
Friday, October 18, 2019

Nim Him Sevva sung by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale and Shantha Gunasekara

This is an all time favourite that Amaradeva (Sinhala) had made hugely popular. Also, Nimal Mendis sang the English version - "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"). Both had been sung by many since then. You will recall that our own Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale has already done both as his own versions and I had the pleasure of posting them on the blog. Now, Speedy is accompanied by Shantha Gunasekara in this third version with musical backing by Speedy himself on his Yamaha Genos. This is a superb combination and I have heard them singing other songs together. I like them very much. I am sure all viewers of the blog too will like them. So, let's listen and enjoy! 


  1. Mahen and Shantha, what an uplifting composition I’ve woken up to !
    Sung so beautifully by you both to a fine accompaniment on the Genos, all so well modulated - a perfect composition. Thank you for bringing us such joy.

  2. Thanks Rohini.This song is one of my all time favourites. Shanta is a very talented and able singer but modest to the extreme. I have succeeded somewhat in getting her out of her shell. Hope you are in good form and nearly ready with another lyrical piece for me to transform into a song!

  3. Mahen , your own modesty re your multiple talents and abilities is plain to see !
    Thank you for everything.

  4. Mahen and Shantha
    It is not often I'm at a loss for words. The song simply blew me away!! I know the music has been arranged by Mahen on the Genos. It is brilliantly done. My understanding of Sinhala has sadly gone down the pan during my 45 years in exile. Google came to my rescue to give me a fine translation. This made such a difference to my appreciation of the music. Your voices complement each other perfectly and show a great chemistry. You bring out perfectly the passion, the longing and the loneliness so charmingly and vividly expressed in the lyrics. It certainly seems like this song was composed specially for you to perform. Shantha sings so very well and has the voice of a professional singer. The musicality of your voice is something you are born with and you both have it in great abundance.
    My thanks to you both.
    Mahen if you have this in MP3 please forward it to me.

  5. Mahendra and Shantha, I was lucky to come across this on a busy Saturday morning and it cheered me no end! It is lovely, a tad sad, a real balm for any bruised soul on a Saturday morning. You both do a wonderful job. I have heard your earlier version some years ago and now I enjoy listening to this one and following the minimalistic but quite matching illustrations. Thank you very much indeed. I am about to share it with a few friends and family members. They are quite familiar with Mahendra's singing and love it. Thanks again! You've adorned our Blog with lovely music this morning. Zita

  6. Nihal and Zita, thank you most sincerely for your appreciative comments. I shall pass them on to Shanta who I know will be thrilled. This is one of my all time favourite songs and it was a pleasure to do the whole thing. The wonders of modern technology enabled this as I sang in Manchester and she did so in Haywards Heath and we exchanged recordings via email and I was then able to fuse them into one song using my software, and finally create a YouTube video. Just the final outcome was so satisfying and then the joy of sharing with others!

  7. Hey! That's Technology and Man (or Woman) working in unison to produce a better result than can be done by one alone! So there's proof that we don't need to worry that machines or tech will overtake us but that they will make wonderful efforts possible. Well done to the two human beings in this effort for without them there wouldn't be this wonderful creation. Zita

  8. This is truly a beautiful song well sung. As a great music lover I fully appreciate the song

    1. Are you UVA De Silva by any chance? It would be amazing if you are!
