
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Goodbye Suren!

Dear All Mates,

It’s now the Eleventh Hour before our dear Childhood Mate SUREN
Is laid to rest. Leaving most emotions aside, it is time for us to reflect
Upon our life span of four SCORES, and philosophically concur that,
When Born, one must Age and Decay, must Disease and One Must Die !
Suren went through all of these, and inevitably so will we!!

In the Best of Buddhist Tradition, we transfer Merits to our departed
Beloved One, and wish that SUREN has gained a FORTUNATE EXISTENCE
In the Unfathomable SANSARIC JOURNEY, and be Blessed with All the
Graces and Adornments of the Supreme Triple Gem !!!

Heart-felt Condolences to Sweeni, son Rasi and the IYER FAMILY,



1 comment:

  1. This is rather a late comment but my earlier one somehow didn't publish due to my own fault. Your reasoning is spot on. And it is comforting too. When one looks at it the way you have explained it is bearable and and as it is inevitable we have to accept it with resignation. Suren was one who had the same acceptance. My recent talk with him showed that, Suren lead a happy and meaningful life and I am sure, if he could, he would comment about his passing, this is the way I wanted to go. Zita
