
Monday, August 13, 2018

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy - Answer to the Quiz

Well, you all have waited long enough. The winner is: Srianee Fernando Dias. But then, Indra had provided a clue on 12 August. 

I have posted another picture below with Indra's e-mail sent on 10 August.

Indra Ananda

10 Aug (3 days ago)
to me
I am forwarding for the BLOG.

Publish the picture of the whole tree with its purple flowers - guess what, it a BOUGAINVILLEA , in a local Botanical garden. You can ask our readers to identify the tree- I bet no one will .

The proof is in the next picture which you can publish the next week with name, the leaves are readily recognizable close.

(Please click on the picture to get a closer view)


  1. Well done Srianee! Rohini, myself and Razaque got it wrong.

  2. Congratulations Srianee !
    I discounted a Bougainvillea outright when I saw the big tree trunk .
    However when Indra comes on the scene be aware there’d be more than the eye can see! He is a Houdini fan ! Thank you Indra !

  3. I know anyone will think I am cheating. But that was what crossed my mind, that this is Bougainvillea. But because the tree is so big, I hesitated to say it. I even looked it up on line and didn't see anything like this there either. So Indra, well done, for sending this unique photo of what could be called a ubiquitous plant in Sri Lanka but one which we don't see at all in the parts of the world we now live in, except of course in Australia. Thanks a lot for sharing with photo with us! Zita

  4. Don't feel bad my friends. It was a bit of a wild guess combined with a bit of detective work, because I knew that Indra had recently been in Florida. I was thinking of tropical plants, and it looked a lot like the Bougainvillea that had climbed up a huge tree in Swyrie's garden, in Colombo. ( I had been admiring that recently.) I did not know that tree varieties existed. I guess I was closest to the correct answer, although not 100% correct. Thanks Indra, this is fun!

  5. Also, Indra did give us a few clues, as Lucky said.

  6. If you look up Wikipedia there is a tree variety .We tend to focus on what we are familiar with. But then that is where the challenge is. Srianee you are a pretty good detective judging by how you put things together.
