
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Message from Sujatha Lena

sujathalena sujathalena

Attachments28 Aug (1 day ago)
to me

Hi ! Lucky.

I am delighted to introduce to you and may be through your /our Blog, to my batch mates , my daughter's creative prowess, A great deal of work, effort and support has gone into this .The play will be staged in Toronto from the 5-27th of November 2016.

Enclosed find, details of  the playwright, director and some insight into the plot of the play. See attachment.

Looking forward to meet you and my colleagues soon.


Suji Lena


  1. Suji- You have a most talented and accomplished daughter. I hope we get a chance to see her productions some day. I know she is a great violinist too. It will be good to see you in March next year.

  2. Suji, Thank you for sharing this with us. I can only imagine the hard work and dedication that has gone into into this creative process, while practicing as a neurologist as well. This seems to be a very intriguing an unusual play, and I wish Suvendrini all the best.

  3. Suji,
    You can be rightfully proud of your daughters achievement in not only medicine but as a play writer.It is remarkable that she could excel in two different areas. This must make you very happy .
    Indra Anandasabapathy

  4. Dear Suji,
    Glad to see you in our fold.
    It was with great interest that I read 'preamble' of your daughter's play that you had posted. It is about time that somebody showed up the trials & tribulations of folk from both sides suffered at the time that left a whole generation out in limbo & still covered up by the powers that be to this day!! Tragic.....
    Nice to note that your dear daughter has progressed in the field of Medicine. We wish her well.

    Fondest regards,


  5. Suji,
    Nice to hear of your daughter's achievements
    congratulations and my Best Wishes to you both.

  6. Suji, this is amazing but not surprising to hear about Suvendrini's talents and achievements in this field. We are truly proud of her. I wish Enchanted Loom all success and hope a DVD will be available or it will be put on You Tube so we who are not that mobile to go abroad to see it, can enjoy it. Well Done! from Zita
