
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Speedy sings Jim Reeves


  1. Beautifully sung Mahen-
    As I’ve said before- Your talents are just amazing-
    The Good Lord has truly blessed you , and may He keep you in His care always.
    Thank you for this fine rendition.

  2. Thanks Rohini .I am still waiting for that poem from you! If you do the verses I shall do the music. How about it,!

  3. Mahen, Your music stands beautifully on its own without the distraction of a poem ! Shall look forward to more of your fine compositions.
    Thank you

  4. A beautiful rendering of an all time favourite. Thank you Speedy.
    Manel W

  5. I am so happy to hear this song, one of my all time favourites and one of my dear mum's too from all those years ago, sung by our own Mahendra! Well done! You are doing such a good job. It brings back all the nostalgia and for a few minutes we feel so calm and peaceful. Thanks Mahendra and Lucky! Let's have more like this. Sincerely yours, Zita

  6. Thanks Manel, Indra, Zita and Rohini. Nothing pleases a singer more than to know that he has brought even a small ray of sunshine to the life of the listener! Thank you for your encouragement.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Mahen, this is beautiful and moving. I would love to be able download it to my private collection. Could you please please send it to me in a downloadable format? Thanks so much. Is anyone able to translate the comments above from Shaimaa Sami?

    1. Glad you like it Srianee. Of course I shall be happy to send it to you as an MP£ file. As to the mystery man Shaimaa Sami, probably a "bot"- Translation of last post goes like this:-Company cleaning the sewer in Al - Ahsa
      Al - Ahsa Water Leakage Detection Company
      Al - Hasa Cleaning Company
      Al - Ahsa Transport Company
      An insect control company in Dhahran
      Cleaning company in Dhahran
      Cleaning company Bnak
      Pest Control Company
      Insect Control Company
      Pest Control Company
      Cleaning company Bnak and the first one :- Cleaning company
      Al Khobar Apartments Cleaning Company
      House cleaning company Khobar
      Company cleaning villas Khobar
      Cleaning Company of Al Khobar
      Cleaning company Kneb Khobar
      Carpet cleaning company Khobar.

      Good reminder that this is a Public Forum!

    2. Hi Mahen, the translation of this comment is crazy! I guess this is a 'bot.' I'm looking forward to downloading your version of this beautiful song and having my sister listen to it. She loved your 'Move it Man!'

    3. Hi Srianee. Just emailed you the song as an MP3 file. Thanks again for your encouragement.

    4. I played your version of this beautiful song for my sister and asked "Better than Jim Reeves, right?" She said "Of course!" It was quite emphatic! She loved it.

    5. OMG! If I was fair skinned like you Srianee, you would see me blushing! "I aim to please"!

  9. HiSpeedy,
    It was wonderful to hear your rendition of Jim Reeves. You are indeed very talented in so many ways. I am so amazed at the way you are able to pick out your batch mates in your virtual interview series and showcase their individual talents - the latest Sujatha Maligaspe. Keep up your great work.
    Cyril Ernest.

  10. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend' ... but not now!!August 20, 2018 at 4:22 AM

    Mahen, your talents are fathomless.
    That rendition was ever so great., bringing back those memories of yester year.
    Any more????

  11. Mahen
    That is one of my special favourites as it reminds me of my mum who loved this song so much. Thank you for bringing back those memories of long ago. You sing it so well with so much feeling. It is good to listen to your music after a very long pause. Did the Tyros play a part?

  12. Thanks Raz, O'Substantial One (bow, bow, wow, wow!). And thanks ND. I am afraid the backing music is not mine. I can play this on my Tyros but cannot beat all the additional sound effects on this. It is indeed a lovely song.

  13. Hi Speedy, heard you singing from a distance and wandered who was singing this alltime favorite of our times. When I told her it was you she remarked sounds very professional. Keep singing my friend !!!

    1. Glad Queelan liked it. Pleased to see you commenting more. Please continue doing that.
