
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

It happened in London……..

Winter Reunion London January 2020

By Nihal D Amerasekera  and Mahendra (Speedy)  Gonsalkorale

Nihal begins the story:
What a wonderful winter warmer it was at such short notice. When Pram called me on the 19th of December 2019, the plan was for a quick and short get-together for two of us with Mahen and Zita. But as each day passed I could see the snowball getting larger and rolling on until the figure reached 21.

The bouquets and the applause go to Pram and Mahendra for their brilliant organisation done with so much affection, kindness and care. Pram did the reconnaissance visiting the Sri Lankan restaurant which is in the posh part of London near Buckingham Palace, meeting the owner and making the arrangements. Dammika’s is a restaurant that has won awards for its cuisine and customer care. They had created a bit of Sri Lanka in the heart of London. Dammika’s made the restaurant available to us and closed it for visitors from 12-3pm. Mahendra made a huge attempt to contact everyone in our batch living in the UK creating a WhatsApp Group in the process for easier communication. He kept in close contact with everyone making sure they knew how to reach the venue despite the many vagaries of public transport on a Sunday. All this was done with meticulous care, loving kindness and a great deal of patience.

The cast
Pramilla Senanayake
Nihal (ND) Amarasekera
Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale
Sunil Abeysuriya and wife Sirima
Zita PereraSubasinghe and husband Joe
Shanthy Nalliah
SusilAttale and wife Rupa
Sunanda (Jimmy) Wickremasinghe
Douglas Mulgirigama
Harischandra (Bora) Boralessa and wife Harshi
Edwis Francis Samarakone and husband Tony
IndraniAnthonypillai, daughter Rose with husband John and 2 kids Maria and Johnty
ShryaniBatuwittage (wife of the Late BTB)
DhushyanthiVedavanam (wife of the Late S.Vedavanam)
Sakuntala  (wife of N Balakumar)

Apologies were received from ManilKatugampola (Hetti), SusheilaThiagarjah (Kanagasabey), MaheswaryNadarajah (Singarayer), DharamaniMakalananda, AppuSumathipala, RanjitDambawinna, PulasthiWickremasinghe, RohiniAbhayaratne.

The Reunion kicked off with the usual pleasantries, lots of hugs and kisses. Pram and Mahen in their speeches welcomed everyone. We made a special welcome to the wives of our batch-mates who are now no more – Dhushy (SivakumarVedavanam’s wife), Shriyani (Boyd TilakBatuwitage’s wife) and Sakuntala (Balakumar’s wife). It was so lovely to see IndraniSubramaniam with her daughter Rose and her husband John with their two delightful children Maria and Jhonty. We must pay tribute to Indrani for attending all our gatherings despite her difficulties. Douglas Mulgirigama has authored a book on psychiatry in the Sinhala language which is to be released soon in Colombo. He made a brief presentation and we wish it every success. Before sitting down for our meal there was a minutes silence for our dear departed friends.

There was never a dull moment. We shared humorous stories from way back and the favourite anecdotes were repeated with some variations. Amidst lots of laughter and chat we tucked into the sumptuous buffet of buryani, roti, rice, hoppers, string hoppers and a fine selection of mouth-watering authentic ‘home-cooked’ curries. The hoppers and egg hoppers were everyone’s favourite. Friends were queuing for their arrival hot off the pan. They were topped by a dessert of Watalappan or Crème Brulee.

It was so lovely to see so many of our batch despite the short notice and the winter weather. We are most grateful to the staff at Dammika’s and their charming and enthusiastic manager for their helpful kindness and their friendly service. The food was simply delicious and rekindled our memories of home. There was the amazing and wonderful feeling that despite the years and the oceans that separate us from our birthplace we felt that we belonged together.

This was a most memorable reunion and everything finally came together beautifully. The feedback for the function has been excellent, and the expectation is that we must make this a regular event. The success of the reunion was due to the goodwill and support of all who attended. Whenever there is a reunion or a gathering, large or small, it wouldn’t happen without the energy, genuine warmth and passion of PramillaSenanayake and MahenGonsalkorale. Their self-effacing modesty astounds me. The success of this event is a tribute to their hard work. I wish to thank them on behalf of everyone who attended this event.

The London Reunion 2020 was a fabulous event of friendship of our batch and all our friends who joined us. We will forever remember the happiness and the laughter that filled the dining-hall on that dreary winters day. May we have the good fortune to meet again.

Speedy continues:
My main role was to communicate with all and liaise with Pram on the venue, menu and other practical details. Pram was an amazing negotiator and full credit to her for the final menu arrangments at Dammika’s. Her legendary communication skills and powers of persuasion were a joy to behold.

The following is a summary of quotes from the WhatsApp group I set up. I called it – Medical Batch62uk. I spoke to RohiniAbhayaratne today and was so happy to hear that she was touched that I chose an image of her late dad (or Patchaya as she reminded me!) for the logo of the group. I hope that readers will get some idea of how well our reunion went from this note. It is simply amazing that we have maintained links in some form or other for nearly 58 years!

ND: Mahen both you and Pram have done wonderfully well to organise a lunch for a group who are retired and on the move all the time. Information on WhatsApp is more difficult to keep track of as there are multiple interactions that are scattered unlike emails.

Dhushy: Many thanks Mahen for the thorough illustrated instructions for us to find the place easily

Edwis Francis Samarkone: Thank you for giving directions to Dammikas. Hope we make it for 12noon. Thank you Pram and Speedy for arranging it and a wonderful 2020 to all.

John Moore (IndraniAnthonypillai son-in-law): Thank you all so much for letting us join you. Indrani had a wonderful time, as did we all. We hope you all make / made it home safely. With much love John on behalf of Indrani and the Moores

Pram: Dear Indrani John    Rose Maria &Johnty you are certainly part of my family and you are always welcome. Glad you had a good time. Have a great 2020. God bless you. See you in the summer love pram

Edwis:. Hope these photos get through.  Tony and I enjoyed meeting all of you today. Thank you Mahen and Pram for all your efforts. Hope we all meet again in June. Kind regards to all.  Edwis

Shanthy Nalliah: Hi everyone just arrived home. It was lovely to see all of you and enjoy hoppers and wattalapam! Pram and Speedy thanks very much for beautifully organising the event. God bless you all. Pram safe journey to SL. Bye Mahendra. You will need a week to recover from the event you organised. God bless you. Shanthy

ND: Shanthy good to see you. Pity the time went so quickly

Zita: This is Zita. Joe and I thought it was an absolutely fabulous get together expertly planned! The food was great. Meeting everyone was extra special! Thanks a million

ND: Zita it was so wonderful to see you both. Seeing Joe was a bonus after such a long time. God Bless.

Zita: Thanks and it was lovely to see you. And I wish the time didn’t go so fast as we would have liked to go on chatting. But all good things have to end.

ND: Dhushy, t was such a great pleasure to see you and thank you for coming. It was so lovely to see your son and daughter and also your grandchildren. That photo of Sivakumar brought him back to life and to the happy memories of the time we spent together. Take care and please keep in touch.

Dhushy: Mahen you deserve a well-earned holiday after yesterday- you have done so much of work with Pram behind the scenes to make this mini get together a very enjoyable and memorable event. What struck me most was we were all made to feel so welcome and the friendship and fellowship amongst everyone was so evident. Thank you so much again.

Shriyani (Geeta) B: Yeah! Dushy, you said it all!  My feelings are mutual. Thanks, Mahendra and Pramila.  I enjoyed the whole experience, have a safe journey back.

Dhushy: Geetha I have been thinking of you. Will write soon. It was so lovely to meet you. Dhushyxx

Speedy:  A quick thank you to each and every one of you for a hugely enjoyable afternoon. Photos shall follow. Please send me any you took. Keep in touch and take care.

Pram: Indeed speedy. We had an awesome time. Way beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you speedy for coordinating the whole event. Thank you to each and everyone for coming. Have a splendid 2020.

ND: It was such a lovely gathering. It was a more intimate reunion than we have had before. The food was brilliant and served with loving care. Our thanks to Pram and Mahendra for the brilliant organisation and the helpful advice from start to finish. Thank you.

Jimmy: (Email) Thank you so much to you Pram and Speedy for an excellent get-together.
The Venue was good, food tasty and company good.

Speedy: We gelled so well as a group. We must extend our friendship beyond reunions and I am sure you will join me when I say that wherever and whenever we need each other, we will unhesitatingly help in whatever way we can. WhatsApp, emails texts phone messages are all there as modes of communication. May you all be content and happy

Zita: Dushy, this reunion spearheaded by Speedy and Pram has opened up for our batch mates and their families an open communications network to keep in touch, help one another and keep our friendship alive and active. Let’s make use of it and brighten up each other’s lives! Zita

Dhushy: Zita great idea. I endorse what you say wholeheartedly. Yesterday we met up for a couple of hours but I can say from the bottom of my heart that the friendship and fellowship we forged was lasting...this is what I believe. Back at home. It was such a lovely memorable afternoon with lovely people. Mahen and Pram you have done a great job planning this event so well. The organising was super. Million thanks for inviting the spouses of your departed batch mates. The food was delicious with lots of choices. Everyone had a jolly good time.  Thanks to Zita for the invaluable advice re my eye problems. The rapport amongst all of us was great. As Zita rightly said yes we could have gone on chatting but all good things have to come to an end!It was lovely to see ND and Sunanda too. I was happy to meet Attale too. Sakuntala, Sriyani and I are planning a rendezvous!
Pram have a safe journey back to Sri Lanka. Hope to see you in the summer. May you all have a Blessed 2020.Dhushy


  1. I know it was rather long but we hope you were able to vicariously experience the pleasure and the "brotherhood" (is there a word called sisterhood"?) that prevailed on the day.

  2. Firstly,may I thank the organisers for their unparalleled organising skills.I sadly,missed the opportunity to see the friends,since leaving Medical school in 1967 and migration to UK in 1977.I could imagine the changes in visage and the physique of good old mates.
    Last but least,my heartfelt thanks goes to ND,for his erudite skills in the usage of lingua franca-"English(Anglais)"

    1. We missed you Sumathi. May be the next time. We will always keep you informed of any future get-together s

  3. I will say this again - this is the best London Reunion we have had since the one in the 1990's which was on a much larger scale. The joy in meeting "old" friends was virtually palpable.
    We missed you Sumathy and Latha. Perhaps you can make it for the Summer gathering in London.
    I cannot emphasise enough how accommodating and friendly the staff and the owner of Dammika's were to us.
    It was simply wonderful

  4. WOW!!! you guys and gals are lucky you can meet so often and enjoy those happy Medical school days. I envy not only the company not to mention the mouth watering food that was part of the celebration. Now in my old age I wander if I could tolerate the cold snowy winters in which I lived during my years in london and upstate New York. Wish all of You a happy new year. Best wishes Patas

    1. So nice to see your comment Rajan. We would have loved to have you and Queelan with us on that day and hope you will come this way again in the not too distant future. You are certainly a person who values our Batch time memories. All the best to you and Queelan and your family.

    2. Patas
      It is such a great pleasure to hear from you from across the pond. Wish you were with us to raise a glass and partake in the food and the fun.
      Take care my friend with best wishes.

  5. Nihal and Mahen, Thank you for the news bulletin from where everything happens .
    So nice to see you having a good time. You are all such good sports - May you continue to meet and have fun !

    1. Rohini! How are you? Long time no see! Happy new year and may all your dreams come through and a new composition follow. Yes, it was good for us to meet and renew and strengthen friendships.

    2. Rohini
      Great to see you back. Do keep in touch while enjoying the glorious summer.

    3. Dear Mahen, Iam still in the world of the living - It was just an “ absence “ !!
      Thank you for your warm wishes - I wish you an year of fulfilled
      dreams too .
      Do you know who has done a lot of singing in his youth and am sure is still well able to do so - our modest friend ND. We shall have to work on this.

    4. Dear Nihal, I “speak no evil” !
      Keep happy ! Warm Regards - Rohini

    5. All I see out of my window are trees bare of the lush green leaves. But it can only get better as spring must be around the corner. There are lots of birds in the garden singing away. 25th Of January is Chinese New Year. It is the year of the rat. I hope the rodent will bring peace and stability to the world.

    6. Nihal, your hidden talents are being exposed!

    7. Nihal, It is not like you to sound despondent - You’ll feel the warmth of the sun on your face soon. Do get back on your rocking chair and think of those crocuses and daffodils that will soon starting popping their heads all around you, and the Rose garden in Regents Park amongst the birds- The birds are still singing to you in spite of the winter - May be you should sing back to them too-
      I’d send some of my NZ sunshine to you if I could - Warm Regards and enjoy the Chinese New Year - love to all your family - Rohini

    8. Rohini
      I do feel good after being to the Barbican last night for a fine concert:
      Franck/Delsart Cello Sonata in A major
      Chopin Introduction et polonaise brillante in C major, Op 3
      Cello Sonata in G minor
      Gautier Capuçon cello
      Yuja Wang piano
      It is so refreshing to hear lesser known young musicians play so wonderfully well

    9. Nihal, you are so lucky to see this duo live. This is what they have been playing in their new album - specially the Largo Is so serene and beautiful.
      Winter or summer - you are in a great place- enjoy yourself.

    10. Sorry about the errors in the previous comment - only realized now !

    11. Following Nihal's and Rohini's comments I listed to the due on YouTube. Wonderful! Thanks both!

    12. The Largo is a special treat. So serene and so beautifully played. At the Barbican she wore a shiny dress which was rather long which made walking measured and difficult. The lad had to help her out. What a pretty girl and such a fine pianist. They both use Ipads for their music. I wonder how she turned the pages. I could see him touching the iPad but not her. A delightful duo.

    13. I am a great fan of the cello. The cellist was brilliant too. His playing style reminded me of that famous French cellist Paul Tortelliere. I was briefly transported to heaven at the Barbican on that stormy night. I assure you it wasn’t the wine.

    14. Mahen, Glad you enjoyed it - Do listen to another heavenly Largo from Beethoven’s Triple concerto which never fails to drift me heavenwards - Also played by a young trio - I do not know how I get the link to this, but if you go on YouTube and punch in the above by Samuelsenmusic I am sure you’ll get it . It is divine .Let me know how you go. Nihal and I have shared this a long time ago.

    15. Nihal, You haven’t lost your eye for a pretty girl in a slim dress - a musician at that!
      Great you are keeping young at heart !
      As for turning pages on the iPad-it is possible Yuja Wong was playing it by memory.

    16. Here is the link to "almost Heaven"!

    17. Thank you Mahen - you guys are so clever !

  6. I would like to see my old clinical group mate, Rohini in future London mini Union.

  7. Dear Sumathi,
    You remind me of a little boy making a wish to Father Christmas !
    I’ll have to make a wish to old Santa next Christmas to send me - not a sleigh with bells and reindeer, but a magic carpet to fly me to the next reunion !
    Hope you had a joyful festive season and I wish you and your family a new year of good health and happiness. Cheers

  8. Rohini,
    Benevolent Jinn will fly you from Auckland to London in seconds,if you wish so.Wish you,happy long years,so that we will see a lot of flowery,blogs.

  9. Rohini and Mahen
    The Beethoven Triple Concerto is a treat. I just want to remind you of a wonderful piece of music from the film SCENT OF A WOMAN (1992) called Por Una Cabeza brilliantly written by Carlos Gardel in 1935. In the film it is played for an elegantly performed Tango. I love when it's played on the violin by Itzhak Perlman or more recently by Nicola Benedetti. The music takes me back to the vast grass plains of Argentina, the Pampas, and the Gaucho's that eek out a living in that inhospitable terrain. The composer was a gambler in Brazil/Argentina. It is so lovely to read about the stories behind the music that capture the thoughts of the composer. But I find it hard to find the connection between the aggression and despondency of horse racing and this lovely piece which seems more a description of a glamorous lady dressed for a party. Perhaps the music has stayed with me as I heard it played in Buenos Aires in the House of Tango, El Viejo Almacen when they performed the Tango so brilliantly. The Malbec wine and their steaks tasted good too.

  10. Nihal, I can never figure how you remember so much detail about your adventures- and thank you for some of the background to this lovely tango so beautifully executed by young
    Gabrielle Anwar and Al Pacino in the film. A tango always fascinates me.
    Here’s more on this from Wikipedia-
    Por una Cabeza-
    The name is a Spanish horse-racing phrase meaning "by a head", which refers to a horse winning a race narrowly - by just the length of its head. The lyrics speak of a compulsive horse-track gambler who compares his addiction for horses with his attraction to women.
    Alfredo Le Pera was an Argentine, born in Brazil, son of Italian immigrants.
    Le Pera and Gardel died in an airplane crash in Medellín, on Monday, June 24, 1935.[2]

    The starting phrase in the B section may be inspired by Mozart's Rondo for violin and orchestra in C major, K. 373.[3][4]
    The song was originally composed in A major.[5] It was thereafter adapted to the violin and the piano sometimes in A major,[6][7] sometimes in G major.[8][9]

    "Por Una Cabeza" is featured in a famous tango scene in Martin Brest's film Scent of a Woman (1992), in the opening scene of Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List (1993) and in James Cameron's True Lies (1994).[10][11][12][13]

    An arrangement, without vocals, is performed by Nicola Benedetti on her 2012 album The Silver Violin.[14][15]

    1. Rohini
      Oh no its not my fantastic memory but the amazing magic of the internet. I am a great fan of Itzhak Perlman and also of Nicola Benedetti. I was so taken up by the music of the Scent of a Woman read about it quite recently.
      Another film score that had fascinated me for several decades is Lara's theme composed by Maurice Jarre. I love the melody and the lyrics that supports and enhances the human tragedy that unfolds in that epic film. They reckon it is based on Boris Pasternak's life. I've seen Doctor Zhivago many times and would see it again. There is also a version played on the balalaika - so very beautiful that pulls on my chordae tendineae. Sadly Omar Sharif and Alec Guinness are no more. RIP

  11. Yes Nihal- That Balalaika version is extremely beautiful- it rings in my ears and in my heart as I read your comment - thank you - shall be back soon - Rohini

  12. Nihal, Iam sorry - ‘soon’ didn’t come to pass as soon as I expected !
    Iam not surprised that you are a great fan of these two fine violinists - I had the privilege many years ago of seeing Perlman perform live at the Lincoln Centre in NY thanks to Natasha who treated us to a wonderful evening with him. I have not had the same privilege with Benedetti - though I am sure you have seen most of the world famous musicians perform where you are lucky to be. One performance by Benedetti which stands out in my memory is her rendition of Shostakovich’s Romance from The Gadfly.
    It appears She is due to perform prior to the Grammies , a piece specially written for her by Wynton Marsalis- which I have listened to and don’t like! It is more a ‘blues’ piece, mostly composed of pizzicatos- I personally think Benedetti with her Stradivarius is wasted plucking its strings like on a guitar !
    When we start talking music there is so much to say and not enough time or space to say it ! Thank you Nihal

  13. Nihal, The Shostakovich as played by Benedetti - I just checked - has been in the Proms-
    You may well have seen this performance live - you lucky guy !

  14. Rohini
    It is indeed a privilege to hear Perlman live which I've done a couple of times in Birmingham when he played and conducted which was a masterful performance. Romance from the Gadfly is one of my favourites and the one I have is by Tasmin Little. I do agree Wynton Marsalis compositions are more blues and not to my liking. There are some fine violinists who play jazz very well - Stephan Grappelli and Nigel Kennedy come to mind. Benedetti is a fine violinist whom I've heard at the Royal Albert Hall and RFH. She's good and a fine performer. Yes, I feel very fortunate to live in London with so much good music around.
    Wynton Marsalis is such a fine trumpeter. I love his version of Carnival of Venice. The music Reminds me of Gampaha around 1954 when I heard it first on a wind-up gramaphone played by an orchestra (with the hiss and crackle )and I loved it. How times and life have moved on !!

  15. I have listened to a plethora of Sinhala music recently. They are mostly old songs revamped to suit the 21st Century. I like the new arrangements and also appreciate the fine musicality of the performers. Sashika Nissansala is a name that comes to mind for her fine renditions of the old CT Fernando songs with several other well known male singers. Priyanwada Madubhashini, Amal Perera and also Nalin Perera are fine singers of the new generation. Well worth listening to on Youtube.

  16. Nihal, Thank you for widening our musical horizons-
    I am ashamed to say I have hardly been listening to any Sinhala music - mainly as I am unable to understand the words. I still delight in those beautiful songs I heard in my youth such as Pinsiduwanne, Ma Bala kale and Piyumehi panibomu vanabambaroo. I shall certainly visit those you have mentioned on YouTube. Thank you

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
