnier if it weren't true. BTW, Rajan had commented (I got an email), but I don't see it here. Some technical glitch?

  3. Oh I see that Rajan commented on Act I. All is well!
