
Monday, July 24, 2017

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale


  1. Thanks, Mahendra! You do well to recreate this song for us and to take us back to our childhood. I remember this was a favourite of my mum's. It brings uncanny mental pictures of scenes from our childhood. Sachmo himself is someone we were great fans of. I think he died of bronchial cancer in those days when the dangers of excessive smoking were not highlighted. You are doing a great job of singing this for us and having the same backing track is a very good idea. Thanks again from Zita!

  2. Mahendra
    You have done an old favourite proud. It is well arranged and beautifully sung. It will have pride of place in the blog as a reflection of the many years we have pounded this wonderful world. Thank you for the great entertainment you have provided this blog sharing your immense talent with us over the years with loyalty and modesty.

  3. Thanks a lot for your encouragement over the years Zita and Nihal

  4. As I have said before, Speedy is remarkably versatile. In music alone, he has excelled with his pieces on the keyboards as well as a vocalist. His vocal efforts from both western and Oriental fields are unforgettable and give a new twist to the already popular hits. Oh! How I enjoyed Speedy's versions of "Rani Enko" (by Rukmani Devi and Mohideen Baig) and the TM Jayaratne favourite "Kalpanawo Pawa Yai".

  5. Hi Lucky! I know exactly what you mean. And aren't we lucky to have Lucky and Mahendra in our batch and on our Blog, I always say!
    I totally agree some of the songs Mahendra has covered are better than the originals. I hope it gives other potential musicians in the batch the courage to go forward. Zita

  6. Well done,Speedy,the maestro.


    1. Thanks Sumathi. Hope we meet sooner rather than later one of these days!

    2. Nice to see you & other colleagues that I have not seen since 1967.I,am sure I met you and a good number at the 25th anniversary,held near Windsor.
      Keep the blogs interesting, alone with the untiring efforts of one and only Lucky Abey.



  7. Speedy, You've done it again! This is lovely! Aside from your fantastic musical and vocal skills, I am impressed at your technical abilities to put these video clips together. Please continue to entertain us. It is a 'Wonderful World' when we can listen to something like this.

    1. Srianee, my pleasure. Hope you are in top form and enjoying life to the fullest. I do try myself but "APR" sometimes proves to be a wet blanket (but I refuse cover from it!)
