
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Any guess as to this plant's identity? Hint- it comes in lilac, purple, white, red & pink. A tropical plant adapting itself now to colder climate.


  1. Nice photos Indra.
    Not sure what it is?
    At first glace it appears to be Morning Glory taken over the mother tree.

  2. Again Indra,
    The second appears to be a variety of Hydrangea... 'Lace cap'????. The last is too small to view,& would just call it 'Trumpet flower'?????.....

  3. Indra, Iam amazed at the variety of plants you have in your garden.
    My guess about the first picture is the same as Speedy's-
    though it is not very clear unlike your usual photos- Did you make it hazy so we wont guess?!!
    The pretty blue flowers in the second photo are Plumbago-seen often in SL though I have only seen it once in the north of NZ where it is warm.Do your plants survive the winter?
    We know what the last photo is-so let someone else have a guess!Have fun!Rohini

    1. Rohini please enlighten us. I know not what the last photo is??
      To me they are all "Trumpets".
      Regards to you.

    2. Razaque- It is a Campsis- I had a different shade of it in my garden (when I had one!)
      Iam sure you would have seen plenty of it when you were here in NZ. It is possible that some might be calling it 'trumpet flower' owing to its shape.

  4. Indra
    We need a closeup of the shrub to see the flowers and the leaves more clearly. You are a tough examiner just like Prof KR

    1. How about Prof Nava.???
      Prof. KR was not half as tough, despite having a run-in with him on my physical stature during my appointment as a student he did not hold it against me!!!
      May they both have Heavenly Peace.
