Sunday, January 23, 2022

My paintings of Animals by Chirasri

 My paintings of Animals by Chirasri Jayaweera Bandara

(apologies for the small text. Tried to get all these lovely pictures in one post- SPD)


  1. Mahendra
    Thank you very much for taking the trouble for posting my Animal paintings. I appreciate very much. I am grateful to you for your interest in keeping our blog alive. Long live our batch blog!

  2. Dear Chira,
    Congratulations on another brilliant series of paintings. You are very talented and hopefully you will hold an exhibition in the near future. Kanthi and I will definitely attend if in SL. Can you do a virtual exhibition via the intrnet.
    I particularly liked your paintings and the photos of Koalas and Kangaroos. I have never held a Koala. Someone told me that they are very smelly. Also that they sleep most of the time, as the gum tree leaves they eat contain alcohol !!!
    Best of luck with your future efforts.
    Hope you were able to contact Sabi

  3. Kumar
    Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it very much.
    I must admit I paint looking at a photo on the laptop. I have never gone for any classes.I use watercolours mostly and also Acylic paint.I enjoy painting and it is my past time since I have completely stopped practice.
    As for petting Koalas i found that their fur is very rough unlike the dogs and cat fur. I didn't find them smelly.
    I am painting flowers at the moment.
    I will try to contact Sabi later as she is not quite well now.

  4. Thank you Chira for these beautiful and illuminating paintings of animals. It was like having an armchair visit to the zoo. but with the added advantage of learning new facts .
    i love your animal paintings. they seem so alive for me . i think its thanks to your art of capturing their movement. Thank you Chira . it brightened up the dreary winter morning here in London. I hope you keep painting and we continue to have the chance to see them . manil

  5. Manil
    Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Very much appreciated.
    I am glad that you learnt new facts, even I learnt quite a lot about these animals going through the internet. Not only did I enjoy painting but was happy for the knowledge I gained even in my old age, preparing this presentation. Chira

  6. I agree with Manil. The paintings are really high quality but they also bring these animals to life. I found the accompanying text very useful too,. Keep painting Chira, make use of your talent.

    1. Mahendra
      Thanks a lot for appreciating my paintings and also publishing my paintings. I am ever so grateful to you for it.
      I am painting flowers now for my pleasure, do you think it is worthwhile publishing them? If so I have to get the text for it.

    2. Indeed you should Chira, Take your time and send your post to me in the usual wa.

    3. Wonderful paintings,giving attention to details. The individuality of the pets has been brought our well. A real talent Well done Chira

    4. Puvana
      I am surprised to see your comment on our Blog. I saw your comment in whatsapp and thanked you.
      Anyway let me thank you for appreciating my paintings. I value it very much.

  7. Dear Chira
    Thank you for those brilliant paintings done with such loving care for detail. You indeed has made the script relevant interesting and informative. As I have said before the paintings are good enough for an exhibition and also you have the adequate numbers too. The painting have the charm and also the ability to convey their thoughts and feelings. Wonderful.

  8. Nihal
    Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it very much.
    I have painted over 100 paintings but I am not upto the mark to have an exhibition and cannot dream of having one. I paint for my pleasure only and enjoy myself in the process of doing it as it is so relaxing.
    I used to do a lot of surgery and when I stopped doing surgery I found myself at a loss and it was my daughter who introduced me to do cross stitching first and later painting.
    I have completely stopped practice and painting is my past time.

  9. Chirasri, There is no mistaking your enormous talents - thank you for sharing them on the blog - cheers

    1. Rohini
      Nice to hear from you. Thank you very much for your comment. Much appreciated. All the best. Chira

  10. Dear Chira, Please excuse me for this late viewing of your latest artistic creations. These are amazingly beautiful! I am not a cat lover but one cannot help enjoying these detailed drawings that make them so lovable. Thank you. Please continue to send your works of art and of course thank you speedy for for your eforts.

    1. Great to see you Owlie. Please send me something of yours, anything of interest from your medical days, to me for posting in the blog.

    2. Appreciate invitation to contribute Mahendra but you have to excuse me as I am totally involved with housework at present! I most certainly enjoy the creative skills of my batchmates.

  11. Manei(Owli)
    Thank you very much for appreciating my paintings. I value it very much. I am happy that you enjoyed looking at them. I am glad you are contributing towards keeping the Blog alive by your comment.

  12. Chira,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings with us. The mini-stories, and the zoological facts that you shared, added to the pleasure of viewing them. You are certainly making good use of your retirement years. I am amazed at the number of paintings that you are turning out. You are very prolific too! The important thing is that you derive a lot pleasure in creating them. Keep it up!
    When I was growing up in Sri Lanka we always had a dog at home. It was my youngest brother who pestered my mother into getting a dog, but she always got stuck with the responsibility of looking after the dog! Later we had a much loved Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Bandit, who was my daughter's dog. Unlike my brother she was a very responsible pet owner.
    I was not that crazy about cats until my younger daughter adopted a three legged cat, who became my cat after she moved to Germany. She named him Igor (because of his gait) and he had the personality of a dog! His leg had been amputated following an encounter with a truck. A few years later I transported him to Berlin in a carrier, and he lived a good life there until his end.

  13. Srianee
    Lovely to hear from you. I thought you are enjoying your trip round the world. Guess you are having a great time. All the best!
    Thank you very for your comment appreciating my animal paintings. I value it very much.
    I do get a lot of pleasure in painting them. I love dogs and cats which made me paint them. It appears that you were brought up with dogs and you had a cat to look after. They are really lovable.
    Have a great trip. Chira

  14. Hi, Chira, accept my appreciation of your beautiful drawing. I had cats as pet from my young days, in SriLanka and later in my home in Birmingham.Since the death of our fourth cat, we decided not to have anymore. The road running by the side of my house has become busy and cats are at a risk of RTA. Two of our cats were hit by moving traffic during summer and they died spontaneously. It took a long time to come to terms with the loss.

  15. Sumathi
    Thankyou very much for appreciating my paintings, I value it very much.
    I know very well the grief that has to be borne by us when we loose our beloved pets. We had a fullblack Cocker spaniel called Nero, a lovely Maltese Poodle called Bobo who had a RTA when I was very young. As I mentioned above we had a German Sheperd Called Nero. We have had a number of cats as pets too. It is lovely to have pets but very sad to loose them. This is life.

  16. Hi Chira, once again you have given us a visual feast ! Your paintings with so much attention to detail as well as the delightful pen sketches are really great. You display your immense patience and attention to detail in your paintings. You really should think seriously if having an exhibition.

  17. Suri
    Great to hear from you. Thanks alot for your appreciation of my painting which I value very much. I enjoy painting and it gives me emmense pleasure when others appreciate them.
    Several have suggested having an exhition. As I mentioned earlier I haven't had any training, I just look at photos on my lap top and paint them. I am not upto the mark to hold an exhibition and cannot dream of having one. Since I have completely stopped practice, this is my pastime which I enjoy. Chira
