
Sunday, June 28, 2020


Rajan Ratnesar and I arranged two zoom sessions so far. The pandemic has caused an explosion in on-line conferencing, chiefly using the zoom application. It has proved to be an effective and enjoyable way of keeping in touch and we intend repeating it at intervals and we hope even more will join.

Not all of us are techno-savy but mastering zoom is not a big deal. For those experiencing difficulty, try and get assistance from a grand kid! (Assuming you got one of course).

It is not easy to find a time suitable for all batch mates spread all over the globe. In our very first one, poor Rohini Ana had to wake up at 4.00 am! We spared her the agony in our last meeting and it is quite possible that we may have to resort to zoom type 1 and type 2, with type 1 tailored for the UK, USA and SL and type 2 for UK, SL, NZ and Australia.

It takes a bit of familiarisation to keep the meeting under control as the symphony of a few voices becomes a cacophony when the whole group breaks joins. Rajan is getting quite good at it and our last meeting was a considerable improvement on the first one.

Many “saw” each other after the lapse of several years and we all politely remarked “you haven’t changed a bit!”, as usual.

I keep saying it but it is true – our batch is very special.

Greetings to all. You will have to identify the actors and actresses in the screenshots!




  1. The Patas and Mahen Show
    It took some convincing but finally I have found that Zoom is a wonderful way to see our batch friends, all still instantly recognisable. They live in several different countries but seeing them together is a special treat. Just like in the corridors of a faculty lecture theatre. It is indeed a form of time-travel. The land, sea and the time that separate us just melt away as we joke and laugh together. The background hiss and crackle doesn’t seem to spoil the fun. Despite the years the ladies look elegant and glamorous. I was greatly tempted to sing that age old favourite “You were always on my mind”. In contrast the men show more lines and furrows on their faces, a sign of lives well lived, having the world on their shoulders.
    Patas is our distinguished master of ceremonies who wears the hat with some style and swagger. Mahen reminds me of the conductor of the orchestra wielding the baton making certain we play it as we should. I thank the organisers of the show and the participants for making it a great success.

  2. Many thanks to Rajan and Mahen for arranging this "Speedy and Patas" show. It is lovely to 'see' everyone in spite of the time zones and miles separating us. This may be the way some of us will be communicating in the future when all sorts of impediments arise to prevent us from taking those oh so long airplane trips. So far, I have been able to endure them until the SARS-CoV-2 clipped my wings (Miserable Microbe!). I think our last Zoom meeting went well with Rajan moderating the conversation, so that everyone got a chance to speak. Nihal, as for the background 'hiss and crackles' those can be minimized by switching off all electrical devices such as ceiling fans, radios, and if possible sitting in a quiet room when participating. (You may have noticed that the door behind me is always closed.). You were very kind to say that the ladies look 'elegant and glamorous.' Some of us resort to special assistance in this regard. Very few grey hairs were noted! Hope to see more of you next time!

  3. “Speedy and Patas”, Congratulations and Thank you .
    You have to be very special to give your time to getting us all together with this new technology as Lucky had done in the past with the blog.
    Waking up at 4 am is not a ‘big ask’ under normal circumstances when I consider the time and effort you put into the success of this project. Iam looking forward to joining you in the future when things have settled down a bit around here.
    Your efforts are much appreciated- Thank you

  4. Thanks Nihal, Srianee and Rohini for your kind comments. it gives me so much pleasure to do this, to bring us all together in real time! I hope we can get more to join us next time and this is to our colleagues in ASustraoia, please send one of us an email to inform you of the ext one.

  5. My troubles are not over yet. I think Rohini is right. Looks as if I have gone into the PHN phase. PHN or Post Herpetic Neuralgia is a common complication of Herpes Zoster. As the pain on the face was persisting, I channeled Ophthalmologist Dr. Wariyapola who referred me to Vision Care just to be on the safe side, to do a Glaucomal Assessment (nothing to do with Shingles)as he had noticed that the ?angles were not that good. He also wanted me to be seen by a Neurologist of my choice as my eye is not involved but the pain is persisting. So, I was seen by my friend Deshamanya Dr. JB Peiris yesterday. He also wanted me to get an MRI done to rule out the Maxillary artery pressing on the Maxillary nerve at some point. Asiri Central Hospital will be doing the MRI next week. So there is no end in sight! These tests are very costly, but I don't care because I am covered by very good health insurance.

  6. Lucky, so sorry to read that you have PHN, I hope your doctor friends will be able to figure out the cause of your pain, or at the very least be able to manage it, so that you don't suffer. I hope it will improve with time. Good luck my friend. I will be thinking of you.

  7. Lucky,sorry to hear about your ongoing agony.Hope our good old JBP,with wide experience in Neurology,will be able to sort out the root cause of it.
    Lucky that Private hospitals have invested on expensive tools of investigations,that National hospitals are lacking,in my opinion.We are rather fortunate to live in a country with excellent, Free health Service.Wish you a speedy recovery.

  8. Lucky
    PHN is a curse. You are getting the best care and attention. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  9. Lucky, this is speedy wishing you a speedy recovery. No seriously, I do hope that you will come out the victor.

  10. Lucky, you are doing all the right things with this post HZO neuralgia, by seeing all the best people who have specialised knowledge. You just have to stick to the advice they give, use the medications they prescribe and get on with life as when you lose yourself in 'normal' day to day things you get distracted out of the neuralgia and of course you have use the pain killers. I always say 'give in to the lesser evil -here the pain killers- to avoid a greater evil.
    All the best! You WILL see and end to this and be back to normal life. Use non medical treatments too, meditation, relaxation, engaging in activities you like etc.

  11. Sorry to hear about about the effects post Herpes Zoster infection. I hope and pray you will recover rapidly from this complication. I have heard about the post HZ neuralgia and how devastating it can be . Sorry for the late response.

  12. Why the Silence?

    Have our minds entered Lockdown?
    Or are we holding some kind of grouse?
    Is there now a permanent frown?
    On our dear, dear high brows?

    Is Hibernation the name o’ the game?
    Not a virtue to ride and roam?
    When our only claim to fame
    Is ‘Best lie low ‘n stay at home?

    But penmanship sure has a place
    To take away the doom and gloom
    Let your classy writing grace
    The Batch Blog. There’s plenty room!

    By: Wondering with a frown, Zita

    1. Ah! Zita
      You made the point and made my day with your lovely rhyming poetry.Wonderful.
      As for Lucky I spoke with him today. He is still under the weather and wanted me to pass on the message that he is recovering but slowly.
      We wish him well for a rapid recovery and a return to the blog with his usual flair and flourish.

  13. I too have been wandering " why the silence". Thanks Zita for bringing up the issue in your poetic form. I wander if you can compose these into a song and have you play the Piano with you and our Baritone do a virtual recording. A thought .

  14. Nihal, yes we should all keep our blog going, but you are someone who has really done your bit with your interesting and classy contributions.
    And Rajan, you too are a key name on our Blog and let's all rally round and add our bit to the effort Lucky has always been making and now we can give the same cooperation to Mahendra while Lucky gets back to his spritely self1 Hope to see more and more from our batch mates on this Blog which is unique in what it has so far achieved! Cheers! Zita
