
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Razaque is back.....

I am alive, I am alive...... &....  just about kicking!!!.

My sincere thanks to those two lovely lassies, Srianee-Bunter & Rohini Ana who sent me enquiring emails.
Of course not forgetting the phone calls from ND &..... Mahendra -- the then former fastest mouse.... Kosata Meeya in Mexico, but now THE RAT... HICK-MEEYA or is the URU-MEEYA???.  Shall leave it you to decide.
The reason for the long silence was the severe back ache.....maybe the "long times I spent in bed on my back".. to which ND had some interesting things to say......ask him for "details"!!.
I have been following the Blog even though I did not contribute. Thank you all you guys for your enquiries in your "Comments" in postings--- Lucy, Mahen, ND, Zita, Rohini Ana & Bunter. It is much appreciated & I am deeply touched by your concerns.
 Zita, your prayers have been answered & thank you ever so much for having thought of this poor soul in your prayers. At the moment I am an Apostate, that does not mean that I am an Atheist. Far from it ... may be an Agnostic!! 
 Zita ..... yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am back

 In addition to my 'back-ache',....ND will be able to throw more 'light' on the subject, I have been having Frozen  Shoulders on both sides and a Frozen Elbow on the right. I blame Farina, my wife for this-- she gave them to me!!. She 'gives me the ELBOW and gives me the COLD SHOULDER'!! ... Poor ME.... SELF PITY I suppose???.
I also have a severe pain in base of both Thumbs...... please Bunter, do not ask me 'where my thumbs have been' or 'what I have been doing with them'???. 
Surgeons would not touch me due to my terrible medical history.

The other day Farina & I were at the shops. These days @ the  check-out they always ask you "Do you need bags".. despite seeing a clutch of carrier bags in our possession!!!. It is irritating. My response was "No, I have a BAG for LIFE with EXCESS BAGGAGE" Fortunately Farina did not hear this as she was gossiping with one of her students!!!.... Lucky me??. 


  1. You made my day O'substantial one! So nice to see you back with your unique (NOT eunuch you fellow!) brand of humour. Whatever is/was frozen seems to be thawing out nicely although I can't really say "I thaw it melting". As for the former fastest, still going on!

    As for blaming it all on poor Farina, well, not fair man, not fair! You may not agree that it is not ALL true, but I am sure you will agree, that what I state with some degree of confidence, is substantially true. Keep going Raz and post some nice pictures for us.

    1. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'May 14, 2017 at 2:02 PM

      Mahen, thanks for your comments. You know all that said of Farina is not true. I could not help, but take a 'punt' at her as it fitted the situation. It was too good a chance to miss out on. As I have said to Rohini Ana some time back, for me she is for ETERNITY,... have an 'eternity' to make up to her!!!.

      The Substantial ONE.

  2. Yippeeeee, you are back, Razaque! And our Blog seems even more cheery, more inviting, more friendly, more everything, thanks to your long awaited message. I prayed sincerely for you Razaque to get better and I am sure even if one is not following formal religion, prayers have effect and good wishes and asking for Blessings on you really help. You can see how much you are appreciated on the Blog by the inquiries you had and now just wait and see the response! But, seriously, do take good care of yourself, take rest, and oh yes, please keep yourself well hydrated. This is a simple thing to do but you'll be surprised how much that helps you. I was told to take a minimum of 5 glasses of water when I was ill and in addition to my medical treatment, this helped a lot. Enough advice! Now let us have your wisdom and thoughts on this Blog. I truly look forward to it. All the best! from Zita

  3. LucKy... I am really sorry that I messed up your gender in referring to you as "LUCY" in this posting by missing out the letter 'K'. It was a genuine typing error... a "TYPO"
    Please accept my apologies.

    1. I did wondee who this mystery guest "Lucy" was! Didn't want to say anything just in case "Lucy" was offended!

  4. What about the rats, cats whatever you fancy?

  5. Not to worry, Raz! I knew at once that "Lucy" was "Lucky" without the "K".

    So nice to see you back on the blog.

  6. Razaque, so happy that you are back! Your blog friends missed you. You have the special knack of turning Lucky into Lucy and Mahendra into a Kos-ata meeya! I hope you continue to feel better. Stay away from orthopedic surgeons! But do follow Zita's advice. With blessings and good wishes for continued healing, Bunter.

  7. Razaque, great to see you back in high spirits -keep well! Cheers
