
Friday, October 27, 2017

Farewell to a Friend and Colleague


  1. A sad reminder of our mortality. It is still kind of weird to realise that Suren is no more. When we met in June, he was full of beans, laughter and camaraderie. We shall all miss him none more so than his immediate family.

  2. I agree, Mahendra. Very sad indeed. But we can remember him as that lovely person we knew during our batch years. The photos are fantastic and clear. Someone did a good job. I feel as though I am there personally. Yes I agree it is a 'reminder' as you say. But it is a mystery really. Zita

  3. A couple of weeks later, I know, but I just happened to look at the attendees of at the event to pay last respects to Suren Iyer and recognised many familiar faces and thought 'how nice of them to take the trouble to attend' I know I myself would have loved to attend but was dealing with joint problems of old age. So to those who represented Batch '62, many thanks indeed. You are people who put others before your own comfort, a quality which has to be applauded. May you all have All Blessings in your own lives. I know I am saying this for many of our batch mates. Sincerely, Zita
