
Monday, May 8, 2017

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

This picture & Vase are Ranis work. Fresh SUNFLOWERS in a CERAMIC vase , done in PASTEL, hence framed in GLASS. 

The second picture shows the CERAMIC VASE, with SUNFLOWERS hand painted with CERAMIC PAINT allowed to dry , then fired in a kiln , & finally glazed  & fired again. The fresh sunflowers were then added.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you are puzzled start with the picture below. First project was to take a plain ceramic vase, and hand paint sunflowers from the florist. One actually lies across behind the vase. The painted vase was allowed to dry then fired in a kiln, then glaze was applied before firing again. Sunflowers were then added to the vase which was then used as the study object. Pastel was used here which allows for quickness but not durability & therefore need a fixative. It also does not allow for luminiscence that oil paint allows. Oil however takes longer to dry, and needs to be mixed to get the required shade of color. Both Pastel & water clor works are therefore generally found in dimly lit rooms in a gallery.

  3. I find it hard to follow even after your explanation because this sounds quite advanced. Let me ask, the first picture is of a vase with real flowers, sitting on a table in the corner of the room. The second is a framed picture of sunflowers arranged in a vas. They both are great works of art and I like to congratulate Rani on her artistry and thank you, Indra, for letting us enjoy these by putting them on our Blog. Yes, many thanks to you both from Zita

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  5. The first picture is a vase with silk flowers ( yes, they look real ).
    The second is the same vase with FRESH sunflowers that was the object in the pastel on paper study. Pastels & water color generally cost less to buy in comparison to oil paintings as they are more likely to fade or be damaged.

    1. Thanks for that explanation, Indra. Sorry about my ignorance. Congratulate Rani for me please. She must be a very special person to have this insight into beautiful things and to be able create something akin to what the great masters did. Shouldn't she be affiliated to some art establishment which protects people's talents and make them available to posterity? Sorry if I am talking 'through my hat' but to a novice like me these things I see what you and Rani present are ethereal. Sincere good wishes to you both, Zita

  6. Beautiful works of art. My eyes are glazed!

  7. Wow!! What a talent and what great pieces of art.

  8. Thanks for the beautiful creations by Rani- great talent - look forward to more

  9. Indra, thanks for contributing these, but your explanations are a bit confusing! I believe the top image is a photograph that you took of a vase painted by Rani containing silk flowers. Is that correct?
    The second image is that of a still life of sunflowers in the same vase, done by Rani using pastels. Correct? Just trying to get things straight in my head.
    At any rate the painted vase and the still life are fantastic. Well done, Rani
