
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More on Hydrangeas by Indra Anandasabapathy

I am pleased to post this on the blog. Indra has responded by sending in more information and more pictures on Hydrangeas grown in his own beautiful garden which I have been privileged to see with my own eyes. As I have said in a previous post on this very same blog, Mangala and I were the guests of Indra and Rani not so long ago. From his guests' room window, we had a good view of part of the garden.

The common hydrangea leaves

OAK LEAF HYDRANGEA - leaves & flower

A tree hydrangea - Grows to a height of 8-10 feet. Flowers are white but may have a greenish tint at first bloom.

Shrub & tree hydrangeas (white flowers)

Note the absence of a trunk

Hydrangea variety not seen in Sri Lanka - summer bloomer

Rose of Sharon

                                                   ROSE OF SHARON. 
That is no rose at all. It is a tree & belongs obviously to the family MALVACEA- shoe flower family
                                   A summer bloomer. Hardy and propagates rapidly.


  1. That was a great run through of the different Hydrangeas, Indra.
    The tallest Hydrangea that I have seen a 'TREE' right across the road that can be seen from the second floor while seated on an easy chair in my room at work in NZ --- not that I was on it all the time-- honestly!!
    As my garden now is very small, I do not let 'things' grow tall as I 'cut' it down to size in order get it bushy -- I mean the plants!!.

  2. Dear Lucky, Razaque, and from earlier post, Indra, Mahendra and Nihal: While most of you with vast knowledge talk of and post photos of wonderful plants with beautiful flowers let me add this poem I found in a notebook. I can't remember writing it and may even have just copied it.
    'Just look at this! It's a riot of colour
    Yet there are, patches of darkness, and areas of pallor
    Just the same as Life, now orange, now plum
    Now elated, now glum!'
    from Zita (the one who knows little or nothing of plants!)

    1. Original or not, it is quite beautiful & true of life. Take plants & trees & grass away & our landscape & life would be barren.


  3. Wonderful Zita! True, every word of it. My knowledge of plants is very rudimentary I am afraid but I do love them!

  4. I like Zita's lovely poetry. It embellishes the photos and the descriptions.

  5. Thanks, Mahendra and Nihal! You two can do better than Rita/Zita you know. But it is good to belong to this little club within The Club. Let's just hope for more to send a few words, anything printable! Rita/Zita

  6. ZITA
    That poem was far more FRAGRANT and BEAUTIFUL than all posts of flowers although I have lost my sense of SMELL but not an eye for BEAUTY -- with my specs on of course!!!

    1. So Razaque, Rohini, Indra and others who toil and get their hands dirty to produce plants for beauty or for food, it is obvious that you belong to the people who, say, actually provide the food, while people like me only write the recipes! Rita

  7. Indra,
    I had the impression that the Rose of Sharon was yellow in colour!!!
    In fact I do have a 'grove' that yellow in colour. As it grows wild & rampant, had to be drastically pruned and also resort to weed killers to control its spread.
    Yours may be a very rare cultivar.
    I shall post mine when they are in full bloom at some point.
    Kind regards

  8. It i am sure has other colors.


  9. Thank you Indra for the display of the different varieties of Hydrangeas in your beautiful garden,-and
    Thankyou Lucky for posting the photos and for organizing this forum- where I've enjoyed the nice chat/poems etc between our friends Zita,Indra, Razaque ,Mahen and Nihal!
    Cheers -RohiniAna

  10. Indra
    Looking at the 1st photo --- "Ko, naa-ney"
    No flowers!! but lovely foliage. Need a Pulimood & Joshua to describe them.

    1. ND,
      I take your point.
      In horticulture foliage is as important or even more so. It is only once you have good foliage that good flowers follow.
      So first comes PORA-- Fertizers and then WATHURA---- Hydration..... then it is MAL all the way!!....

    2. Razaque, ok I too take the point you make, Pora, Watura, Kola, mal, gedi! And Nihal and I are the people who appreciate the mal and gedi. If not for us your toils will be in vain!

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