
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Book Review by Indra Anandasabapathy




 The book traces the origins of the University in Peradeniya, and covers the halls of residence, the campus, the various faculties, places of worship, and sports venues. It is beautifully illustrated with color photographs, many showing the campus in bloom and
 proves to the reader that this has to be among the prettiest university campuses in the world.

 There is a write up about those who contributed to its formation, starting with Sir Ivor Jennings.

 Did the book succeed in its mission? The answer is an emphatic yes. It is a collectors item, especially for those fortunate enough to learn in this idyllic setting.

 I bought it at BAREFOOT, Kollupitiya. There were no books the following week, presumably they sold out their stock.

 Indra Anandasabapathy

PS. This is the entrance to the Stanford Campus in California (see Indra's reply to Sumathi under comments).


  1. Although I was born in the city few miles away from the campus I never had the good fortune to be part of that great institution. For its brilliant architecture, landscaped gardens and the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside it is considered as one of the most beautiful campuses in the world. As a seat of learning it has held its own with the very best. Peradeniya Campus has had a chequered history more recently. As a nation We have the tremendous ability to self destruct. Let us hope the Campus will hold the values and the traditions of its founders. We need people to lead our country to unity, peace and prosperity.
    Thank you Indra for bringing to our attention the availability of this book. I hope it will be sold on the internet preferably as an ebook to make it easy for those living faraway to download and also save some trees.

  2. Enjoyed reading it Indra. Must try and get hold of it. I recall how jealous I felt when my brother went to the EFac in Peradeniya in 1962, because I had seen the campus at the time and armirrd its beauty. This was tinged with a feeling of relief as I was filled with dread at the prospect of bring ragged with no escape!

    ND here is a link to Vijitha Yapa for details of the book.

    The ISBN is 9789553820501

    1. Thanks Mahen. From what I see there is no ebook which I prefer. Peradeniya is not my alma mater and my attachment to it is just peripheral. I am not buying a hard copy. Its beauty will remain in a secure corner of my brain.

  3. I had been to peradeniya campus about three times.I stayed with a friend with whom I studied,at his hostel,in Maradana for the Medical entrance.We because friends and exchanged physiology lecture notes via mail.I stayed as a guest in Jayathilake hall on two occasions and on the third occasion,I was a member of the team Athletes who represented Colombo Faculties.
    I took Podi-Menike(train to Kandy) on first two occasions.The beauty&scenery in and around the Campus was beyond description.
    I wished that I was selected to Peradeniya campus rather than the one in Colombo.
    I lost contact with my friend until 1971.It was a surprise meeting at GHP Galle,where he was a Senior HO in Obs&Gyn.I thought he was working with Nalin Rodrigo-VOG.
    I never met him since then.Later on,I was aware that he a VOG in de Soysa Maternity unit.I am sure his demise was a bit premature,as I heard about it.
    I never had a chance to meet and befriend with a "Menike" from the Campus.There were thousands of girls,in all within the campus.By the way,the Publishers of the said book is nor far away from Lucky.

  4. Sumathi, thank you for the interesting and iluminating write up.I have been fortunate to travel extensively, though one is still unable see every place on earth- even the top 25 % of the sites.
    I had written to one of the authors by e mail for permission to publish the cover photograph but never got a reply.
    Among the MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUSES I have been fortunate to see are
    Stanford , Princeton, US Westpoint military academy ( for officer cadets ) and there are several pretty ones intermingled with the town where they are located- namely Oxford, Cambridge , Yale, Duke, Harvard,

  5. Thanks,Indra for reminding me the names of famous Universities.I have visited Florida,Orlando,Los Angeles,Hollywood,but not any other places.Those tours were all guided by tour companies.USA,being a large country,one would have to take several trips to see most of it.We were fortunate to see a lot of places in Canada,Malaysia,Australia at different times, in the past.Considering my age and the current health issues,I am reluctant to tour far away places.

    Sorry,I had no chance of meeting you since your visit to Deniyaya,before your departure to US.

    Should you plan to visit UK,let me know well in advance,so that I can meet you and have a long chat about the past.Should you wish to stay in my house for a few days,doors are open and you will be welcomed with open arms.


  6. Do not forget to CLICK on the picture to enlarge.

  7. I wished,I was a student at Stanford university.

    1. Sumathi
      You are so close to Birmingham University, a great seat of learning. It is good to have a beautiful landscape but the newer Universities are in big cities where space is at a premium. The primary function of a university is to educate .Im sure Birmingham does it well. Stanford too is a fine place of learning just like the other Universities which Indra has mentioned

  8. ND,You are absolutely correct;Birmingham University is situated in a suburb of Birmingham,with plenty of greenery and wide space.Building are rather old,especially the Medical School.I have used the old library in the past.The new library is situated in the New Queen Elizabeth hospital premises and is open to Medical students and the staff only.It is a pity,I can n't use it anymore.I normally use the Public Library to refer to Medical text etc.My son and the daughter were educated in Medical school and the Biochemistry department respectively.
    There were famous Academics in the past,namely Prof Raymond Hoffenberg and John Temple who became Presidents of Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons ,Edinburgh,respectively.

  9. My son works at QE in Birmingham and I’ve walked around and seen the university buildings. They are lovely with old bits and new additions. Great place with a fine heritage. It’s alumni have contributed enormously to keep the nation healthy and for research.

  10. I,fully agree with you.That famous William Withering was from Birmingham and he worked in Birmingham General(now converted to Children's hospital).I worked in Birmingham General in the Sexual Health section.I had the opportunity to take part in Medical ward rounds and attend lunch time meetings.I have been an in and out patient of New Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
