
Thursday, January 16, 2020

From the Dean, Colombo Medical Faculty

From: Jennifer Perera <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2020 at 06:42
Subject: New year greetings and the Programme for the Anniversary year
To: Upeksha Silva <>

Dear Alumni  of the Faculty of Medicine,Colombo

Itt is with much appreciation that I remember you at the dawn of the 150th Anniversary year.
First and foremost let me wish you all a peaceful and Happy 2020 on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo

Today we are having a multi Religious ceremony (Buddhist/ christian, Muslim and Hindu) at 8.30 am Sri Lankan time to invoke blessings to our Alma Mater at the beginning of the Anniversary year as per our heritage and culture. This ceremony is organised by the Non academic staff members of the Faculty. Please join with us in Spirit at this important moment of our faculty.

There are many activities conducted throughout the anniversary year. 
Please take time to circulate this to all your batchmates and Alumni of the Faculty of Medicine

1) Colombo Medical Congress - 12thto 15th  February 2020 - at Faculty premises. Please visit the website for further details of congress registration and activities linked to this programme including a banquet/ opportunities for batch meetings at Faculty, launch of 150 year souvenir, international medical quiz by students etc etc

2) Opening of the new landscape project and restored Kochs clock tower  that provides student study areas and discussion portals. This will be held a  day or two prior to the congress to enable as many alumni to participate at this ceremony as this project was completely funded by Alumni. 

3) Medivision Medical exhibition at the University of Colombo premises from 30th March to 5th April 2020-
4) 1st June 2020, the  Birthday of the Faculty is celebrated by planting a tree and first day cover and circulating coin at a simple ceremony 

5) Anniversary walk in August 2020 - organised by the Colombo Medical School Alumni Association headed by Prof Rezvi Sheriff, Emeritus Professor

6) A Cultural show produced by Alumni, staff and students - October 2020

PLEASE REMEMBER TO CIRCULATE THIS TO ALL YOUR CONTACTS/ BATCHMATES IN SRI LANKA AND OVERSEAS as your participation is important to make these events a success

Thank you and warm regards

Jennifer Perera
Dean and Chair Professor of Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Colombo
P O Box 271, Colombo
Sri Lanka
Telephone: 0094 11 2698449
Fax:            0094 11 2691581
Mobile:       0094 77 6096002

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