
Monday, October 21, 2019


The 9th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CoMSAA is scheduled to be held on Friday 15th 
November 2019 at 6.00 pm at the Boardroom of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo

Herewith attaching the following documents for your reference;
1.      Minutes of the 8th AGM
2.      Resolutions to be presented at the AGM
3.      Agenda for the 9th AGM
Looking forward to seeing you all at the AGM

Thank you

Best Regards

Dr. Sumithra Tissera  
Co Secretary CoMSAA

Colombo Medical School Alumni Association
Faculty of Medicine
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka
3 Attachments
Resolutions to be included in the constitution, sent by Prof. SarojJayasinghe, discussed and accepted at the Council and forwarded for the approval of the CoMSAA Membership
1.      Extension of Membership to Medical Consultants/ Doctors working in the Ministry of Health and other Units attached to the MoH, who are directly involved in teaching students from the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo. Will not have voting powers.
2.      Allow formation of chapters in other countries where there are medical doctors who have passed out from the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo. All members of such foreign chapters should firstly be a member of the parent body, CoMSAA in Sri Lanka

Agenda of the 9th Annual General Meeting of CoMSAA
15thNovember 2019 at 6.00 pm
At the Board room, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo 08
National Anthem
Welcome address by Dr. IyanthiAbeyewickreme - PresidentCoMSAA
Confirmation of Minutes of the 8th Annual General Meeting
Matters arising from Minutes
Annual Report - Dr. GayaniRanaweera (Joint-Secretary)
Treasurer’s Report –DrSahanGuruge (Treasurer)
Address by the outgoing President –Dr. IyanthiAbeyewickreme
Induction of the Incoming President, Awarding the President’s and Past President’s Medals
Election of office bearers for 2019/2020
Address by the incoming president- Vidyajothi Prof. Rezvi Sheriff
Vote of thanks
Minutes of the 8thAnnual General Meeting
Colombo Medical School Alumni Association (CoMSAA)

The 8th AGM of CoMSAA was held on 2ndNovember 2018, at 6pm, at the Board Room of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo
The following members attended the meeting
1.      Prof.  Jennifer Perera
2.      Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickreme
3.      Dr. Sumithra Tissera
4.      Prof. Sudarshini Wasalathanthri
5.      Dr. B.J.C Perera
6.      Dr. L. Abeyagunawardene
7.      Dr. Christo Fernando
8.      Dr. G Shanthilal de Silva
9.      Dr. Sanath Goonesekara
10.  Dr. K Rajendra
11.  Dr. J Dayasena
12.  Dr. Pramilla Senanayake
13.  Dr. Sujatha Samarakoon
14.  Dr. Sarath Samarage
15.  Dr. Ranjan Dias
16.  Dr. Gayani Ranaweera
17.  Dr. Harshima Wijesinghe
18.  Dr. R Abeyewickreme
19.  Dr. Sahan Guruge
20.  Dr. AD Wariyapola
21.  Prof. A Kaluarachchi
22.  Prof. Anoja Fernando
23.  Prof. AH Sheriffdeen

1.      Prof. Piyanjali de Zoysa
2.      Dr. Dayan Rajapaksha
3.      Dr. Chamila Dalpadatu
4.      Dr. Sarath Gamini de Silva

The meeting commenced with the NationalAnthem.
Prof. Jennifer Perera welcomed the members.
Minutes of the 7th AGM held on 17th November 2017, were presented, and proposed by Dr. Sumithra Tissera&confirmed byDr. Pramilla Senanayake.
Annual report 2017/2018was read by Dr Sumithra Tissera, Joint Secretary CoMSAA. She gave a very comprehensive report on the many activities undertaken during the year.
The treasurer’s report and the audited accounts for the financial year (2017/2018) were presented by Dr. Sahan Guruge.

Amount in Rs.
Total assets 01.10.2017
Total assets 30.09.2018
Annual session income 
Annual session expenditure
Profits from Annual Session
Total FD’s held by CoMSAA
Prof. Jennifer Perera addressed the gathering as the outgoing President and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo. She briefly summarized the activities undertaken by CoMSAA during the year and also shared some activities undertaken by the Faculty. She thankedindividual CoMSAA members and batches who have extended their support to raise money for the building project and reminded everyone that the Faculty will be celebrating 150 years of its existence in 2020. She said that many activities are lined up to build the image of the Faculty both here and abroad. Some of the activities would be; International Medical Conference, Medical Exhibition, A commemorative walk, An International Quiz and a Cultural event. She invited all alumni to join in the celebrations.
She thanked all the Executive Members of the Council for all their support extended to her to make the year a success. She also extended her sincere thanks to the academic and non-academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine for theirenthusiastic cooperation, all well-wishers and alumni who supported by their generous donations andtheir presence at the CoMSAA activities.
A special mention was made of Mr. Laskhan Darshana, the demonstrator attached to the Dean’s Office for all his help during the year.

President,Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickremethen addressed the gathering.She thanked the membership for electing her as the new president for 2018/2019. She then thanked the outgoing president and the council for all their contributions.Dr Abeyewickreme said that she will try to uphold the momentum created by the previous presidents and the executive councils. She emphasized the need to increase the membership and she said that she will try to realize the goal of making it 1000 before the end of her tenure.Dr Abeyewickreme requested the support of the membership in all activities of CoMSAA and thanked them for their presence.
Next she introduced the new council and invited the membership to co-opt as members.

Matters arising from the minutes
Prof. Athula Kaluarachchi, said that since the inception of CoMSAA in 2011, we were providing financial assistance of Rs. 2000.00 per student. But due to the rising cost of living (CoL), he requested the new council to look in to this matter and if finances permit to increase the amount provided to a student.
Prof. AH Sheriffdeen seconded the suggestion and said that it was better that all students who benefited from any assistance from CoMSAA should receive the same amount of financial aid.  He also requested to see the amounts given by individual donors through CoMSAA at the moment and try to match the highest amount provided.

Proposed Amendment
Article 1V: membership
Any graduate of a recognized university who is/ has been a permanent member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and confirmed service for five years or more
Will be changed hereafter to;
Any graduate of a recognized university who is/ has been a permanent member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and confirmed service for three years or more
The proposed amendment to the constitution was presented and approved by the members present.

Vote of thanks was delivered by the newly elected Secretary Dr. Gayani Ranaweera.
She thanked the Past President and the outgoing committee for a very successful year and all the hard work done over the past year and the sponsors for all their support.
She also thanked the members for electing us to the 2018/2019 committee and expressed her gratitude to the participants for attending the AGM and invited those present to enjoy the refreshments.
The AGM concluded with the faculty song. 

Dr.Sumithra Tissera
Joint Secretary - CoMSAA

1 comment:

  1. It is very encouraging to see a report of COMSAA with the mention of participants some of whom are our own batch mates, and professors' names we remember with great love and admiration and to know that work is going on now as then and it kind of validates our own (old (ancient, even) continuing membership of the medical organisations that gave us our careers.
