
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Any guesses.This one is easy.

Feeding time. Note the butterfly on one of the flowers.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Message from Sujatha Lena

sujathalena sujathalena

Attachments28 Aug (1 day ago)
to me

Hi ! Lucky.

I am delighted to introduce to you and may be through your /our Blog, to my batch mates , my daughter's creative prowess, A great deal of work, effort and support has gone into this .The play will be staged in Toronto from the 5-27th of November 2016.

Enclosed find, details of  the playwright, director and some insight into the plot of the play. See attachment.

Looking forward to meet you and my colleagues soon.


Suji Lena

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

 The hydrangea is the bigger plant with dark green leaves. It can be quite pretty when in full bloom. This one is not.

Climbing or trailing hydrangia- small light green to white flowers.
This will complete the series on hydrangeas. This picture was taken in Massachusettes. It covered two sides of a garage (not mine)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

When all around us we hear horticulturists, floral experts and excellent photographers talking about their hobby/hobbies in their language, Speedy chips in with some helpful notes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Creative Spot by Razaque Ahamat

Now its Poppies from this heroin or morphine . More Roses from Summer. Enjoy the spoils of my toils!!. I enjoy, so why not you --- fairly shared, no fears & no tears is bliss. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Plant in the Quiz (continued from a previous post)

This post is a continuation of Indra Anandasabapathy's recent "Floral Quiz". For easy reference and to refresh your mind, I have reproduced the picture here. Viewers were invited to identify the flower.


This is a close up of the plant in the quiz

"Floral Quiz" flower - lilac color

Something lighthearted while sipping a jeroboam of wine.

Sent in by Razaque Ahamat

All of you may have at some point experienced the bloody nuisance  calls known as " Cold Callers".

Here are a few that we had to deal with!!

1.Telephone rang and my wife picked it up and the caller said "Can I speak to Dr.Ahamat"
She replied "He does not live here any more, he has left me"...... I laughed
Caller "who was that laughing? She replied " Oh,That's my toy boy" and put the phone down!!

2..Another time I picked the phone & the caller said "Can I speak to Mrs. Ahamat?"
I replied " Which one, there are SEVEN here. I am a Muslim you know"
Caller " You must be very busy"
Reply "Are you deaf or what? Can't you hear me out of breath & panting"
Got cut off.

3.I picked up the phone.
Caller " Good Day, Sir...... nice and warm today!"
Replied " What do you want?"
Caller " Can I speak to Mrs. Ahamat, please?"
When being polite, one cannot be rude!!
Reply " Oh, being a nice day, she is out GRAZING"
Silly bugger said "When will she be back?"
Replied " At noon, that will be her MILKING TIME!!"
Got cut off.

4. This one is not the 'bloody cold callers'.
I had been very constipated for a few days and had an awful time trying
to deposit it with a lot of 'pushing' & panting. It was very painful indeed.
Coming out of the loo I told my wife "Now I can appreciate what you guys
may be experiencing at child birth"" She glanced at me & grinned!!
Then I went into the garden as usual and did a lot of digging and "did" my back.
Came indoors holding the small of my back and told my wife if she would please
give me a 'rub down' and held the tube of 'Feldene'?????
She said very sternly " You must be joking"!!!
She thought I wanted some medication to my "AHH.. SOUL" applied!!!
I said it was only ' a little bit higher' her hilarity!!
She did a grand job of it later anyway... cannot complain. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Any guess as to this plant's identity? Hint- it comes in lilac, purple, white, red & pink. A tropical plant adapting itself now to colder climate.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Lakshman Jayasinghe in Sri Lanka

LS Jay (Specialist in  Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in Brisbane, Australia) and his wife Jecintha  are on holiday in Sri Lanka. They visited me yesterday (18 August 2016). Suren (GP in England) and Sweeny Iyer were also expected, but they couldn't make it yesterday.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Ayubowan wasanawan Goodnight  Irene Fusion

A song after a long time.

This is my first attempt at "Fusion" - blending of an English song with a Sinhalese song.

The songs are the timeless American folk song Goodnight Irene and the Sinhalese song Ayubowan Wasanawan, sung by Indrani Wijebandara Senaratne, so much in evidence at Weddings in the good old days.

To keep it within a sensible duration, I had to just do clips from both songs. I added a Tabla beat to the Sinhalese section.

Hope you like it.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Creative Spot - A Poem by Zita Perera Subasinghe

It’s Rubbish, Really! 

 Little piece of dirt, little paper scrap
You lie on my table like a turned over snap

Were you blown in by the breeze?
To me it seems somewhat a mystery
Are you even hoping to seize
A little bit of ancient history?

Who do you really belong to?
And what really belongs to you?
By whose love do you long to
Be cherished and cared for too?

Are you where one made a note?
Are you part of a shopping list?
Where a loved one carefully wrote
Things to buy for a romantic tryst? 

You really belonged in a tree
Those long, long years ago
A papyrus you had to be
If you needed to achieve more

A great author needed you
To write a world famous book
A million readers greeted you
From world’s every corner and nook

Are you part of a Paper-Chase?
Little kids following your trail?
Either they won with glee and grace
Or you sadly made them fail?

Hey! I know just who you are!
A tiny piece of Egyptian history
A scrap from grave of Cleopatra
At last I have, solved your mystery!

By Zita Perera Subasinghe

Friday, August 12, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

 The blue patch in spring has pink cone flowers & black eyed susans now.
Morning glory- this is the commonest color. ( family convolvulacea).  There is a white & a beautiful light blue. The seeds seem to survive the winter & grow again next spring.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More on Hydrangeas by Indra Anandasabapathy

I am pleased to post this on the blog. Indra has responded by sending in more information and more pictures on Hydrangeas grown in his own beautiful garden which I have been privileged to see with my own eyes. As I have said in a previous post on this very same blog, Mangala and I were the guests of Indra and Rani not so long ago. From his guests' room window, we had a good view of part of the garden.

The common hydrangea leaves

OAK LEAF HYDRANGEA - leaves & flower

A tree hydrangea - Grows to a height of 8-10 feet. Flowers are white but may have a greenish tint at first bloom.

Shrub & tree hydrangeas (white flowers)

Note the absence of a trunk

Hydrangea variety not seen in Sri Lanka - summer bloomer

Rose of Sharon

                                                   ROSE OF SHARON. 
That is no rose at all. It is a tree & belongs obviously to the family MALVACEA- shoe flower family
                                   A summer bloomer. Hardy and propagates rapidly.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Creative Spot by Razaque Ahamat

My Four Girls in my life... My wife surrounded by my 3 daughters

My Dangling Bits in my Hanging Garden.