
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

An appreciation from Harsha.

On 23 April 2017 at 11:37, Dr. Harsha Samarajiwa <> wrote:

My dear Lucky,

A belated Big Thank you from both of us, to all in the organizing committee for arranging a wonderful week-end in Negombo.

I would like to sincerely thank all my mates from the 62 Group, classmates, friends and patients who sent get well prayers, cards, calls, for a quick recovery. I feel very humbled, and happy about the concern expressed. Looking forward to the next re-union. I felt very disappointed that I missed the Big Match celebrations, but meeting our Group was ample compensation.

I am only hoping that I can get back to Medicine and my patients soon.

Warm Regards to all,



  1. Dear Harsha,
    This may be the first time Iam "speaking" to you and you probably wont even remember me in med school, though I have heard much about what an amazing person you are.
    I was unaware of the setback you appear to have had recently,
    but wish you a full and speedy recovery enabling you to get back to the great service you do according to your own wishes.
    With Warm Regards-Rohini(nee Senaratne)

  2. Harsha. I am so glad that you are on the mend and back working soon. Your patients must have missed you so much. Keep going pal and continue the great service you are providing.

  3. Antony Cyril Ernest
    12:13 (1 hour ago)

    to me
    Dear Harsha,
    I am sorry to hear about your illness - whatever it was.I am indeed glad you have recovered. I have tried on numerous occasions to contact you and I have not been successful - whether by e mail or by telephone.You have not been forgotten by me, it is just that I had given up on you.
    Cyril Ernest.

    1. For the benefit of those who didn't know, Harsha had a fall and suffered a fracture of the head of his humerus, just after our Batch Reunion.

    2. Harsha
      Get well soon. You are a gem in a world of pebbles.
      I have written on this blog of the wonderful care you gave my mother in her final few months. Your impeccable bedside manner, kindness and care will always be remembered with much gratitude

  4. Dear Harsha, it's better late than never. I am so sorry I am late in wishing but I did say an earnest prayer when I heard and now I am so happy to hear things sound so much better. You did well to attend the 50 anniversary get together. It's obvious it was one of the best if not THE best of all our get togethers. I was sorry to miss it, and I am not sure I'll be able to make the 75th anniversary either! Anyway, wherever I am I'll be so glad to be part of our wonderful batch. Now may I hope and pray you'll be back to your normal healthy self asap? From Zita

  5. My prediction is that the Blog wiill record a Million hits by the end of July this year. Let's see whethet I am at least close to it.

  6. It is great to hear that you are on the mend.

    1. It is all down to tender loving care by Yulali!

  7. So sorry to hear about this Harsha, but so glad that you are recovering well.Was great meeting you and Yulali at the reunion.Agree that this was the best reunion ever.I am in the wars with a tear of a medial meniscus!!!
    Best wishes and warmest from Kanthi and me to you both.
