
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

More Goodbyes

Harsha Boralessa

20 Oct (4 days ago)
to me
Dear Lucky

Harshi and I were shocked to hear of Surens sudden passing away. Although I did not know him that well in medical college, Suren and Sweeney became very close family friends of ours over the years in UK. 

We met them regularly every 2-3 months at Sri Lankan Balls and we all enjoyed Ballroom and Latin dancing very much. Last Saturday,14th October, Suren and Sweeney were to be our guests at the Visakha Ball. Suren had bought a dress for Sweeney to wear for this occasion. Sweeney told Suren, "I have plenty of clothes, why are you buying dresses for me. I am not Princess Diana." Suren promptly replied, "But you are my Princess." They were a very close and loving couple.

We have been to see Sweeney twice this week and spent time with her. Obviously she is devastated. Suren was a very warm and sincere person and had many loyal friends who are visiting and supporting Sweeney. I will be attending the funeral. It is all very, very sad.

I wish to share these thoughts with you.



Charles Kodikara

My Dear Suren,

Let me say good bye to you. I regret that I can't attend you funeral. I live in Scotland (up north). Pushpa had been ill and had been in hospital twice during the last two weeks. You were with us from the age of 11 in the middle and upper school at Ananda. You have had your misfortunes losing your sister (early in life) and your Mother recently. Suren you had been a true decent fellow, sad to see you go. Hope that we will meet in a future life. Let me give my condolences to your wife and Son.

May your travel in Samsara be short.

May the Triple Gem Bless You All,

Chas Herbert Kodikara (Kodda).


  1. It is so nice to read so many contributions from those who knew Suren well. It is still surreal to think that he is no more.

  2. This is after nearly two weeks,I know, but it is never too late to appreciate our batch mates' contributions about our Suren. I learned so many new things about him and I am thankful. Once again let's appreciate one another while we are still living and breathing. Zita
