
Monday, September 3, 2018

"Lubber" aka Asoka Wijeyekoon in town

In the comments under a recent post, it was mentioned that some were unable to place "Lubber". It is hoped that these photos will help. Sanath Lama had sent me these.


  1. Argyll Robertson and his pupil. Brings back many memories of times past and the legend lives on!!

    1. I hasten to add now fully clothed and occupying the top of the professional ladder. How time has flown!!

  2. Did Lama meet Lubber in Sri Lanka this time? I have not seen my good friend for years but I can recognise him in spite of the thinning of the capital foliage. He reminds me of somebody, probably Richard Hapuarachchi who some of you may know.

  3. I met Lubber last Saturday in Narahenpita at his home over lunch together with Revo Drahaman. I should thank Nihal for facilitating the event. We spent a few very pleasant hours together reminiscing our deeds and misdeeds !

    1. Must have been a jolly time with a suitable lubricant I hope.

  4. So the mystery is solved for me too. I too wondered about 'Lubber'. It was not a name I heard at all during our med school days. So it is good to have these rare members of our batch featured in articles, poems, discussions and now very clear photography. Thanks, everyone! from Zita

  5. So good to see Lubber again , yes as speedy put it less "the foliage". Hopefully our Path will cross again and as lama put it catch up with the good days.

  6. Replies
    1. Is it Kuppiyawatta job?

      Kuppa Perumal.

  7. I wish to announce the death of my father Dr Asoka “lubber” Wijeyekoon who sadly died whilst visiting the UK on the 22nd December. My brother Bhathiya and I are holding a remembrance ceremony for him at Jayaratne Funeral Parlour in Borella on Sunday the 11th February at 1030 am. His ashes will then be scattered at Kelaniya. Any well wishes are welcome.
