
Monday, February 27, 2017

Millionth Hit? No, not yet

At the time of writing, our Batch Blog has had 963,961 "hits". I was hoping that the millionth hit would come in time to coincide with the 50th Anniversary since our graduation. But alas! It was not to be.

As the Blog Administrator, I take a peek at blog statistics from time to time. Today, at around 10.30 in the morning, I see that there have been 47 pageviews so far. Quite naturally, more recent posts attract the most number of viewers. Surprisingly however, the post on the Anatomy Block Centenary commemoration dated 3 November, 2013 continues to lead. Please see below:

Feb 21, 2017, 6 comments
Feb 24, 2017, 6 comments


Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Entry                                       Pageviews

United Kingdom                       374 
Sri Lanka                                321
United States                          276
France                                   149
New Zealand                            71
Germany                                 62
Australia                                 22
Netherlands                             21
Ireland                                    17
Canada                                   15


  1. We will have to wait at least till mid 2018 before we hit that magic mark.

  2. Interesting statistics. I hope that at the reunion we will be able to generate more interest and gain more followers. Do you know who is checking in from Germany, France and the Netherlands? I don't think we have batch mates in those countries, or do we? Thank you again Lucky, for keeping this blog going.

  3. Individual identities are not known. As I said before, there are many viewers who are not members of our batch following this blog. My next post will bear that out.

  4. Srianee, unfortunately it is not possible to home in on bloggers at an individual level. No doubt the culprits are in the Intelligence service getting material for fake news, or alternative truths or revised facts or desirable doctoring of truths or whatever !

  5. I have managed my school website since 1997. The number of hits is good for statistics but what really matters are those who contribute and comment. The rest form the 'silent majority' many of whom are stragglers who surf the net aimlessly day after day. Their hits are unimportant.
    I like Srianee's idea to help those who wish to use the blog and also to raise the profile of the blog at the Reunion.
    In the fullness of time as travel becomes more difficult and APR takes over the blog will be an invaluable source of information and a community to keep in touch.

  6. Such anonymous visitors are called Robots who are programmed to visit blogs. Fortunately, the number of Robots out there has come down drastically during the past year or so. So, although we have had such a large number of "hits", few are genuine.

  7. Thank you for enlightening me, all of you.
