
Thursday, June 14, 2018

CoMSAA Peduru Party

The Peduru Party organised by CoMSAA was held on Friday 8 June in the main Administration Building of the Colombo Medical Faculty where we spent 5 years from 1962 to 1967. It was held in the 3rd floor lecture theatre where we used to have lectures in Medicine, Surgery etc. I was waiting for the official photographer's pictures, but since they are getting delayed, I thought of posting a few that I took with my camera phone. But the quality of the photos is poor.

When Mangala and I walked in, we were pleasantly surprised that we were ushered in to the elevator/lift to be taken to the venue from the lobby. I told the two students who accompanied us that when I was a medical student some 50 years ago, the lift was exclusively reserved for members of the staff like Prof. Rajasuriya and that students were debarred from using it. Later, I observed that medical students of today were using it freely. I first spoke to our ushers in English, but sensing their discomfiture, I soon switched over to Sinhala. I was told that they are first year students and had never heard of Prof. Rajasuriya.

When the Dean Prof. Jennifer Perera was addressing the gathering, she commented that some of her own teachers were present there that evening. As I had not been on the academic staff and was never her teacher, but got to know her when she was only the Professor of Bacteriology a few years ago, she paused to turn to me to ask "Lucky, when did you graduate?" In reply, a said that I was an year senior to Narada (Warnasuriya) who was seated next to me. However, I was not the most senior doctor seated there. Among the others who were present was Dr. Ranjith Abeywckrama who was an year senior to us and who retired as ENT surgeon NHSL some years ago. His wife Venerealogist Dr. Iyanthi by the way, is the President Elect of CoMSAA.

Chairs are available 

Students who were seated on mats on the floor.

The Dean, Prof. Jennifer Perera addressing the gathering


  1. Lucky
    Thank you for that insight into the novel 'party on a mat'. You must have heard some joints creaking sitting and getting up!! The Medical Faculty and its precinct brings back such fond memories of a time now long gone.

  2. Dear Lucky, thanks for the above. We like to democratise things these days. All sitting on mats and Alumni and students singing together, what more than that! Zita

  3. My worry about a paduru party is that I may not be able to get up after the party and the damage it may cause to the pressure points!!

  4. "Ash hadu Anla ilaha Illa Allah...Wa Ash hadu Anna Muhammadan Rasoolu Allah"
