
Monday, July 24, 2017

Hooray! We have a million hits.

I have been very busy these last few days, especially with visitors, domestic travel, minor house repairs etc. In fact, I was trying to keep an eye on the magical figure, but sad to say, I missed it. I was hoping that the ever alert Speedy will come up with a brief message to viewers on my behalf. He has come up with a gem even without my requesting him to do it. I am so grateful to Speedy for coming to my rescue at such times. Here it is:

Mahendra Gonsalkorale

Attachments22:18 (10 hours ago)
to me
To all visitors of our Blog site, "Colombomedgrads 1962" which was started and maintained by Lakshman (Lucky) Abeyagunawardene.

On this day the 24th of July 2017, the number of page views reached the landmark figure of 1,000,000. This happened at about 5.10 pm UK time today.

This does not mean that the Blog was visited 1 Million times as we know that numbers are boosted by unwanted visitors known as "web crawlers", "bots" and other automated programmes seeking information from the web. But nevertheless, it is an indication of the popularity of the blog and in my view, a significant achievement.

I have attached a screenshot of the 1,000,000 hits to which I have added Lucky's photo and the very first Blog page in 2011.

I am sure the entire 1962 Medical Batch will join me in raising a hearty cheer for Lucky. Hip..hip..hip (I hear a loud hurrah!), Hip..hip.. hip..(I hear an even louder hurrah!), Hip..hip..hip (I hear a huge hurrah!)



  1. Many congratulations to Lucky for this great achievement. We have one of the best blogs that I have seen which is so well managed. Thanks to Lucky and all those who contribute and comment to keep the blog alive.
    Long live the blog

  2. Well done, Lucky! It is mainly thanks to you for even the very idea. And you did so much work and it is a constant responsibility, I am sure, like looking after a baby (I know about that these days!) but it is also a pleasure I am sure and something to be proud of! We can't forget Mahendra (Speedy) for adding his talents and expertise. The majority of us don't have the technical knowledge required to make such and enterprise a success. We can't forget your family members who must have put up with you being busy reviewing contributions etc and having to manage without you sometimes. Now the other thing I want to say, is let's get some of the silent ones to make themselves heard. Let's each of us do something to include at least one of them. These silent ones are some of the best in our batch. How about it? Zita

    1. Thanks Zita. Let us hope that the "silent ones" wake up and become reasonably noisy!

  3. Well done Thaththi!

    And Best Wishes to the Colombo Med Grads of 1967!!!


  4. Cheers for the great achievement!

    1. How are you Yankie Bala?.Why have you been dormant for so many years, Wakey-Wakey many good blogs will appear in years to come.Have you had a Thosa meal at Saraswathi Lodge by any chance in your days in the Medical School?

      Muslim Aal.

    2. Welcome Bala! I didn't know you had the prefix 'yankie'. Still learning things after 50 years! So let's have something more from you then, in the form of a contribution to the Blog. I'll be looking out for it. I just 'know' you have something to say we would love to hear about. Sorry for being pushy. But the millionth hit achievement gives us the excuse to make special requests.

    3. Bala,s nickname was yankie
      Later he became a Yankee
      never been a funky
      He was hunky,even though his colour was inky
      I doubt whether he was kinky
      Enjoyed to be a pinky and spiky
      Yanks must be calling him wonky

      Sender,Alpha,Beta,Epsilon,Gamma,Delta & Zeta

    4. Zita, you were probably seriously focused on studying when we were in Medical College, unlike some of us. Because there were four Balas in our class we had to devise as system to distinguish them in some way. So we named them Yankee - Bala, Uncle-Bala, Con-Bala and Thatta -Bala. I have no idea who thought up this system, and whether the Balas even figured it out, but that is what happened. Yes, you do learn something everyday!

    5. Srianee, sorry late reply, as usual I am the 'late Zita'. Well well well!!! Never cottoned on to those Bala prefixes and I am grateful to you for educating me at this late stage. I probably admired the Balas anyway without knowing which was which. What's amazing about our batch members is the quiet excellence of many of them not just in studies but in so many other kinky, yankee, spiky things even if some of these things were physical attributes. Thanks, Srianee for being there to enlighten us. Zita

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well done Lucky and other regulars. Would it be possible to get hard copies of it?

  6. Well done lucky and of course speedy for his time and effort We are the finest batch to graduate from our medical school. Patas

  7. Good to see you on the Bloh Rajan. Please email me about best dates in London.

  8. Apart from the comments on the blog, I have received many private e-mails regarding the millionth hit. Needless to say, this is most encouraging. Recipients of the link after Speedy's special post included my son and daughter who have both sent congratulatory messages.

    By the way, the photograph of mine that Speedy has chosen is one taken in Vietnam when I was sampling snake wine standing bedside the jar containing a huge snake. The strong wine was offered free to all visitors. While we were there, a group of Indians (all bearded and turbaned Punjabis) were hanging out in that corner where free snake wine and coconut wine was available. They were there when we came in and even by the time we left. We could see that they were in high spirits!

    Cheers to everyone as we celebrate the achievement of million hits!

    1. Lucky, it's just as well, that you blocked out the 'snake wine' part of the photo. Honestly I think you are so brave to do what you did. And what a story to accompany the Millionth hit landmark! or is it Blog mark? Whatever! Zita

  9. Lucky, My belated congratulations on your reaching this great milestone- I've again been on this roller coaster that I step onto from time to time! having been away from home for a start,then visitors and tripping around, in addition to work commitments!
    Thank you for all the work and time you've given to keeping the batch in touch.
    Thanks also to Mahen for his part in all of this, and to all the other wonderful contributors.
    May the blog go from strength to strength-
    My best wishes Lucky

  10. Well done matey.
    All your efforts, resilience, single-mindedness & courage was not in vain. Of course one should not forget all those contributors without whom this Forum would have gone 'belly-up'. It's a pity & a shame that there were not many more contributors... at least '130' more.
    Imagination running riot.... I suppose!!!
    All the luck in the worldfor the future.

    1. Hello,Prince Rasaque,
      You are absolutely right about the lack of contributors to the blogs.What is going on with our comrades on the other side of the Atlantic?


  11. Here's a comrade from the other side of the Atlantic! (These days I feel is is the wrong side of the Atlantic - maybe I should cross over!) Anyway, hearty congratulations to all of you for keeping the Blog going, and most of all to our dedicated Administrator Lucky and his Able Assistant Speedy. I apologize for the delay in posting this comment, but as Rohini said, some times life is like a rollercoaster and it is hard to get off! And I notice that Patas and 'Yankee' Bala have posted comments! Obviously, you guys know how to do it, so we hope to see more comments from you in the future. Long Live the Blog!!

  12. Welcome back Srianee (the one who is not the Leader of buses). The blog carries on and who is going to predict when the 2 Million mark is reached? May be we should take a hint from Donald Duck and start tweeting people to start blogging!

    1. Thanks Mahen. What I wanted to say earlier was "Live Long and Prosper!" 🖖🏽 (Spock's Vulcan salute - from Star trek)

    Might be useful for Bloggers to know that if you have not been to the blog for some time and you want to quickly flick through past posts AND their comments, First look at the Latest one with comments and then after the last comment you will see "Older Post" (to the Right of "Home") in Blue on the grey background. Just click on this and it will take you back one by one WITH the comments so that you don't need to click Home and then click on the next topic just click on "Older Post" and cycle through as far back as you want! Easy!

  14. Hi,Speedy
    Wind has blown from USA,however,cold air from the Sunny Queensland is yet to arrive in UK.

