
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale has sent in this short but sweet illustrated poem.

Who am I ?

“I” am encased in a prism
Being observed from every facet
What is observed is not absolute
Just a complex interpretation
Of sensory interactions
Between the observers and “I”
Changing every moment
And every moment is a multiplicity
Of moments experienced
By those who “see” me.


  1. Good to see you again young man. We missed you at the last London Reunion.

  2. Very complicated! Aren't we all? I love your poems that make my head spin - just a little bit.

    1. Thanks Srianee. Nice to see a comment! Hope you are well and waiting to see one of your paintings on the Blog soon!

  3. Well I can't add to your assumption but can complicate it somewhat. I've been told that Time is an illusion. Vision is an illusion. So it seems it is all in our minds. Remember the Matrix films? Well, we live in an illusion. Ok. That's enough!
