
Friday, December 7, 2018

Sinhala songs from a Bygone Era 2 - "Ranee Enko"

This is a copy from an old Hindi movie ("Patita") but which became very popular with Sinhala lyrics in the Sinhala movie "Irangani" which was screened in 1954.

Click on:

What you will hear is the original version by Rukmani Devi and Mohideen Baig and the visual is of the 78 rpm HMV record with which we were all familiar.

Viewers will recall an old post where our own Speedy sang his version accompanied by his old Tyros.


  1. This is a marvellous post and a reminder of the great years of Sinhala music and cinema. Songs remind us of people and places. I remember the Hemant Kumar and Lata Manjeskar version played on the wireless blairing away from tea boutiques. We heard this so often when pounding the streets perhaps in shorts and my bare feet. I may have even seen the film Partita at Quinlon or Metro Nugegoda with my grandpa. My memories of those films is now confined to the itchy red patches left by Cimex lectularius. There is no better version of this masterpiece than the one by Mohideen Beig and Rukmani Devi.They complement each other so well.
    Thank you for bringing back those glorious memories of years now long gone.

  2. This remains as one of my favourite songs and as you said Lucky, I did post it on Blog, the link for anyone interested is

  3. Mahendra
    Thanks. Your version is closer to home and has that special significance. It was well done and brings home the emotions of those wonderful lyrics.

  4. Hey, what a great idea to repeat something from the past! This made me go back to Mahendra's version of it which I think is fantastic. And the whole thing takes us back to an era in our lives when everything was different. But so beautiful in its own way. How far we have come from that! So a song such as this is ideal to take us back to when life was beautiful, simple and these eternal tunes were the sound track to our settled lives. Thanks for reviving memories, taking us back to our past and giving us a taste of how we used to live. Zita
