
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Wedding anniversaries

Wedding anniversaries
Mahendra “Speedy” Gonsalkorale
Zita and Joe just celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 23rd of October

We are all in our seventies now and those of us who are happily married are clocking up the years of being married with the inexorable passage of time. I am sure many have reached significant milestones such as the 25th (Silver), the Pearl (30th), the Ruby (40th). I am also sure there are growing numbers  now in the Golden category of 50 years, and who knows, even an Emerald (55th) amongst us. I doubt whether we have a Diamond (60th) yet!

My good friend and colleague Zita SubasinghePerera just celebrated 50 years of marriage to that wonderful man Joe with their two children Rohan and Nisha.  It has been my pleasure to have them as close friends. I have met Nisha and Rohan who are lovely “kids” and a credit to their parents. Zita is a most generous and kind person and has a probing and intellectual mind and thinks deeply about human nature and relationships. It is always a pleasure to discuss challenging topics with her and get her critical views on them. And Joe… well he is Mr Gentle and Charming personified!
I am sure all our fellow batch mates will join me in wishing Zita and Joe many more years of blissful married life.

I have interviewed Zita in my virtual interview series and please use this web address if you would like to read it.

I hope readers from our Batch will inform us of others who have reached this milestone.


  1. Mahen
    Thank you for bringing this important event to our attention. Zita and Joe are the nicest couple one can meet. Both of them are so loving and caring it is such a pleasure to be with them. I consider myself so fortunate to know them and I do cherish their friendship immensely.

    A half century of marriage
    Deserves a celebration;
    Your 50-year relationship
    Rates major acclamation!

    Congratulations to you both
    On your durable rapport;
    Happy 50th anniversary,
    And may you have many more!

    I hasten to add this poem is not my creation. Nevertheless the sentiments expressed are my very own.

    Happy Golden Anniversary and May God Bless you both

    1. Oh what a lovely poem and how proud I am you thought of sending this greeting to us.
      Thanks a million. We really appreciate it!

  2. Thanks ND,a fitting poem indeed! It is but right to note sad events such as the demise of Suren in our Blog, but I thought we should also record important and joyful events such as Zita's Golden Anniversary.

    1. First of all Mahendra, let me say that it is very thoughtful and kind of you to say all those lovely things and to think of posting our 50th Anniversary photo. I feel really touched by your comments. You have been a fantastic friend to me, Joe, Nisha and Rohan. They all think the world of you. Thanks again. I am just about to tell Joe about your comments of him. He's always commenting what a lovely person Mahendra is! So the feelings are mutual! Zita

  3. Speedy is quite right. We have to get on with it and life goes on.

    My own good wishes go out to Zita and Joe, though belatedly.

    1. Thanks, Lucky! I feel very humble receiving all this. But I am happy and very touched.

  4. Congratulations and best wishes , Zita and Joe. What a wonderful achievement.

    1. Sanath, the usually 'late' Zita! Thanks a lot! It means a lot to have your good wishes. Zita

  5. Zita,that’s wonderful. .congratulations!
    Wish you and Joe many many more happy anniversaries ahead..

  6. We wish you & Joe many more years together.

    Indra & Rani

    1. Rohini and Indra, I am really touched that you are sending me these wishes. We've all gone through so much since those blog days and marriage seems to be another one. Thanks! I wish you too all the best in your lives. Zita

  7. Inserted on behalf of Rajan Ratnesar.
    Blogger Contact Form
    01:03 (7 hours ago)

    to me
    Hi Zita
    Congratulations on this milestone. This day and age golden wedding anniversary is a rarity. Hope are children and their Children learn of the love the devotion ,Dedication and trust that goes with marriage.
    Again to you and Joe whom I have not met gods choicest blessing for many years of happy married life.
    In case you can t remember me I was fondly known as Patas

    Rajendra Ratnesar | rratnesar@email.con

    Note: This email was sent via the Contact Form gadget on

  8. Well I know you by your nick name but let me call you by your majestic name now, Rajendra! It is so nice of you to say those heart touching words. You are right it is our hope that children of all our batch mates pick up the rare qualities of love, respect and long term loyalty which seems to be a hallmark of our 1962 batch. I wish you too, all the best that life has to offer in our twilight years. (when I say 'twilight' remember that's what comes just before dawn! With love, Zita (and Joe! He says, he'd like to meet you!)

  9. Patas is NOT the man who came up with the Big Bang theory!

  10. What is the origin of this name? I am curious. Does it refer to some explosion like in 'cheena patas'? Sorry! This thick head of mine can't understand. Zita

    1. Not sure Zita but I do know he inherited from his brother who was called Patas, why I don't know.

  11. I think Rajan's father Dr. WSC Ratnesar was also called "Patas". You will be surprised to hear that I knew Rajan's elder brother the late Kulen when he was a Law Student around 1957. That was long before I got to know Rajan in Med School. Now it can be told! Kulen had a roaring love affair with another Law Student who was Sinhala. I was a schoolboy then but knew Kulen's girl friend. They never got married. I related this story to Patas at his birthday party held in the Empire Residencies which was held just after our last Reunion. What made me recall the past (and not at our 2017 Reunion in Negombo) was because at the party Pata's younger brother and quite a few relatives were present. I am sure Patas won't mind this being published as a comment here.

  12. What a lovely story! So it is not Patas but Patas! Patas! Patas!. I just wonder whether the elder Patas's father was also called Patas!

  13. Here it is, straight from the horse's mouth. Patas sent me this email;

    Hi Speedy
    What I have been told I inherited the name from my brother Kulan.
    The story goes back to the days when STC was located at St Paul’s Church Bambalapitya before moving back to Mt Lavinia. My brother somewhat of a mischievous chap was being disciplined and was told to stand up on the bench just then a car tyre burst and my dear brother clapped his hands and shouted 'Patas'. This was his nickname during his years at STC but then slowly disappeared. I inherited and it stuck with me. Panchan too was called Patas at STC but pretty much disappeared.
    So that is the story as far I can recall.
    All the best

    1. Rajan, Mahendra, pardon me for butting in! So here's the chain: Rajan's bro Kulan(full of mischief) being disciplined~ told to stand up on bench~concurrently a car tyre (not related)burst outside~Kulan clapped his hands shouting 'patas'!~nickname sticks with him~it also rubs off on bro Panchan but it fades away~Rajan acquires it and name Patas sticks. Long live '`Patas'!

  14. Just out of interest, Patas has other meanings as well; a reddish colored long-tailed monkey, slang for feet.

  15. Zita, though belated, this brings my congratulations and good wishes on your golden wedding anniversary. May God bless you and Joe, and grant you many more years of wedded bliss.
    Sriani Basnayake

    1. Oh thanks, Sriani! That's ever so kind of you. Your wishes are greatly appreciated. I am really moved by our batch mates thoughtfulness. Zita (and Joe. He says, what lovely batch mates you have!)

  16. Suri is not far behind with a score of 45 not out!

  17. That makes the obvious suggestion: Why not have a feature 'Anniversaries of 1962 batch mates'? It doesn't have to be only marriage. There could be a lot other interesting and uncommon anniversaries with little anecdotes. Well in the end it is better to let it be spontaneous and not to follow formulas. Zita
