
Saturday, July 25, 2020

I wish to announce that due to my present illness, Speedy (Mahendra Gonsalkorale) will be temporarily taking over the running of the blog until further notice. I request all those who are waiting in line to send in their contributions to him who will gladly publish them as I have been doing all these years. Good luck and good blogging!


Blog Administrator


  1. I am delighted to help Lucky in keeping this most valuable Blog alive while Lucky is not able to devote his full energies towards this. Hopefully, it will only be for a short time as we all want him to get well as soon as possible. I don't wish to state my email in this Blog but all the regulars have my email address. if a batch mate has a contribution and he/she hasn't got my email address, please post a comment with just your name and I shall find you.

    Lucky, please relax and have a well earned rest from Blog duties!

  2. As we wish Lucky a speedy recovery I welcome Mahen and thank him for taking on the mantle of the interim manager of the blog.
    This is also a wake up call for the silent majority to show their colours.

  3. Thanks, Nihal. Don't forget the "L" in good blogging!

  4. So happy you are helping by taking things over for awhile! We hope to give you all cooperation and hope to help you make things really bright and beautiful at this time when we all need cheering up!

    1. Zita, I happened to see you tucked away somewhere with another one of your poems , pertinent and quaint as usual, which I enjoyed- thank you - a timely nudge !
      I hope you will take note of Rajan’s “thought”.

  5. Lucky,
    I wish you a "speedy" and complete recovery. I definitely think you need the rest. Mahen will handle his responsibilities very well, I am sure.
    Mahen, many many thanks, and good luck!

  6. Lucky, Iam so sorry you have not been able to banish PHN as yet.
    I wish you a speedy recovery at the same time as I thank you for your administration of the blog thus far. You have left it in capable hands to have a much needed break till you regain your health. Take care and we’ll see you back soon.

  7. Thanks everybody. Shall do my best to maintain the high standards set by Lucky

  8. Thanks Speedy for taking this job on I will continue to pray for Lucky .
