
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Hope lingers on..

The balloon of Hope
Filled with expectation
Rose in the sky of uncertainty
Worlds collided
Past met present
Souls cast asunder
Floating in space
Reaching out, reaching out
Grasping, probing, groping
A hand! A hand!
Fingers outstretched
Grasped gratefully
Linked together
A tenuous hold
Drifting, drifting
Drifting together
Closer together?
A world in suspense

Hope lingers on…


  1. Dear Mahendra, it makes me curious what provoked this profound observation. I am all for thinking positively about Hope. Thanks! It's full of hope. Zita

  2. Zita, it was meant to depict a phase a person might go through where hope seems lost and happiness elusive. And then sonething appears, a hand reaches out for you, it may be a person, a deity, may be God for some,an object of some kind, a sort of "raft" in the "sea of life" and this is ill defined, almost mythical, even mystical and it gives the one who feels he is drifting aimmlessl, some relief... some hope. Doest that make sense now?

    1. Mahendra, that's so poetic so positive so forward looking and put in a few words each with great meaning, in both your poem and in this explanation you've just given. I am happy to accept it. Zita

  3. Mahendra
    I didn't know what to make of it. After your explanation it makes sense. We have all had those times less so now than in our youth.

    1. Thanks ND. The "hope" is ill defined, almost unreal (tenuous) but it is there but still appearing and disappearing (ttenuous, drifting) like something seen through a mist. But it is sufficient to nake the person that "there is hope".

  4. Thanks Mahen,
    Brings to mind Alexander Pope's
    "Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never is,but always to be blessed:"
    Lets keep hoping!

    1. I am truly impressed by your knowledge of English Literature Rohini! Thanks for your comment. Bu the way, I had a telephone chat with Razaque today. Poor chap ha a few medical problems and typing at the computer is not that easy. He promised he would be back and was in good humour I am happy to sy.

    2. Mahen, I owe it all to my dad who walked me most enjoyably through the rich world of English literature from my childhood. What I know is minute in comparison to the depth of knowledge he had.
      I was also very fortunate that he gave me a good brain for Maths and Physics which was the only saving grace through my 'dreamy'school years!
      My mum for her part entranced me with the beauty of
      classical music and art, both of which give me great pleasure.
      Together, by example, they taught me compassion, honesty and integrity, and for these I am ever grateful.
      Thankyou for the update on Razaque -I wish him a speedy recovery.

  5. Rohini, that was revealing. I remember you very well in Med shool but never knew or suspected that you had such depth of knowledge. Thanks to the blog again!

    We do owe a lot to our parents don't we? I find it so sad and heart breaking to hear some of the ones we had here in the uk where a parent murders a child. It is just unfathomable. The one I am alluiding to cannot be even put down to Mental illness- it was cold and calculating. What we are talking about, i.e., parental influence and environment in formative years is so vital. That is why one can sort of contest the concept of "free will" as some have started off life with bad inherited genes, then with awful upbringing and they have little chance from the start of exercising truly "free will".

    There! I have started another topic for debate/discussion!

  6. Yes Mahen, you do have a way of keeping our neurones firing!!
    It is indeed sad when families are dysfunctional,leaving the children with little chance of developing normally or even surviving sometimes. Those of us who have had it easy and comfortable find it difficult to fathom the actions of those at the other end of the spectrum. How people treat others is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves, and this applies to parents, children and across all age groups.
    I need to constantly remind myself not to judge anyone unless I have walked a mile in their shoes.
    I believe we are what our genes and circumstances have made us, and free will isn't absolute.

  7. I fully agree. I am almost sure you have read and may be listened to Sam Harris. If you haven't, (and for the benefit of those who may nit have), here is a link.

    1. Mahendra and Rohini, that discussion cheered me up a lot. You two have great minds. I understand Mahendra's disbelief on some of the news we receive but I hold that 'news is always bad'. And there is of course the odd bad person among millions of good ones. I am impressed by Rohini's words that 'we must not judge anyone unless we have walked a mile in their shoes.' How true! We have no idea what their 'journey' was like. Zita

  8. Zita,I hope you see this-Just a clarification of "Rohini's words" in your comment above-These were words I had lived with for many years and wasn't aware where I picked them up- could even have been from my dad! who said such things. Just in case they were uttered by someone whose wisdom I didnt wish to pretend to have,I googled it to find where it originated.The conclusion- There was no person whom it was attributed to, but probably was an American Proverb.
    My search also gave me a hearty giggle, as someone commented that this attitude would take you a mile away ending up with their shoes!I am still laughing at this- I hope it gives you a laugh too!
