
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Suren, you won't be there!

Suren, you won’t be there!

Suren, alas! You won’t be there
At the mini reunion this year
On the planned Saturday where
We say ‘Hi’ to a few friends dear

 Your voice, sadly, silent will stay
When I talk of a serious problem
I won’t hear ‘that very best way’
How to solve that knotty conundrum

No more talk of student days
And how much, we used to tease
No more books about smart ways
To gently guide one’s life with ease

But you will surely want us all
To be in London at this lunch
So, we’ll honour our dear Pram’s call
As we are still a united bunch!

Suren Iyer is someone we’ll all remember as one of our nicest batch mates, always pleasant, always helpful, never intrusive and a wonderful friend to have. This is what I remember as a batch mate of his. To meet him many years later has been a wonderful experience. And now he is gone. It was so sudden so unexpected that we are all heart broken. We wish his wife and family the best that life can offer and may they know that the whole batch holds Suren in the highest esteem.



  1. Sorry I won't be there this year. Daughter Dilusha is in Colombo these days with her baby Tharusha. Shamin our elder son got married last week, Harshan came down from Oxfordshire for the wedding.

    1. Sanath
      I will miss your company at the Satay House this year. We were seated together recalling some amusing anecdotes of our teachers and friends. Do let me know if you will be around in London. Meanwhile enjoy the family.

    2. Oh that's sad, Sanath! I was hoping you'd be one of the 'guests of honour'! But we understand. Your dear son and daughter are in Colombo! You can't miss that! I remember them when they used to visit you at work at Galle! They are lovely! Zita

  2. Zita
    Thanks for the lovely poem that is greatly appreciated to remember a wonderful friend. We will indeed miss him but then again he may be watching us, not from afar, with a chuckle and a grin. May he find the ultimate Bliss of Nirvana.

  3. My apologies this time lovely poem by you Zita remembering a lovely person

  4. Nihal, and Mahendra, Thanks! I would really like to think that Suren will be there in spirit with us. These occasions are so special and the glow as it were, stays in our hearts and minds for a long time. Mahendra, you will be on the other side of the world on the day we meet. Enjoy your time there! Nihal, I look forward to seeing you!

  5. I am are very sad that I am unable to be there and toast a great departed mate and meet the other mates at this annual Mini Reunion in London.
    I shall be there in 'sprit' toasting you all with a 30 year old 'barley water' in Bonny Dundee... 'SLANJI VA'.

    A debilitated Razaque
